I worked on Versus XIII AMA

I worked on Versus XIII AMA

Why can't Nomura just stick to a plan and deadline like a normal developer.

What the FUCK happened

He was forced to move on the next project, because square was in a shity situation at the moment and if Versus would fail they would be fucked so they decided that he will move on and his next game will save their asses (if shit goes down)

Why couldn't they ship Versus 13 on PS3, even if it was just ACT 1 and they could release Versus 13-2 at a later date, or remaster it on PS4/X1?

Was the combat always "hold button to attack"?

Money, game was getting more and more expensive and we had to make it more mainstream for example "goddess of death" had to be cut because of china's law

Fuck off Nomura

> No trip

enjoy fake answers everyone

No, in the beginning it was similar to KH 2 combat system, holding button was added during the transition to XV

How did Nomura take being taken off his project?

Was VersusXIII anywhere near coming together when SE removed him.

Also I don't believe you.

So did it work?
Ho big of a failure was 15 for SE and what are they thinking now and did they learn anything

Why does it look exactly like FFXV?

How linear was the game, compared to XV?
What was the story going to be?

No idea i don't know him that much, we only talked couple times at work and only about Versus, and it was about 40-50% done

No idea i left the company during early days of XV

My heart won't let go

Do you still work in the game industry

Why was the decision to nix the Insomnia attack from the beginning of the game made?

Nomura answered that himself. The performance while driving was terrible.

Was it going to be a trilogy?

was xv worth playing. i watched the movie with a buddy and got a hard on from the thought f summoning yojimbo and fighting fuckers as the pilot f a huge fucking monster

but the game is nothing lije that...

Is Nomura an incompetent hack?

It was more linear than XV, open world was very similar to the one in FF7, the story was about ghosts, demons and dreams, noctis and his companions died at the end


What was it like working with Nomura-san?

I know this is probably fake but let's keep going. How did everyone die? I read some other fake leaks that said ignis was the only one of the original 4 that survives at the end, is that true?

Cool, but he was kind of always in his thoughts kind of person

Gladio died in a sword fight, Ignis drowned, Prompto dies in a car accident and Noctis had to commit suicide in order to get their version of after life where the game ended btw

What about Stella? How does she tie into all this?

she was guiding noctis during the game, up until the moment when he discovered he killed her

What did you work on exactly?

i was programer

>Versus XIII
if you were serious youd be speaking to preservationists.
if you were serious youd be posting elsewhere
if you ARE serious, then why did you work on a shitty game within a shitty franchise

many reasons, technical issues, game not being finished yet when shit started coming down, square being in bad situation at the time, but most importantly money