I'm fine with some garbage game sucking up all the braindead shitters so they don't actually touch anything decent I play online.

chink bots making the game seem like the next big thing so tencent can purchase another IP that prints money, next level whale farming

Start to make real and good PC games and stop begging for console exclusives and emulators

>Game I don't like does shit
>"Hahaha dead game who can play a 5v5 when only 20k people are online wtf?!?!"
>Game I don't like does well
>"W-well it j-just sucks up all the shitters, who cares if my game is dying I d-don't need a big playerbase."

What makes PUBG so mechanically good Sup Forumsros?

Wow dude, go outside.

It's snowing right now

The strive against RNG.

Are you mad that you are a mouthbreathing mongoloid playing shit games? That's alright, you will grow out of it.

I don't know you.

Say it with me

>Doesn't know how China works
Its made in China. Do you know how many drones they can muster just to make this shit popular?

Korea isn't China you ignorant slut.

>it's shit because I don't like it
Nice argument there bruv

>Buy 90% of the copies sold
>Buy IP
Sounds like an amazing idea, until you realize it's retarded.
I don't get this idea that most poorfaggots have that companies want to spend tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to gaslight you, they'd rather but regular ads you fucking nitwit.

>muh chink bot meme
When will this end? That crap stopped a while ago, you actually have to play the game now.


Peaked at fucking 2 million. Literally why?

Flavor of the month for 4 months now?

>that crap stopped awhile ago
>chinks still make up the majority of the playerbase

Sup Forums is a minority in the gaming sphere. You're the Rhode Island of gaming.

>Month 1: Guys it's just the flavor of the month
>Months go by
>F-f-f-f-flavor of the month guys.

>didn't even manage to hit 2million

Is PUBG ,dare I say, dead?

I don't much care for it. Didn't care for it when it was called dayz, didn't care for it when it was called h1z1, don't care for it now. It's just a boring arena thing. It was a novel concept half a decade ago and I see why people who may not have played those games enjoy it now, but it just ain't for me. I hope they actually improve the game though. devs have this tendency to stop working when they have a captive playerbase, cause the more they update, the more someone finds something to bitch about, and the more people bitching, the more normies listen and don't buy, even if the complaints are unwarranted. So, they update very small things, in hopes that they won't step on any toes.

That's it, I fucking surrender. PUBG won and video games are dead. You fucking win, Playerunknown! I'm flying the white flag! There's no fucking hope for this industry or world anymore! You got what you wanted!

Why are you blaming Sup Forums? Do you have some self-loathing issue you're projecting onto the rest of us?