Dodge has no cooldown

>Dodge has no cooldown
>No stamina bar so can spam dodge forever
Sup Forums will defend this.

>playing nier for the gameplay

Check out this fag

>Every game must be the same

>combat robot gets tired easily

That and the healing mechanics are broken.
Still my GOTY of the year of the decade for other reasons though.

Fuck off DS pleb

Everyone knows that you dont play Tarogames for the gameplay because they are all outstandingly shit. You play them for the FUCKING WACKY STORIES. What a goddamn madman Taro is. I would suck his dick because hes a madman.

You're not doing damage if you're just dodging constantly though

We've finally reached a day where people bought a Yoko Taro game for the gameplay. It looks like we've come full circle


>Im a newfag

Until you get a perfect dodge and instant combo

Really? Sorry to hear about that buddy




>b.. but gameplay is su.. supposed to be shit!
the absolute state of Sup Forums

>an android has stamina!

>e-every game must be DUAWK SOURLZS!!!!

>Implying an Android gets tired or cares for stamina

I won't. i always knew nier combat is musou tier button mashing.
>playing video game for gameplay
Wew lad

Did the 'sucking dick' not tip you off?

I don't have to defend it, I can spam dodge it.


Its an RPG. It's not trying to be a high quality technical action game. Platinum was a mistake.

I never said that. If you actually played Drakengard/Nier you would realize that all of them suffered from mediocre gameplay and that was a large part of what made them niche

>I-it's SUPPOSED to be fucking dogshit tier trash!!


But they actually DO get tired, lie down in beds, or seem to have problems standing up after extensive action. They also bleed. These androids are very human.

Just saying, I like that there's no stamina bar in this gaem.

>andro = man (as in, male human)
Dick confirmed

You are "playing" it for the ass and nothing more.
Gameplay does not matter.

Yeah that's why you play as 9S for 3/4 of the game

I wouldn't care to fuck a boy's ass if he had a body like that.

It's not fucking dogshit tier trash though. You haven't play a actual bad game if you think that.

nier automata has gameplay?

What's wrong with it?

>You are "playing" it for the ass
And then people ask why NieR threads are shit.

Its twenty-first

Can you really call it first when there's a twenty before it?

would mapping the attack button to the shoulder buttons be more efficient? so i can control the camera while mashing, cause the lock-on mechanic sucks in this game.

just spam dodge bro xd

So is dmc3 bad for doing the same thing?


She doesnt have a stamina bar because her stamina is infinite. See:
This is a robot, not a human. If she did have one, you would make the exact same thread, only like:

>Dodge has cooldown
>Combat robot from thousands of years past humanity's destruction has cool down
Sup Forums will defend this

But you can't call that one first when it itself is not first. It doesn't capture the essence of being first.

>stamina bars in an action game
>calling them cooldowns instead of recovery frames
you've never played a proper action game before, have you?


This is a problem because...?
I actually prefer it like that and people still get hit. It also makes for great combat sequences (Adam / Eve in particular) when you also know how to mix up combos and use the grappling hook

To be fair, cooldowns and recovery frames are very different things. Maybe he wanted there to be downtime between rolls.