>Literally a 10/10 rpg game with a few bugs that gets updates on a regular basis
>Sup Forums barely talks about it
>Literally a 10/10 rpg game with a few bugs that gets updates on a regular basis
>Sup Forums barely talks about it
because there's nothing bad to say about it
No one cares about this 6/10 game (at best). We all know what the TRUE 10/10 GOTY will be and we're just patiently waiting for it. Pic very much related.
Why is there no lizard waifu?
Pillars of Eternity 2 is gonna be better. Why bother wasting my time talking about this shit? I gave up on it weeks ago. The writing is just so terrible.
>Literally a 10/10 rpg game
Sup Forums doesn't talk about good games.
Also, the game is still beyond bugged to fuck.
There are threads all the time, and anyway games as popular as that has generals on /vg/.
we talked about it 24/7 for like a week when it came out
it's old news now
Based Ederposter getting in this GEEK'S head rent-free.
How can you even compare DoS 2 to the shitpile that is PoE?
The former will end the year with a bunch of GOTY awards, and the latter is that shitty 2D indie CRPG with the bad voice acting and weird plot that is just there
I love it but it has some big flaws.
>Writing is still mediocre
>Game starts to lose steam halfway through act 2
>Plenty of bugs, especially when trying to play with friends
Like I said though, it's still great to me. I'd put it along with Breath of the Wild as my GOTY candidate. It's amazing that it shares a lot of similarities with that game actually, where the developers seemed to just say "Fuck it, make the whole game a fun explorable playground/theme park". While Breath of the Wild is more impressive to me with how it pulled it off in 3D (The way they designed the world is revolutionary IMO), Divinity handles its content a bit better.
Fucking fantastic though. When I played BotW back in March I thought no game would come close to it. Larian proved me wrong. It's so nice after seeing all these other devs shit out these shtty dated CRPGs like Pillars/Wasteland that a dev actually comes along and says "Man the gameplay was ass in those old games. Let's do our own thing".
The only thing I don’t like is how the vast majority of encounters end up being combat. There’s virtually no options to talk your way out of encounters. It just becomes a bit predictable - met an important character? You’ll kill them at some point
I wish there were quest markers on people
I don't wanna click through boring dialogue if I'm not getting a quest from somebody
>tfw every encounter with Necrofire just becomes a blue flame shitfest
gotta love them blessings
There were so many threads leading up to release anons were rightfully concerned about shills.
The first game was boring/had pacing problems and people didn't finish it.
because we are playing it
That's the problem with Necrofire. They build up this cool system and then ruin it with this cursed version of fire that you need to bless, but you don't really have enough source to just constantly keep necrofire away until the end of act 2 so every fight ends with fucking necrofire everywhere.
I go back and play Divinity 1 and there's poison and fire and electric clouds everywhere. I go play Divinity 2 and it's NECROFIRE.
It’s mediocre, 6.5/10
No matter how much of a faggot I expect you to be, you always find a new way to be even more retarded than I thought possible.
how can this be 10/10
seems like everyone either hates the writing or the gameplay
I can't get over the Gaia Online *Action Marks*
Oh also Tactician Mode is the biggest in the game. In Divinity 1 they released it far after the game's initial release, so they had time to sit down and put in new encounters and add twists to old encounters. It was awesome.
In Divinity 2 it's "We buffed the enemy's armor by 50%. Bye".
Nah it’s really bad, shills are shilling
Biggest disappointment*
There were a billion threads pre-release and after release they moved to /vg/
How new are you?
shity story, they cut all cool stuff by adding voice over.
>play without guide
underleveled for every fight, cant progress
>play with guide
game becomes a checklist
>Can't win without a guide.
>Thinks his opinion is valid
As if Edér wasn't a big enough bro in the game already, now he's saving us from shills. Broest of bros.
Sup Forums has been victim of viral marketing for many years now. It isn't what it used to be.
However, is there any reason to start 2 if I haven't finished the first one yet?
There's one reason: To give Larian their money to justify the shill costs.
But if you mean legitimate reason, no. OS 2 is just OS 1 with even more flaws.
I've been pretty much point on in terms of level for most fights without a guide so far and I'm level 17. Can count the number of times I've googled something with one hand.
dhuuuurrrrrrrrr mor liek poopinity brrappiginal shit ehhheeehehe
buy Pillars of Exile instid idsh da best cprg evvr duuuuuuuhrrrrr
i dont talk about it because i'm playing it
its the best game isnce W3
Can confirm.
I thought it's just a new story etc so I guess I'll finish first one first and then maybe... then start second.
>shitty 2d rpg
First post, best post. Game is good. Everyone is too busy shitposting about Cuphead and Wolfenstein being anti Nazi.
the game is incredibly large but not nearly as interesting, exploring everything eventually becomes a chore
areas are too heavily gated by level
the devs were unsure about whether NPCs should provide a serious story or comedic relief leading to an awkward mix of the two
the elemental surfaces are a cool idea but by the time you reach the middle portion of the game 99% of all battle areas are cursed fire/cursed poison/cursed etc.
all characters and nearly all enemies get a form of flight or teleportation, this removes almost all tactical thinking about positioning
persuasion checks are pure dice rolling and really encourage save scumming
coop play has the really annoying issue where one person talking to a quest relevant NPC only counts for that person and the other players won't have the info in future conversations with other NPCs unless they talked to the questgiver as well
>few bugs
Is this nigger serious? Have you played through Arx?
it's much better than w3 though
This actually has fun gameplay
True Sup Forums heroes
Turn based is archaic and boring and especially sucks when there's no tiles.
Not necessarily, 2 is better then 1 though.
not an argument
The game is a borefest that’s why, it’s 6/10 at best
Console port when
Sup Forums is full of Obsidrones in denial about how Pillars of Shiternity just got fucking buried by it
Nice argument shitposter, the game is a bug ridden fiesta and you can’t defend this shit
PoE has a better score and reviews faggot
buh it lets me fug le skelly lizzy xD
Brainlets begone.
>Obsidiots are literally retarded
Not surprised desu.
at least say bg2 if you're trying to shitpost
You stupid Obsidinigger
Denial is bad for your health
Nice shop faggot larian nigger
Don't think that's a edit user.
That said, comparing the two is pretty unfair since Pillars came out in 2015, while divinity came out last month.
It would be more fair to compare Divinity 1 and Pillars 1, and compare Divinity 2 to Pillars 2 when that comes out.
If you cant use the word literally correctly then stop. So tired of seeing this word
literally this