It´s Soul Reaver intro Cinematic Kino?
post your your kino video game intro cinematic
It´s Soul Reaver intro Cinematic Kino?
post your your kino video game intro cinematic
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The whole Legacy of Kain saga is kino
But Blood Omen 1 is better and it makes more sense after playing Soul Reaver 2
>2 LoK threads in a week
Wew guys, easy on the threads. You're making me want to replay the whole thing.
god dammed malek
I'm surprised no one ever recreated this scene. No SFM, no nothing.
Word around the fort is that Malek was engaging in hot armored, gotta use protection sex while the circle was being murdered.
Yes it is
Also reposting from the other thread
This game's storyline is worthy of a novel. Not fan fic tier novelization, but a regular book series. I don't think anything else can be put in this list desu famalam
I was on the other thread and inspired me to drawfag this
LoK games and characters are the shit.
what the fuck do you faggots mean by "kino"
The word means "movie" in my language and it sounds confusing as fuck when Sup Forums started to memify it
>LoK games and characters are the shit.
I always liked the gritty fantasy that's present in both kain and raziel
The KINO award is for artsy high quality movies
>Amy Henning will never complete the saga
Feels bad bros
You guys know Legacy of Kain was written by a convicted pedophile, right?
You know this series got it's name from a book about cuckoldry.
It's beautiful.
I love the series but one thing that never made sense to me with regards to the time travel is how little technology progresses throughout millenias.
I've never played any LoK game before, should I play blood omen first or just skip to Soul Reaver?
Show me him getting arrested for it. Even if they are true who cares Henning made the series worth a damn
Blood omen is not only the best game of the series, but also essential to the story.
The play order goes like this :
>BO2, which takes place before SR but is self contained.
Is Raziel the most beta character in vidya history?
Play Blood Omen. Don't worry, it's amazing.
alright thanks
More like the best unJUST in the history of time
Also would like to note that BO2 is technically both before SR and also after SR2 due to timey wimey shit. It's a new timeline.
soul reaver's intro is pretty good but nothing tops deus ex's intro
>KINO award
google brings ub some kraut shit with literally one page and shitton of unrelated crap
doesent seem all that significant to me
Oh yes, most certainly.
Probably and he still manages to be cool as hell somehow
Pages voice reminds me of some actor but i can't remember his name, damn it's uncanny.
2 intro was more K I N O
>the entire final boss fight in the first game is the intro of the second game
God this whole series was cinematic shit done right.
>that fucking tribal-like music
Fuck LoK it is the progenitor of everything wrong with the industry today trying to be cinematic experiences. If they released today Sup Forums would call them out on what shitty movie games they really are
You don't really need an ending spelled out for you.
Raziel's ultimate sacrifice at the end of Defiance is basically the ultimate step towards victory of freeing everyone from the cycle of faggotry.
Everything after that would just be powerwank fluff and spelling out the obvious.
Kain had already won as of Defiance ending since he was cleaned of the curse, paradox worked out in his favour and the Elder God ran away underground like a little bitch.
An open ending like that also allows you speculate on what happens next and opens the doors of your imagination.
Don't think of what could've been, be thankful for what was already there.
Next time put effort into that bait considering LoK games are some of the best Metroidvanias ever made with plenty gameplay and puzzles.
>Kain had already won as of Defiance ending
Except not really
>inb4 it was a 5 dimensional plan by an Elder God all in itself
>Except not really
Literally all that's left is to clean up, are you doubting Kain's ability to do that?
His entire goal, all along, was to cause a paradox that would undo Nupraptor's Curse, and that's exactly what happens in Defiance, the curse is undone and Kain, the Guardian of the Pillar of Balance, is cleansed. At this point all he has to do is clean up the Hylden and Elder God, the end.
It's already completed, kind of.
>are you doubting Kain's ability to do that?
Yeah, he almost lucked out into a favorable outcome.
Anyway, that cancelled blueman game was exciting, they had a nice idea of not trying to one up the existing thing and have their own little lore, i'd love to see new timeline thousands of years into the future.
They really need to bundle all of these games and port them to PC and current gen consoles. The story can be a little confusing because of time-paradoxes, but the dialogue alone makes these games worth playing. It's pretty much Shakespeare from beginning to end. Top notch voice acting from a series most people don't even know about.
>Yeah, he almost lucked out into a favorable outcome.
He did have a bit of luck on his side, that's true, but he also had something far better than luck - Raziel.
>Anyway, that cancelled blueman game was exciting
It also literally became Lord of the Sexlobs: Arkham Shadow of Mordor Creed, so just play that garbage if you want it.
I like listening to LoK in other languages I'm trying to learn.
Already did it with English and recently with spanish and japanese.
Literally all of them are on PC.
You can also play literally all of them on a PS2, or a backwards compatible PS3.
However, PC version of Soul Reaver is meh because it has butchered music (half of the soundtrack is straight up cut and so is the dynamic music), PS1 version looks like ass and the best one is actually the Dreamcast version which has none of the issues of PC and PS1, and has updated character models to be more early PS2-tier in quality.
Blood Omen 1 is only on PS1 and PC, both have advantages and disadvantages.
PS1 has smaller field of view due to its resolution (320x240), but runs at 60 FPS.
PC version has 2x bigger field of view with its 640x480 resolution, but runs at 30 FPS, as a result the entire gameplay component is quite literally running at half-speed compared to PS1, despite all the audio working fine and being in-sync.
So, pick your poison.
What kind of vampire is Kain anyway? He's not descendant of the noble vampires like Janos. His vampirism was gifted to him by a necromancer so he has no lineage as such.
Blood Omen 2 had the best tutorial hints ever.
He's human-based vampire obviously, but his vampirism comes from Janos' heart so he's closer to a pure vampire than say, Raziel and all the other Kain-spawn.
Was Vorador a human turned vampire too? He and Kain have similar physical traits.
He didn't recieved the Blood curse he was resurrected vía the heart of darkness, so he's unique, add the fact that not only Is he the balance guardian but the Scion of balance as well.
And he didn't passed the Blood curse because the method died with Vorador before he could teach Kain, the way Kain resurrected Raziel and His brethren was by breathing a portion of his soul onto them, so the late vampires of Nosgoth are far more durable, stronger and unique
To be completely fair, Amy Hennig did write both LoK and Uncharted. So he's not wrong.
>press yourself to paradox
Yes, I think he was even the first human-based vampire.
You need to remember that the original vampires weren't really vampires, they were essentially Angels. They got cursed with the Blood Curse, turning them into bloodsuckers and rendering them infertile, so they started "reproducing" by infecting humans.
By the time of the games, Janos is literally the only original "vampire" left, Vorador and Kain both being human-based vampires.
Awful game
What an irrelevant point
>late vampires of Nosgoth are far more durable, stronger and unique
Both true and false. Every next vampire that Kain spawned was progressively weaker than the previous one, hence why Raziel was the "stronkest" since he was the firstborn.
Ultimate Kino
>FF8 intro:
>Chrono Cross intro
Tenchu: Stealth Assasin intro
>Suikoden 3 intro
>Kingdom Hearts intro
i would add tekken 2,3,5 and vagrant story to these
>Came in here to say Onimusha 3's intro movie is the only other video game intro move that has ever stood out to me besides SR1's
I love when Sup Forums doesn't disappoint.
I love the pasta to this.
Don't mind me, just throwing this coin.
Sounds like bullshit, but it sounds like you're pretty familiar with cuckoldry literature.
Cuckoldry has unironically ruined Sup Forums.
are you retarded?
If I ever came home from work and saw a vampire pounding my wife I would just throw garlic on him.
Have my wife cheat on me is pretty embarrassing, but I think being killed by a fucking vegetable is way worse.
>Samonosuke absorbing Souls and using all his three weapons from the first game
This shit is just too fucking good man.
When Raziel rips out Kain's heart in Defiance, what brings him back to life ? Is this sheer plot armor ?
It's not Kain's heart, it was Janos' heart. Anyway, the answer is plot armor.
>>How can Kain survive without the Heart of Darkness?
>His nature as the Scion of Balance allows him to survive.