To depressed to play video games

>to depressed to play video games

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>too depressed to even type properly

>tfw too intellgident to play video games

You're just tired because you played so mch vidya

I know that feel
>buy video game
>open video game
I can only plays VN and watch anime nowadays

what do you do when loneliness hits?

although that would make it worse

>tfw to intelligent too meme correctly

>too depressed to play video games

honestly if you're at that stage; you may aswell just go and kill yourself, like if you can't find pleasure in escapism; are you even able to be rehabilitated?

Cheer up you fucking faggot.

Or go to the doctor. I've been given prozac and I'm happy as a lamb now.

you should play danganronpa v3


i see the irony

>tfw so depressed that I spent last 2 hours shitposting
>most of those were bad shitposts
>didn't get many (You)s

Me too
I basically just throw on some music, close my eyes, and try to rest most of the time.

Work out a bit.
Or just run a bit - like 20 minutes.
Energy will come back.

just the way it is as you age. you finally realize that time is finite and video games don't have as much of a draw and reward value as before. time is better spent doing other stuff like being spent with family or doing other hobbies.

ran into this wall at the beginning of this year. can't even bring myself to launch a 2d game on steam and i am actually glad i did. started focusing more on my career and long term aspirations

>tfw want to make games instead of play them
Wish me luck Sup Forums.

Have you tried Skies of Arcadia?

i already fapped today, played some vidya
didn't help
also these feels get worse at night

>not depressed enough to stop posting on Sup Forums

Hopefully you fuck off soon

lol u mad bro?

(you)s is the only medicine worth taking

Sup Forums is a shitposting containment board. It's only natural that we do this here.

Sit with your feelings. Try to eat something. Go outside, if only for a walk. Clean something. Clean yourself up. Try again tomorrow. Make the same healthy decision more than once. Set a schedule for it. Move near a window if you must stay in. Seek sunlight. Get consistent amounts of sleep. Set aside ten minutes a day for meditation. Just focus on the breath. Think about getting some exercise. A long walk will do. Let something go. Let some people go. Make lists. Remind yourself what matters to you. Prioritize yourself. Be honest. Be bold. Entitlement is a good thing in moderation. Forgive yourself. Learn from mistakes. Take your time.

Isn't posting on Sup Forums basically the lowest activity you can do next to fapping?

I'm prone to it most when I feel alienated.

This is my life
>other hobbies
Where'd you copy and paste this from?

Was just writing advice from my own experience, user.

Depression is just pathetic nu-males and millenials crying their little bitch tears that life is hard. Imagine shits like this in the 50s. You'd get your shit slapped and told to go back to fucking work. Now we have people scamming sad little cunts with their joke fields such as psychology. Kill yourself.

Creepy bullshit man

>comparing modern day to the 50s

>the 50's, when the medical field wasn't advanced enough to understand depression, didn't understand depression
Really gets the noggin joggin.

nice copypasta

Just kys user

>tfw to intelligent too be depressed

Clean your room

Twf to iglebigent too depressing . Twf when an going 2 kys myself

You should read that doki doki litterature club thing Sup Forums keeps making threads for. It's pretty good for depression.

>Depressed, interactions with friend only make it worse
>Go full offline mod and listen to sh2 ost
Man he's gonna hate me tomorrow, we were supposed to go to the movie.