This is the face of Twitch

This is the face of Twitch.
What went wrong?

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This is a shitpost in the year 2017.
What went wrong?

I hate that face

>another Sup Forums bitches like fannyflustered teenage girls about streaming thread

The wig of twitch.

>people unironically enjoy watching other people play games instead of playing themselves

It was never right
I bet youre all into cuckhold as well

Everything went wrong.

>6'8 muscular man is the face of twitch
What went right?


He’s pretty based


12 year olds encouraging it.


it will be their downfall

Cuckholding is the thinking man's fetish

who is this faggot

i only heard about doc from summit i always thought doc was this super shit talking macho dude but hes really calm and boring on stream, nothing like i had imagined, which sucks, hes fucking boring


doc is the man

Fuck off shill

He's the only guy I've really cared to watch on Twitch, he actually has production and personality as opposed to the soyboys and white trash manchildren that constitute 90% of the site.

He used to trash talk a lot more, i think hes doing it less because
1) He is bored of PUBG now, hard to get hype when the game is trash
2)Dude sponsers dont like naughty words lmao

I hate him. But that's just his persona. He's very very very VERY rarely showed his actual personality, without the wig/moustache. His actual self is much better

dude is legit entertaining. Something 99% of streamers are not

Is his name Earl?

He's become a sponsorship cow like a lotta people who try to play the Sponsorship $$$ game.

So hes' had to dro pa good deal of his persona's edge.

You need to go back.

sorry but 2012 dayz lirik was the best stream

they like to feel like they're part of this superior player's victory, because they themselves know they're terrible at the game. same deal with sports, where a bunch of fat middle-aged working class men will live their successes vicariously through 20-something millionaire athletes.

Twitch power rating (PUBG edition):
1. Shroud
2. Summit
3. DrDisrespect
4. JoshOG
5. TimTheMan
6. Visions
7. Chad

literally who

How else am i gonna see if i want to buy a game? I agree people that toon into the same person for another day of pubg are special kinds of retards

I don't watch streamers but I love cuckolding.
I completely agree with your analogy, I'm just an outlier

They banned the only good content.

i've been here longer than you.

I liked his h1z1 streams

He is balding in his 20s. His actual self is pathetic. I prefer the wigged persona.

he's 35.

>anime poster
>is also a projecting cuckold

like clockwork

Even worse ;_;

Why are redditors so desperate to force this guy?

holy fuck, how insecure are you

i wish i could see how you looked

>not DSP
What the fuck EW?

>man who gets upset at honking

Good for him. I'm glad he was able to find a new audience.

only closet autists like this fuck.

He looks better without the glasses and hat

grimmz > drdisrespect > rest

That isn't him you retard.

I thought the 6 foot 8 thing was a joke.

This isn't the face of Twitch.
What went wrong?

Hell yeah, didn't know this site had more cum boys on it.

what a monster

He did what any aspiring streamer should do; Dig their claws into an upcoming game with lots of potential as a streamer bait game and make it their own. Granted I have no idea if he had any history prior to this game, but I certainly never heard of him up until PUBG's rise in popularity.

hang yourself my man

>ohhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha NI LO MA WA

he went under everyone's radar

my man right here fucks

Summit is the least likable person on twitch though.
Holy fuck I can't stand more than a minute of him, all he does is cry about shit.

haha kfc haha autistic streamer haha so funny

you two are dumb fags, shut up.

>you two are dumb fags, shut up.

A cupcake and a candy bar.

Nothing as he's a pretty good representation of the Twitch populace. Male, hairy, not very masculine but immerses himself in masculine-esque things, pretty vidya-oriented without any flowery bullshit added into the mix.

When it comes right down to it most people on Twitch are just guys who care about videogames. The faggots throwing money at skanks that show their fat feet on cam aren't the majority.

more like >

>shroud and summit

confirmed boring person in real life

I watch other people play games on my 2nd monitor while playing games on my primary monitor. you obviously didn't think about that which means you're a poorfag with only one monitor. get out of your mothers basement and get some work you neckbeard loser.

Nothing. He's an actual entertainer and puts effort into his character.

Every other streamer is just
>hey guys I'm playing video game
>whoa thanks for subbin welcome to the video game bros
>wow thing happened in game haha
>hey guys you know subs are half off now is the time to join the video game bros
>hey a donation
>"thanks video game bro your stream got me through my wife's boyfriend dying you're the best"

If avoidingthepuddle played pubg he would be one of the most popular streamers on twitch. He cant/wont use a mouse, unfortunately

>actually knowing that many Twitch streamers
Jesus christ

holy shit

>be streamer for a specific game
>refuse donations
>work for the community for free


hi saddie

Nothing. Twitch was always shit.

>tfw you remember Michael1985

He is just acting infront of a camera how you would like to act in real life.

The biggest cuckboi here is you.
I bet you watch Tyler streams on regular basis you abhorrent humunculus.

>imagine beeing 35y old and still acting like a 15y old edgelord

This is just sad at this point.
At least he earns good shekkel for playing the clown for manchildren

he's playing a character, hence the silly disguise and outfit. at least I imagine that's his defense for his behavior.

Cuckhold as in one that enjoys having other fuck his wife or the bastardized Sup Forums version where everyone that has not a six figure job is a cuck?
Because if the latter then you are correct, fuck i can't even begin streaming because i have a literal toaster and no dosh to upgrade it, let alone get all the necessary stuff to set a streaming/recording equipment.

Is that Jerma? He's a funny guy, i would let him fuck my wife.

It is called cuckold you illiterate basement loner NEET

Is he the Chad of Twitch?

Also no one cares about your sorry ass. What makes you think anyone wants to watch you play a shitty game?

Typically if I am interested in getting a game, I watch someone play through some of it, and if I like what I see, and it makes me want to buy the game so I can play it myself, I do so. Haven't regretted a single purchase so far. I just treat it like previewing the game to see if I will like it and want to buy it or not.

Redpill me on him

If i can't even fucking stream what makes you think i can play anything post 2007?

I never understood why you someone would do this.

weird they are all boring fuckin lifeless zombies that kids think as entertainment
how did this become

I only watch competitive games where the best play each other. Otherwise I can't watch a guy just play normally or against random scrubs.

Is it just me or are all the big pubg streamers dull as hell?


It might be the thinking man's fetish but it's not the acting man's fetish, amirite?

this is the face of twitch

face of germany*


>tfw JTV was just getting popular
>get to watch all these major tournaments across the country/world
it was very reasonable in the pre-donation times

Dull game, dull people

I will google you a red pill "Jeremy Elbertson, AKA Jerma985, or simply Jerma, is a Youtube user and creator of the Jerma Universe. He currently has over 600,000 subscribers on Youtube, and is well-known for creating gameplay commentaries for the video game Team Fortress 2 and many random PC games, as well as his absurd sense of humor." his youtube channel is a good place to get an idea how he performs.

unbanned soon btw

>Not watching Papa Bern and the Pink Twinks autistic adventures in Japan

Do streamers not understand that asking for donations when you average less than 5 viewers is counterproductive?