So I just beat this, and holy fuck was this boring. I can't believe you fuckeres memed me into buying this

So I just beat this, and holy fuck was this boring. I can't believe you fuckeres memed me into buying this.

Explain how you rationalize this purchase so that I may apply similar techniques.

but did you get all the dusty tokens?

>Explain how you rationalize this purchase so that I may apply similar techniques.
Being an autist who wants the main character to fuck a kid from a dead series

I did not. By the end I was so suicidaly bored it was either call the quits or blow my brains out.

Backup rationalizations? I don't have that brand of autism.

Did you actually beat it or did you get tricked by the fakeout ending like a few reviewers were?

well, what games do you like?

I liked Bloodborne (which was essentially why I bought this box), and I was hoping I'd get a little more fun out of it by playing GF2.

I was mistaken.

I don't know what to tell you
It has interesting and unique movement mechanics, so your enjoyment comes out of experimenting with them and also exploring the world. GR2 is probably my favorite open world in games.

You already have the only essential game for ps4 user, all other exclusives are not needed. Don't waste your time with them.

I can accept that there are some games I'm just not going to like. It just sucks that there really don't seem to be many games except the one I've already played on here. I just wish the library was bigger so that I had more to chose from, you know?

How does Gravity Rush 2 compare to Gravity Rush (Vita)?

I will say once you ascend that pillar and end up living the daily grind of being a prisoner queen was one of the most agonizing and least fun segments I've ever played in a game. it made me not want to give it a second playthrough

I want to F F F F F F F F U C C that Kat!

Someone played a grand total of ten games in his life.

I fucking know, right? It was one of the most bone-snappingly frustrating experiences I've had in video games in over a decade.

The entire segment effectively drew the game's score down several points for me.

What sick mongoloid designed this and thought "yeah this will be fun"?


Agree OP. Game was garbage. Thank God it barely sold.

I was contemplating buying this game but after hearing the servers shut down I'm not sure if I wanna. Can you describe it please?

you still have a couple of months

A lot of the game's sections is so poorly designed it felt like they slapped it together 5 minutes before lunch and then went on break. In a game like this level design is king, and they fucked it so hard it's almost impossible to put into words.

The problem is that what should be fun (jumping around and fucking with gravity) isn't made fun thanks to some truly awful design work.

Ever played a game where navigation and exploration is fun? If yes, good for you, this is not one of those games. If no, and you don't want to change that, play Gravity Falls 2.

You dont wanna know

There's nothing to rationalize, I genuinely like the series. Great music, great artstyle, fun gameplay mechanics. Yeah, it has its problems and could do more to craft compelling level design and combat scenarios, but overall it's a solid series. I can understand why it wouldn't be someone else's cup of tea but it's mine.

More of the same but a lot bigger and some new gravity tools to tinker around with. How you felt about the first should more or less mirror your feelings about 2. Operative word being "should" - some people seem to find the story to be less charming but I dunno, I've always liked the series' small talk and banter more than the overarching mess of a narrative.

Why did you play it through to completion if it was that awful? It's considerably longer than the first game.

Like, holy shit dude if I'm that bored of a game after five or six hours I'll just drop it.

I am never going to understand why so many people shill GF2. It's a mediocre platformer with the blond stereotype animu slut you can find in a million other games. For fucks sake, there are better games out there than this garbage.

Because, as mentioned, it and Bloodborne are the only games I have for this thing, and I bought it used so I couldn't return it.

>I am never going to understand how people have fun with things that I don't have fun with


>It's a mediocre platformer with the blond stereotype animu slut you can find in a million other games

I wouldn't call GR a platformer and Kat's a charming character.

You people need to raise your standards a little holy shit.

Well, I enjoyed the gravity powers and challenges, too bad it's not your cup of tea user.

I'll be the one to say it - it's Gravity Rush, not Gravity Falls. The latter is a cartoon.

rent Nioh and buy it if you like it

>flying around a huge, beautiful city in the clouds with gravity powers and exploring a bizarre, otherworldly story is bad because the protagonist is blonde girl

a u t i s m

I'm pretty sure they're having a laugh. You know, GF like girlfriend? Either that or their genuinely retarded. Hard to tell.

Oh shit, I didn't even catch that. Nice samefagging OP.

did you get the real ending or stop playing after the credits? doesnt really matter i guess, if you didnt enjoy it you wont want more. its a shame, i would say GR2 is the most underrated, underappreciated game this gen. loved the first one too, too bad we'll never get a third but i hope the next title by the studio is great and sells well.

>isn't made fun thanks to some truly awful design work

Can you elaborate on this?

>huge beautiful city
It's aesthetically boring and repeats itself a lot.

This is nothing new.

>bizarre, otherworldly story
Read a book nigger.

>because the protagonist is blonde girl
No it's because the game's shit, hastily covered up by some under-dressed slut to prevent your head from attaining required bloodflow to conclude the game's shit.

its not a platformer, shes not stereotype and there is no other game out there even remotely similar to Gravity Rush. good to know youve never played it though

Not him but as someone who loves the game it does have its share of poorly conceived moments, namely side quests that prevent you from using gravity powers (doubly so if it's basically a walking simulator like that one dog mission - at least some like the action movie ones make for some platforming) and the one episode which shall remain nameless because it was a blight on an otherwise fine main story. You know the one, I don't even have to say it. We all hated it.

>have fun playing SHIT and not realizing it
You're that autist, user.

we get it, youve never played it and are desperate for (you)s. here you go. hope it makes your day a little brighter my dude

Did you get the second ending? Cause that was where things really picked up for me.

Shame that a lot of the sidequests and challenges were pretty dull though.

No no, he said the gravity powers should be fun but aren't fun because of bad design decisions.

I'm curious to know what it was that made the gravity movement not fun. The stealth bits are stupid, but they're few and far between which is certainly not enough to brand the entire game's flying experience badly.

It is strangely boring, and I played the original HD remastered just before the sequel.

I'm just not invested, and there's not enough variety to rationalize the scope of the world they want you to explore.
Feels kinda empty after you've seen every location once.

I do like all of the surrealist stuff though, I just keep getting more interested in other things.

>mfw I'm already at 1/3 completition of the Dusty coins' rewards

Well, treasure hunts are less annoying than I thought. I would accept more challenges, but I usually screw something up during those.

Oh. Yeah, the gravity powers are fucking great.

I said it in other threads - getting those rewards won't take as long as some people were saying, especially now that rewards have been increased due to the incoming shutdown.

No they're shit.


>rewards have been increased due to the incoming shutdown.
They couldn't just give out the rewards for free now that the challenges will be locked?

Eh, maybe they'll give them away for the final update.

Of course not. That would make sense.

>Explain how you rationalize this purchase so that I may apply similar techniques
By enjoying the game.

You know exactly why. People that already earned the rewards would be royally butthurt and whine and whine and whine about how unfair it is that everyone gets them for free.

That's ALWAYS how this shit goes, when exclusive content gets later released to everyone. Every time without exception.

Entire game's 2/10.

I loved the first game, but I think GR2 made a bit of a misstep with the first half of the story and most of the sidequests being about a standard rich vs poor class conflict, instead of about the wacky super hero battles, existential nightmares, and sudden journeys to the edge of the universe that make the setting interesting.

Yakuza 0 / Kiwami

Fair enough. Then go the asshole route and release it as paid DLC. Point is, people should not lose access to those rewards because the servers are getting shutdown in just a year. It makes no difference to me, I got all the rewards months ago. But for people who want to play it from 2018 onwards it's a bit bullshit.

>People that already earned the rewards would be royally butthurt

Stop with your trash.

What part don't you understand?

I don't think I've ever played a game that I would consider to be a 2/10. Worst is like a 4 and that'd be shit like Dragonball Z Taiketsu. I'd consider a 2 to be fundamentally broken.

>Fair enough. Then go the asshole route and release it as paid DLC
That would make sense, but remember you still cannot get the preorder white Kat costumer unless you preordered. Not even as paid DLC, which I know some people would be willing to pay.
I don't think they give a shit.

Kiss my ass.

Keep on screeching you dumb shill

Why do you think you deserve the preorder content if you did not preorder the game?

I'm just saying, I think you're overreacting a little.

Most games that have preorder content will usually released that content as DLC to everyone later down the line, either free or paid.
But just not this game.
Why wouldn't they want to release the white costume as DLC. I'm sure people would be willing to pay a few bucks for it, so Sony can squeeze a few extra dollars of the small playerbase, and the preorder people will still be happy because they got if first and for free.

Who cares if those who already got the rewards get miffed about it?

There are more people who haven't had the chance to earn the rewards who are being denied the chance later on, so why cut out the content for them entirely instead of offering some way around it?

I'm not, It's the definition of a horrible game plain and simple.

>cut out the content for them entirely
Not confirmed yet.

Agreed OP and I actually enjoyed the first game despite thinking it was highly flawed. GR2 was a fucking slog to get through and many of the additions actually made the game more tedious.

Did you reach the second credits?

One of the most unique and fun games Ive played this gen. Shame you have such shit tastes.

>Who cares if those who already got the rewards get miffed about it?
The people who already got the rewards. And Japan Studio, I guess.
And those people could say the same thing to you: who cares if you're miffed about them not releasing the rewards for free? Should've earned your dusty tokens in time.

>haven't had the chance to earn the rewards
Game's been out 9 months, I'm pretty sure most people who wanted to play it have probably done so by now. You can't use that excuse so far after release.

Besides, there is still plenty of time to actually get everything.

1 was so superior to 2.

...2 had worse story, worse character development and the new mechanics just felt like garbage.

>excellent world and level design
>perfect soundtrack
>fun as fuck
>actually unique and original
>charming and cute

The GR games are my favorite games of all time, hands down

My main complain is horrible camera, stealth ground missions and clusterfuck climax with no explanation again.

It's good game but I had higher expectations for it.

>You already have the only essential game for ps4 user, all other exclusives are not needed

t. PCbro

Honesty I don't care about all the rewards. The ones I wanted were already unlocked through having a save from the first game.

I just don't like the general idea of cutting out content for those who haven't even gotten around to playing the game, few and far between as they may be.

Yeah. I don't know how they make a game about flying anywhere so fucking boring.

I like everything in these games but the gameplay.

Didnt this game come out semi recently? And the servers are already shutting down? The fuck?

ok sonyfriend.

>excellent world and level design

>having taste this shit
I truly pity poor souls such as your own

I liked 2 more than 1 personally and I really wanted a sequel to 1. The world's much livelier and I feel like they actually took advantage of that with the sidequests this time. Challenges in 1 were also a mixed bag - you wrestled with the dodgy controls on Vita and steamrolled them on PS4 because they were designed around the Vita's dodgy controls. Also, I think Lunar's a fun mode to just mess around in, spring jumps are cool. Story and character development are in 1's favor but 1 chronicles the up and coming rise of a hero whereas 2 feels like that weird middle act of a trilogy so it makes sense, but I like the character interaction more than either of those in this instance and I don't think 2 is lesser to 1 in that regard, save maybe Kat occasionally being a little cockier than usual. Throw in little extras like treasure hunts (RIP) and mining trenches and I think it's just a better overall package - not uniformly superior but better in the ways that I'd prefer it to be.

ok pajeet

Sup Forums is literally a Sony-gger board. You aren't allowed to have a negative opinion about a Sony exclusive.

Look at how many apologists there are ITT, defending this shit.

How do you faggots live with taste this abysmal?

>inb4 banned for flamewar
Having a negative opinion about a game and a system is not a bannable offence Sony-gger mods.

It's not that you can't have negative opinions but posts like these suggest that you can't have positive ones. Same shit, different flavor.

Oh you're the only one who's allowed to have a opinion now?


You can have a negative opinion if the game's shit.

I played the first game and got adequete enjoyment from it. The story was atrocious tho. Had the right elements to be decent, but it was a clusterfuck.

Didn't get the second game, didn't have the interest after the demo. That said, 'Nightingale' is easily the best vidya OST track I've ever heard.

The story is no less of a clusterfuck in the second.

But seriously tho, how did that script get through QA on the first game? Literally nothing make sense, and they keep introducing new characters and side plots up until the final seconds. It's painfully bad.

I have to assume it's intentional to drive home the point that it's not a story driven game, and the plot is there only to provide the vaguest of context.

Also known as people who liked the game

>mfw people somehow have an opinion that is literally DIFFERENT from mine, what the fuck

Gravity Rush is a bit simple but I love the idea of open world with the gravity, flying, and free fall. Hopefully GR3 isn't dead.

I dunno, but I like the beat by beat conversations. It's great when Kat's just shooting the shit with people. The story is just there to me.

Your good opinion only comes from your fanboyism.

>>huge beautiful city
>It's aesthetically boring and repeats itself a lot.
Name a better looking open world in games

>This is nothing new.
Are you fucking serious? Did you even play the game?