Dear PC only gamers,

Congrats on being able to play Nioh for the first time next month. We don't mind it not being a PS4 exclusive anymore. We're happy that more people get to play this fantastic game. It's a great game and we hope you'll enjoy it.

Just please do the Nioh fanbase a favor: DON'T PIRATE THE GAME.

Seriously, just don't. Nioh is a great game that's worth every penny and its devs deserve support.

Not to mention if you do pirate you won't have access to online features like PvP and Co-op, so you'd only be hurting yourself in the long run.

The Nioh fanbase.

something something pirates wouldn't have bought the game in the first place.

Speak for yourself. I thought Nioh was pretty average before it got a PC announcement.

>nioh fanbase
Doesn’t exist. Shit games dont get fanbases.

Thanks, user.

>The Nioh publisher.

Now I need to know how will it play.

Keyboard or controller? That's the question since DS plays like a nightmare with keyboard.

Getting this and .hack//gu

Is it better or worse than Ninja Gaiden?

I never ended up finishing the game and was wanting to get back into it. May as well wait for the PC version at this point. Can't believe I bought a PS4 just for this game. I thought Sony paid for this game. Did they only pay for timed exclusivity or console exclusive?

It's a good game.

Worse, in trying to be character action but also souls it fucks up at both

finally i will be able to pirate this shit

Wow thanks for your non-answer.

>Don't pirate KOEI PORT

Its a shit version of Onimusha + dark souls

Too bad I'm almost certainly going to pirate it since it's gonna be a shit port anyway.

On the off chance that it isn't I might buy it if it's good.

>Don't pirate it

good one user, only reason I own a pc is for free games

>T. tecmo koei dev

Nice try faggot, do a decent port and i might think about it

Dear Nioh fanbase
We will murder you like we murdered the Souls fanbase
Sincerely, the PC players

The question is pretty dumb, user. The game doesn't require a comparison in being better or worse than Ninja Gaiden to be enjoyed. The game doesn't play like Ninja Gaiden. Only you can answer your own question.Try the game yourself when you have the opportunity.

>pay money for something which is free
Good joke consolebro.

I'll pirate first to see if the port is decent and the game doesn't run like ass.
Fuck off Sonybro

What the hell do you think?

>KOEIs track record of ports
>don't pirate it

Go choke on a donkey cock

I don't think too good.

Gr8 b8 m8 8/8

>implying third worlders and edgy teenagers which make up 95 % of the PC base have enough money for full price games

The only Souls game I ever played on a PS is DeS. You're being delusional if you think it's not the mustard race who started the cancer

>DLC comes out
>people still aren't talking about it
>the only threads are people talking about Nioh on PC despite the fact that nobody cares about it before
What a timeline

Dear Nioh fanbase,

We'd rather have Bloodborne. Nioh is just meh.

PC gamers

>consolefags get butthurt because muh exclusives get ported
>pcfags mock them for acting like toddlers
>"hurr PCtards ruined the fanbase"

Is the combat as fleshed out as it looks?

No, its you who is delusional.
There's not a single shred of evidence or fact to back anything you just said up, you're entire premise is a emotional bargaining tactic where PC is the scapegoat, all fanbases that become large are generally shittier.

well seems like they wont try much with porting so dont expect good sales

tread customers like shit, they treat you like shit too

>G.U. gets a re-release before the original quadrilogy

That's just sad. I wake up everyday hoping that PC gamers would get over Bloodborne and they just don't, everytime.