Is it wrong that I feel bad for shooting these guys?

Is it wrong that I feel bad for shooting these guys?
They're so adorable

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No, B1's are pure and deserved better.

don't hurt the anthropomorphic talking appliances, the clones that are living breathing people though, fuck them

will he be a hero in the new Battlefront?

>Capturing the throne room!
>It's so fancy!

>see's a bunch of B1's
Sup nerds

I too user, I too.
Fuck B2 though

Seriously, what the fuck is this shit? Aren't they supposed to be non-intelligent?

without memory wipes droids develop personalities

>most fucking annoying voice in the history of vidia

they deserve being fucking slaughtered

I'm so glad they used the clone wars series version of the droids, their banter is great

>Boba Fett joins
>I dunno who that is but we can use the help!

Yeah. And the fact that they gave a reason for them having personalities in the show was cool too


Suddenly you realise that battledroids act retarded and develop weird quirks is because their ever-increasingly complicated software to expand their roles and capabilities is beyond their tiny processor's capabilities.


I just noticed that they have a feminine figure.

here's a better one

they did?

Oh hi chad...

The more silent the fuckers are, the more deadly and accurate become. They can actually be quite intimidating when they're silent. The effect is something like an unending tide of robotic zombies.


I'm glad they added the clone "roger roger" as an emote from when rex, cody, and heavy are sneaking back into the base.

Yes. The droids weren't this characterless mass enemy throughout the whole show.
Each class of droid had their own personalities
The B1s were gay

I tried the beta on PS4 and movement feels really rigid. It's horrible.

Feels pretty smooth on PC

Anyone has that pic of old and rusty B1 lying under the tree with birds around him?

doesnt feel as polished as the first one

the first one was a featureless tech demo

yes it was. zero content doesnt mean they couldnt make it play better and have (((more content)))

Is there a virgin clone v a chad super battledroid meme yet?

I would fuck a B1 in the butt.

Why in name of Satan (((they))) didn't put grievous already?!

marketing reasons

I'm glad they used the Episode III voices for them in Battlefront II. I think it gives them more of a personality like the other Droids. Although I do understand that a having personality makes less sense for purpose-built Battle Droid, I still prefer the lightheartedness of the Episode III Droids because I find it suits Star Wars better.

This one?

They are literally designed after the skeletons of the bug eyed race that runs the trade federation. I think they are pretty badass on that note.

Does anyone actually use fighters during mtt assault? Shit is fucking useless and I can't find a use for the walker clones have when the aat droids have is superior.

yeah, thanks

Fighters are useful for doing more damage to the MTT as the clones, and as the droids you'll need to take out any air threats.

They're pretty shit for strafing runs though.

The walkers are actually pretty good if you buy them right before the CIS break into the palace because you can walk them right into one of those little walkways and absolutely wreck everyone coming into the objective


You can only do so much damage with small arms fire. So it's not like fighters are even useful.

Mr. Bones hero when?

I want off his wild ride


Droidekas when?

Their only real downside is the cost.