Fantasy setting

>fantasy setting
>You play as a human

Other urls found in this thread:

it's either humans, humans with pointy ears, really short humans, green humans, or some assortment of furbait

>customising yourself as a female character when you're male irl

>science fiction setting
>Character creator is human only
>Currency is credits

I choose human whenever I have a choice. Exterminate non-humans.

name one (1) game where you can play a four legged race

>any setting
>you don't play as a cynical skeleton

Furbait is best bait


>not wanting to establish human superiority


>Not playing as the master race.

>not wanting to assimilate humanity into other race

I just self insert in like 99% of games. I can't be fucked to actually roleplay a character.

Same thing here pretty much. Though I usually pick the biggest weapon I can find and whack people with it.

>fantasy setting
>does not play as a half-elf

>he uses his real name for the name of his custom fantasy game character

>tfw roleplaying as a hyper xenophobic human supremacist with every option to dick on another race taken

Not my fault only the human females are fuckable.

Mankind has a Manifest Destiny, which is to conquer and rule everything. All xenos are beneath the Man and their fate is to be subdued or exterminated.

>Currency is credits
This always ticks me off. It's the laziest thing ever

My fellow human.

>fucking skinny human girls when there are big bara beastmen

Why are so many furries also gay?

Humans are the most unique, diverse and best fantasy race.

If you're not playing human you're either playing a dumb stereotype or an equally dumb subversion of stereotype. It is literally impossible to play nonhuman as well as human, they will always be special snowflake cancer.

>Currency is gold/silver/copper

I haven't been made gay by Sup Forums because I don't buy into "muh futa"', etc. shit. Nor am I furry or into straight up lolis.

>playing as anything other than the superior race

I really hope no one does this.

>fantasy setting
>play as Elf
>get raped

>Not going through your first playthrough as a human so you can get used to the setting, then replaying as a fantasy race.

Honestly I'm only posting dudes because almost all my female furry stuff either has bared breasts or spread pussies

Because there is a descending totem pole of degenerate sexuality and furries are below homosexuality

It's not rape if it's consensual

Dwarf Fortress.

I miss these monotone fuckers.

They really aren't. Just like with normal gays, it's just that they are loudest despite being few.

>character creator is human, half robot human, green human, red human, blue human or brown human

When all the non-human races are degenerates you better bet your bippy I'm gonna go full paladin and smash scum heads in.

I only have fun with large weapons in Dark Souls.

Shadowbane centaurs

>game doesn't have a bird race

>that teary-eyed femdragon holding a bab.
Actually p cute desu senpai

>implying indictments do anything other than show how salty you are and give the invader further prey to hunt

>he doesn’t want to fuck an Argonian

lizard thighs!

Lolis are great though. I don’t make them my main character in games. Sidekick maybe.


>He plays toddquest

That’s why I love them.

I really dislike kid characters being in the game period. Unless you talk to them like twice in the whole game.

Depends, there are some doujins with the lolicon tag that imo shouldn't quallify because of how the girl is drawn, I can fap to those.

I can also get playing as a loli for lols and fucking around, like in, say, Dragon's Dogma. Just don't be that fucking guy who wants to fuck cartoon children.

>not playing as human

Play Divinity Original sin 2

Non-Human genocide best day of my life.

That piggy looks so comfy

or how about the worst:
>western ugly furries aka khajiit

user, it's dead.




that's a big tail

>fantasy setting
>can't play skeleton

>not playing as human

I remember playing Guild Wars 1 when I was retarded kid and after making a character it asked me to enter my name.
I entered my full name and didnt think anything of it till later I later realized what I did years later

Why would I play a human when I have other options, and the vast majority of games make you play a human anyway?

Humanity is already assimilating into muslims

>brown human is different race

Undead are bad guys.

I always play humans because humans are the best




Furry race
>self explanatory

Humans are usually pretty filthy and low tech compared to elves.

man, I wish the Undead in WoW didn't have torn up awful clothes.

for you

Why not? I am a fat fuck,soo being a manly Adonis ingame is the perfect fantasy.

Humans are the single most A E S T H E T I C species in all of existence. Our design in absolutely unmatched, but we were made in God's image so it's no surprise.

Elves are always "muh nature" "muh ancient magic". Plus they usually live in tree cities and tree cities are fucking boring. Also they are usually played by people who want to be a special snowflake


Perhaps Divinity 2 is what you're looking for. Not only can you play a skeleton, you can play a skeleton of any of the other player races.

Nah, most games split between high elves and low elves. And if you wouldn't rather be immortal and smarter and stronger than what you are now, then I don't know what to tell you.

I usually still play human because I don't like mages but whatever.

Pretty sure insects, reptiles, and birds have humans beat in aesthetic.

>Game features Orcs, Trolls, Cow People, Elves, Goblins, Humans, Stocky Humans, Tiny Humans, Purple Humans, Wolf-Humans, and Pandas

You're crazy. Only mammals are worth a damn.

Absolutely not, mammals are some of the blandest creatures in existence.

Sup Forums please go

I'm sorry user, but dragons were clearly the ones made in God's image

Look at its stupid little feet and the dumb fuck doesn't even have hands. Don't go praising the colour because I can wear clothes in that colour if I want.

>not playing as Human, dwarf Wrewolf people


That Dwarf was pretty fucking gay, much gayer than a Belf

Sleep tight pigger


>future setting
>most of the population is still white

Dwarves are trash.

>it's either humans or not humans

great post my man


>made in god's image
>still have tons of physical and vestigial leftovers and flaws that would never have been left in by an intelligent being who has the ability to freely design anything

>fantasy setting
>slug enemies don't leave copius amounts of slime everywhere they go

this would never happen because convergent evolution is all but confirmed

all sentient, smart lifeforms in the universe will eventually settle on a bipedal one headed, two armed, two legged form because it is the most efficient form for a lifeform

Proof god is a woman. You never let a more attractive woman near you, you hang out with uglies to elevate yourself

>Undead faction
>Can only play as fleshless human, rotting human, spooky human, teenage fantasies human, dead magician, dead knight and fleshless dragon

>fantasy setting
>magic is the most boring playstyle