How is your game going, Sup Forums?
How is your game going, Sup Forums?
Put it on hold for now.
Ive dont the art part but I basically know nothing about programing and will need time to at least learn the basics
What's the best program for learning C#? I'm trying to use Notepad++ but you can't even run anything in that, so it's not working out.
Start off by learning Java.
Having BIG motivation problems. I just always end up thinking what's the fucking point when everybody is making games now. Nothing is unique. Games are coming out everyday that graphically look a million times better than my own. Why even bother?
where's love2d?
visual c# or monodevelop
Consider a different hobby. You don't have what it takes for game development.
are you making a game to be special? I sure hope not. You're making a game to make a game, it doesn't matter if it's not original.
Hello I use Clickteam Fusion. Your picture offends me.
Finally finished all content yesterday. Just running a lot of balance passes and tweaks before a final polish pass.
I wish I had time for that.
Rewrote my first website to make use of Angular/Typescript. Now I'm making my first Xamarin App to learn everything I need, after that I'll make Tinder for Dogs and maybe then I'll have time for a game.
Also, why no Corona on the list? It's my tool of choice.
Visual Studio. The one and only.
go away cawthrone
Is going on well because i don't use shitty engines. The world doesn't need yet another platformer clone. And i'm glad no one takes this seriously, more space for me.
Love2d is comfy.
There are a lot of things to do, but the paradox is:
-Those who know (big companies) prefer to play safe instead of innovating.
-Those who can (free bounds) prefer to spend time to learn how to make games quick instead of how to squeeze a computer, which limits your options.
Draw some inspiration from the 80s and 90s, these folks made games more ambitious with more limitations. Some ideas are worth to resurrect.
added a couple of new thing;
a venus platform that you hit to create some timed footing
and a dandelion that can give you a lot of height or distance
their art is just nonsense I put together to get the ideas out
if there's something in a forest environment that could blow air (to activate the dandelion), I'd love to know
Has potential. Is this inspired by Bonk?
Built a character
you mean the TurboGrafx game? honestly never heard of it before just now
show the topology
Limitations are a bastion of creativity. The first thing you should do, instead of saying the sky is the limit, is say "these are my limitations" and design around those.
Early computers helped, since you had to make games within crazy restrictions, which meant a lot of the time and money sinks we have now were not worth considering.
It's why you see good indie games embracing "retro" feel, both in gameplay and art style etc.
That said, having to call back to earlier computers isn't the strength of this, but that they restrict their design so they don't go all over.
A great game can work with limitations, and still be great.
A shit game can have no limitations, and still be shit.
Work with what you have, and if it's designed well, and everything works with what you have. It'll be great. Don't rush. Take your time, and pop out the next undertale.
But Undertale is garbage.
Going great, adding a bit of life to some static sprites. It's pretty fun and the units look more lively.
what was the name of that rpg some user was making with the stylish art. it has a vampire in a leather jacket in it
where do I learn ;_;
learn what?
Not bad. Maybe consider doing a grid fill for the boobs?
how to just like make game
But I am looking to revive it in the very near future
Not worked on it since 2013.