Is this a good game?

Is this a good game?

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Yes. It's a lot more fun with a friend though.

not really

It's a close second for best zombie game behind dead rising 1.

Overall yes, but it's an annoying game to play. This is especially so in the beginning when you don't have any skills because your offensive options are weak and you run out of stamina quickly so running and climbing keeps being interrupted. After a while you also realise that the game continuously spawns new zombies outside of your fov which makes combat pointless and just encourages you to run past everything.
The most annoying thing in the game for me is how zombies can initiate their grab attack from several feet away. You'll be closing the gap to be within attack range and then suddenly you're locked in this animation of the zombie stumbling forward to grab you. When you don't have the instant escape skill this means gameplay is constantly interrupted. Then of course there's the big tanky zombies that knock you down constantly with shock waves. I swear I feel like zombie games are designed to be frustrating.

Absolutely fantastic.

Best coop in ages.

I thought it was really good and I played solo. I'd rate it better than Just Cause 3 and Mad Max.

Really amazing and free DLC is still coming out for it. Main VA is especially great.
Game gets a little too easy if you get the grappling hook, but you don't have to use it

I just got this to play coop with some friends.

Seems pretty fun but might be better solo

Why is it more fun with a friend?

I liked it but I wish they had made the special infected less common. The first few hours were actually my favorite since it was less Left4Dead and more Dead Rising

I liked it better early on before I found guns. They should have made ammo incredibly rare.

My biggest gripes with the game is that no matter where you are or what you're doing, the runner zombies will crawl out of their holes infinitely to chase you, as well as the weapon balance in the game. Early game weapons take 30+ hits to kill a zombie and really give you a sense of danger, but later on you get much stronger weapons that one-shot, especially if you use guns.

Story's pretty mediocre but the gameplay is fantastic.

Don't stay out after dark.

>Main VA is especially great

Kyle Crane is a fantastic character. Definitely one of the games greater strengths.

Best zombie game out there

It is, DLC is controversial though

You are playing on one of the higher difficulties

>open world
what do you think?

The game still turned to easy mode a few hours in when you get better weapons. That's my problem. Jumping into a horde of zombies should feel dangerous. I don't want to be a killing machine in a universe where they've completely given up fighting the things and just run.

>because lots of games with these gameplay elements are bad, every game will these elements are bad

that's not how it works

Volatiles are always a threat tho

Thats how it works tho
Dying Light is another example of nu-fun game

No it's not tho

It's the only FPS I've been able to properly play with the Steam Controller. Gyro aim is fucking fantastic.


but by the end of the game you'll have as many assault rifles in your pockets as the las vegas shooter

Worse then dead island for removing analogue combat.

>>>>using anything but Rais Pistol

playing it wrong tbqh

Once you get strong enough weapons you can use the camouflage and stun lock 2-3 of them for easy kills.

My favorite gun was the police rifle from a shooter on top of a gas station. It had a higher damage stat.

Yeah I guess if you cheese them.
But those dens in The Following are scary as fuck if the volatiles aren't out hunting

They eventually made it so rarity for guns did literally nothing, I don't even think it changed them cosmetically.

>jump off building
>use grapple to next building

feels good man

best spiderman game since 2002

It was fun, so yes. Not a multiple play through type of game though.

God damn i keep seeing this fucker in every Dying Light thread. Dead Island is fucking trash, analogue combat or not, so get over it faggot.

That part of it annoyed me too, I hate any mechanic that involves mashing buttons to get out of a stun or a grab, it's just tedious especially when it can happen in quick succession

>not using your fists

Dude the beginning was great, I loved how you had to lure zombies into traps and use your wits. Firecrackers and propane barrels or using the judo throw to toss them into spikes and off buildings.

I thought this game had a great sense of progression, like my character was really becoming more and more badass and powerful.

Pretty good yeah.

Personally I think its a bit too depressing at times with the color scheme and music but otherwise pretty fun

Is that the Bozak bow? I still need to get that thing.


>Get my first invader at Night
>Intense 1 v 1
>Hunter is down to his last respawn
>Another player joins
>High level
>Instantly kills the hunter and comes up to me
>Starts dropping a shit of Over power weapons
>Kick him and quit the game


all the characters are annoying assholes though and the final fight is a QTE shit fest

No, this is the Ranger bow, from the Harran Ranger DLC.

One of the new DLCs? Is it easier to get? You need a friend to complete the bozak shit right?

The real final fight is not QTE though.

Yes, you can craft it, no i did Bozak alone.

It has everything against it
>Open world

But somehow it's a really fun game. I burned out by the time I got to the expansion though. Probably because I went full autism mode for completion except for the challenges


Hope you don't get car sick.

You can get the only worthwhile bozak weapon for literally nothing in the following dlc

>these things were absolutely terrifying at first
>reach legendary level
>weapons kill them in one hit

best waifu

The expansion was amazing but I hated the endings.

Only fun if you've got a buddy or two to play with. But then it's REALLY fun.

It's amazing in singleplayer too.

Played though it including all side quests completely solo, very fun

My friends said this too. I don't see it. Looks like an average looking boring scene slut.

Yes, its everything dead island wanted to be, combat is satisfying, the landscape is great, it handles well and parkour running around the city is fun

The only issue I have is at first combat is really tough, zombies ion groups of more than 3 are a real challenge and that's fun, night time is horrifying and scary and very difficult. However by 2/3s of the way in you become quite powerful and can take on hordes of zombies, even the night stalker things


>Gameplay is unimportant

Your low intellagence is leaking and it looks like PISS


definitive waifu

Solo is the real experience, as you feel more alone in a spooky world. With friends you get a more comfy experience, plus its fun to dick around or compete in the many challenges.

But Dying Light has the superior gameplay baka

Solo is boring as FUCK

Also you can do those challenges in coop lad

>t. 100% completed the game

Nope Solo is great.

Not in one of the most important aspect when surviving a zombie apocalypse
the combat
which is skyrim but not with hitstop. Doesnt make the game bad, just not as good in that department as dead island haha

>miss a jump because of mirrors edge like sometimes bad parkour
>inb4 pleb, I also 100% completed mirrors edge
>fall 5000 feet to my death
>lose 5000 xp

So definitive. So hardcore. So fun.

Still better gameplay than Dying Light, plus there is god tier parkour desu

crafting isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just matters how it's implemented

in this game it's not like you have to collect wood and metal by mindlessly farming shit like it's the ark or rust, you just find a weapon and slap some components onto it with shit that you found by just playing the game. The only time I had to go out of my way for anything was sea algae and weapon mods, other than that I never felt like I was being bogged down by crafting bullshit

Dead Island* sorry

Can't you just role after falling from most heights?

if you set the game to night you don't lose any points for dying unless you're on nightmare mode

Yeah it is good but it is very flawed. My biggest grip with it is how you'll be instantly killing everything after a few hours.

Not the game's fault if ur bad at vidya.

>inb4 pleb
Okay but... Pleb. Co-op is more fun, but solo has it's pros too. That's all. You can always use the grappling hook if the parkour overwhelms you user

Yes parkour was dope but everything else is the same. You have levels, loot, enemies with level (enemy variety). Dead island is just way more linear but everything else is pretty on par but with better loot, more enemies, more interesting locations. At this point its just preference. Do you like cheesy b movies with good combat and variety or military drama with parkour and more serious tone?

There's a height limit to the roll. If it's more than 2/3 stories high, you're just going to break your legs. Miraculously landing on a car is safe from any height I believe.

Not really. It's a big bloated mess that's confused about what it wants to be and why.

First person platformers are usually never consistent. Dying light is as good as it gets and even then occasionally it fucks up massively and doesn't register a jump or has an awkward angle or something like that.

Its like flipping a coin when youre high up like on the bridge in first map

Play on harder difficulties, you're meant to increase difficulty as you get higher levelled in a game. I was playing it recently because of the updates theyre doing for the rest of the year and just ramped up the difficulty because I was max level, found that enemies are actually a bit of a problem at times. Didnt know there were variants of those volatiles at night that are only on harder modes either, they can 2 shot you.

>not having the spiderman grapple
you deserved it

You don't get the grapple until you're high enough level or went to the second map retard. I took my time and 100% the first map before moving on. I got it pretty late.

It's the only way to play once maxed out. Nighttime is actually stressful again

You're lying, and i want both because that's what Dying Light is. haha sorry your shit game flopped.
Dying Light is what Dead Island should have been, proof is Techland made these 2 games. :)


ok haha mash dat mf lmb goym

I never tried it with steam controller. Any tips?

>bought it
>scared of never ending zombies coming from all sides
>drop it after finally making it outside for the first time

Have a nice day my fellow redditor.

Did you not experience the night time?

its fun until you realize you can use the aerial assassinate skill after jumping off a zombies head, letting you instant kill almost every enemy.

Its good schlomo, get it. Devs are based

>I have no arguments but must shite

Thats why noone takes you lively darkness fags serious

Nighttime will fuck you up then if you're that scared

Oh my god go play your buggy pile of shit and let us appreciate the best zombie game ever made holy fuck

Surprised I liked it, I usually hate zombies games. The devs are still updating and adding more content to the game after this long which is quite nice, I long for more shit like this where a game is supported instead of dropped before the year is out so they can work on a sequel.

it's good
waiting for more content drops so i start (another) new game+

I actually wish they would focus on a sequel now instead of keeping the first on life support

please no

This game is over 2.5 years old. How much more shit are they adding?

Only if you say that dead island has superior combat and write a 20 paragrahs essay why you should not talk about the thing you dont understand

Why not?