Which one wins? Which one gets me more bang for my buck?

Which one wins? Which one gets me more bang for my buck?

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lmgtfy.com/?q=cuphead mortgage

Just wait for a sale and buy both.

Pirate both then buy whatever you enjoyed more first and if you didn't like one or the other just uninstall then shitpost on Sup Forums how it's a terrible game

I liked a hat in time more.

Content wise they're both fairly similar, unless you're good at vidya, then cup head can be beat pretty quickly.

Both are fun games, I'd say just decide based on if you wanna play 2d platformer shmup or if you wanna play a 3d platform collectathon.

Depends on if you want 3D or 2D. A Hat in Time is great and while I haven't played Cuphead, what footage I've seen of it looks great too. They're probably both worth it if you like both genres.

One has lolis, the other has vore. The choice is pretty damn obvious and if you choose Cuphead you need to fuck off back to deviantart.

A hat in time is a 15 hours long with everything done but a good game
cuphead is a overrated platformer

just pirate them

Can you disable the ugly DoF in AHiT?
Game looks awful but so much fun.

you can in the .ini

There's no option for it in game but you can do it easily in the config file.

Who do you think deserves your money? Its up to you.

Does it look awful with it disabled? Maybe it hides something.

No, the draw distance is really good. Some stuff in the really far distance look like sprites with low animations but overall it's really good.

All I know is that had a hat in time been 20 bucks instead of 30 it would have been an immediate buy.

The Chad

Hat in Time has better graphics and gameplay but lacks local coop... which makes no difference because local coop is fucking retarded in this day and age.

Go for Hat in Time, trust me, you'll be much happier for it

I think they're adding local co-op later.

That doesn't look bad at all.
The disabled DoF that is. The artstyle feels all over the place and materials don't really look like what they're trying to be.

Last couple questions. Is there anything that feels tedious in it? How much progress can you lose at a time (like how Cuphead stages only are around 3-5 minutes long)?
Do you have to collect everything the game throws at you or is there leeway like most of the 100 coin missions in SM64?

Get out.

cringe westrash games

I'm not gay but the guy on the right looks handsome

Cuphead, every stage and boss is unique while Hat kid game is just the same shit with different colors across all worlds, pretty bland.

buy hatloli and DaS on sale

Doki Doki Literature Club. You'll get the most for your money

Most stages aren't that long either. And they generally have copious amounts of checkpoints. Collectables are used for unlocking levels and new hats and badges but I haven't felt like it's been tedious so far. Collectibles are cumulative until you use them so you don't have a max 100 per level or something, it just keeps going up until you spend them.

Babby's First Contra

>Virging make a generic game with kikestarter money
>Chat risk his house and makes passion driven game with unique artstyle and music

You need to get laid friend.

Hat in Time has JonTron that is literally OUR GUY. If you don't buy Hat in Time it means you're a SJW race traitor.

Each of AHiT's levels have unique themes and slightly different gameplay while still keeping the 3D platforming. If you consider Cuphead's boss rush shit unique then AHiT's levels are also unique.

a hat in time: 12 hours, 30 dollars
cuphead: 8 hours, 20 dollars

about the same, I loved both for different reasons so I'd just get the one I'm in the mood of

do you want a modern sm sunshine? get a hat in time

do you want a challenging game? get cuphead

>modern sm sunshine
Are shills this desperate they try to compare this shitty game to fucking sunshine? Holy shit

jesus christ, people need to actually play the game before they shitpost about it nowadays

every world is maybe too unique

Cuphead easily. Loli sympathisers sicken me.

>risk his house


Rovio's devs did it with Angry Birds too so it's possible

A hat in time makes me not want to kill myself.

People have been comparing it to Sunshine since the first footage was shown. And that was in a negative light.

lmgtfy.com/?q=cuphead mortgage

The art style is entirely consistent. Stop pretending you're a game developer, you first need to leave your mom's basement to become one of those.

Hollow knight has more content than both put together


The action game. Always.

Why is everyone so hellbent on comparing the two? They're two entirely different games that appeal to different people. If I was forced to choose between the two though, I'd rather play A Hat in Time, I've had a lot of fun playing it whereas I usually quit Cuphead feeling frustrated and I won't want to play it again for a while.

But like I said, that's just me. I'd prefer to play the Mario 64/Sly Cooper type of platformer than the fast paced, Contra-esque game, but Cuphead is totally fine, and fun in its own way.

I guess because they came out around the same time.


They're bugs you fucking loon.
Set in a bug world. How is that furshit?

I never thought about it that way, much more respect to Chad for not begging for money.


Sexualization of anthropomorphized animals is furshit

It’s like BotW and Horizon, two very different games that just so happen to be open world.

bugs aren't animals, they're a different family you retardo

pick one

Cuphead Cucks post voreshit
Hat in Time fans loliposts
I think it's clear which is the better game

Yes, they are animals. You're retarded and know nothing about biology, dumb burger

No, get hat in time before HK.

Why did you make this thread again?

this is the patrician choice

any Touhou game because it's difficult and has little girls and ZUN is fine with us downloading it for free

Absolutely patrician

This weeb shit is only comparable to Yooka-Yaylee which is a ripoff from Banjo

humans are animals too

>not having HK, CH, and HiT

>Hat in Time
>Hollow Knight
>Metroid Samus Returns
And of course no one mention Night in the Woods because Sup Forums is too pussy for this one.

I regret getting HK though

This is probably bait, but that “game” is garbage with a terrible ending.

I don't even know what that is?

And your mother regrets you being born. What's your point

Post your hat kid bird passports

Buy and play both.

i wanna see them fuck

>Animal Crossing x Shenmue indie game is garbage

chad gets money backed from microsoft and a bunch of free advertising though

>the virgin vidya

I just wanted to hang out with friends, why'd the game have to go all mystery meme on us.

I hope you know every time you post about hollow knight in a thread not about hollow knight you make people hate it more and more. I like the game but I'm sick of seeing you whine about it being the best.

>The virgin vidya
>The chad challenge
>The patrician precipitation planet

Cuphead is really short, so you better get a lot out of your first playthrough, replay it a few times or suck total shit so it takes you 20+ tries for every boss. Otherwise not really worth the money if you're on a budget.

A Hat in Time will give you more bang for your buck in terms of play time, doing a completionist run is 30+ hours though you can probably speed run the game in under a half hour.

Night in the woods isn't even the same genre of game.

>though you can probably speed run the game in under a half hour
Thanks user, now I'm not sure that I want to play it anymore. Are there only a couple worlds or what?

That's exactly my intention. I hate that shitty game and I want everyone to hate it too. You gullible fools are so easy to manipulate.

I think there are 5 worlds with maybe 7 "acts" each depending on the level. Plus around 2 challenge acts per world. There's going to be two more worlds released later on plus mod tools/a level editor.

I know which one I want to bang for a buck

Cuphead is gorgeous but in all honesty I feel like I could have looked up the game online and gotten at 80% of the enjoyment I got playing it.

>not wanting to slide your penis down the side of his cup, squeaking as you rotate it faster and faster.

It's like you've never been cupped.

one has heart and soul and the other relies on a loli to sell the game

Lolis is always the right answer.

is she nude in the top one?

Is this the first western loli that can match Japan's?

>Buying a game made by a Chad
>Betraying your own people
>There are those on Sup Forums who actually do this

A Hat in Time is the ONLY correct choice.

>my people
I play games that i find enjoyable
I was never really part of Sup Forums`


Hat may be a lot longer but it's garbage.



>posts shad too

Cuphead is a normie game made by a Chad. I would never buy it.

You underestimate just how big of a difference there is between a speed run and a normal playthrough.

Do you think SM64 or Sunshine were short games? Well they can be beatdn in laughably short amounts of time, including categories which get the "intended" number of stars (70 for 64)

Are we in a loli Renaissance?

Is the west attempting to overtake Japan in loli? Do they have a chance?