Why doesn't 343 just fucking learn?
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Microsoft won't let them
Halo was never good
Sonic was never good
Because some of the team is hamfisting their autistic kiddie Metroid garbage into this series killing everything established.
Everything that anyone has ever liked was never good, ever.
overall video games are great and i am glad i picked it up as a hobby from a young age to experience all the generations from atari to current. i look forward to see what the future brings for interactive entertainment
best exchange i've seen on Sup Forums
5 was an objective step up in multiplayer and a damn good direction for the series.
Too bad the campaign was garbage and the artstyle was still shit (not as bad as 4's, but still).
If they can stick the campaign for 6, it might be the GOAT Halo game.
There are some days I get an itch for Halo, my alltime fav, but then seeing shit like this validates my decision to go PS4 instead of Xbone. Jesus, I thought 4 was bad, and then all this shit? It's an outright insult.
But they are
6: 27 talks about the Master Chief, players as the Chief, and Cortana as Chief's partner (most likely the Didact (who is in the Domain, composed) could be the one controlling Cortana thus Cortana may not actually be evil, bringing the series back to Halo 1-4 Chief and Cortana adventures). 17:44 talks about the future of Halo's story and split screen returning.
Frank talks about how Halo 6 and beyond when it comes to mainline Halo games will stick with the Chief for now on along with how Chief is going back to being a vessel for the players and he talks about sidelining Blue Team and Osiris in the next game (I can see them being put in spin-offs and books now). Frank also talks about taking a step back on the campaign this tells us they are returning to the Halo 1-4 type campaign and dropping the squad gameplay.
29:03 Kiki Wolfkill talks about how Master Chief isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
2:48 talks about Halo’s future art direction while 12:47 talks about the future of Halo's music.
Tom talks about AIs in Forge, playable Elites and states that real BTB maps is already being addressed.
New campaign level design lead is coming.
Ske7ch343 (Brian Jarrard) confirms black undersuits for Halo 6.
The flood weren't stopped in Halo Wars 2 and could play a big factor in future Halo games.
The Didact was composed and is in the Domain where Cortana is and chances are is making a return, Sharquois are a thing now along with Retriever Sentinels, and War Sphinx and could play a part in Halo 6.
Frank O’Connor: “Halo 5's core MP is a thing that would be refined and tuned in the future, not rebooted, reinvented or reset. That doesn't preclude any number of improvements, additions or completely new modes and methods of play, but the team does recognize the core strengths, advantages and extensibility of the current MP tune.
It's elementary.”
Halo 6 will come with all mp content at launch.
Halo 6 will be the biggest Halo yet.
Every Xbox One S and every Xbox One X has Master Chief in it the One X has Chief riding a scorpion (not the tank).
I finally gave in and bought H5 after seeing Sup Forums rag on it for years. Surprise surprise it was fun and the multiplayer is the best since H2, thought the campaign was weak. Still worth the money though.
Fuck off to your shitty Sony system, roach.
>that video
Fucking perfect
5's major problems all focus around story and they got rid of the guy writing the story. microtransactions aside multiplayer and forge were done amazingly in 5 and the game would probably have been more popular if the conflict between Locke and Chief was something closer to what the ads had depicted in Hunt the Truth. at this point major concerns moving forward for me are what will they do with Locke and Cortana since 343 have set them up in a bad spot and ignoring 5 like they ignored 4 doesn't seem viable this time around.
Good thing 343 has never lied or stretched the truth before or else I might think none of this fucking matters
Well, Locke is doomed either way since their focus is fixing the damage him and his team did to the franchise. Blue Team are most likely getting shoved back in the books and they will most likely handwave evil Cortana as the Didact taking control of her since they're both in the domain now.
Microsoft is on their ass this time, so they're not lying about the Chief being the focus now.
They want to do their own thing instead of just retreading the beaten path. Too bad their own thing sucks dick and their armor is an embarrassment.
They let them do whatever the fuck they want, that's the problem.
>They let them do whatever the fuck they want, that's the problem
Good thing that's changing
>Halo 1-4
One of those is different than the others, one of those doesn't belong.
I hate to defend the shit company but I think that they were given so much a colossal franchise to handle that it warrants time for them for slip ups. Imagine giving Zelda to a small dev team and then hiring a ton of college grads to make a new Zelda. The art direction is going to change, even if the big OG Zelda devs are working on it. I think halo gameplay hit an all time low with halo reach and I think 343 made an improvement on it. 4 was an abomination of them trying to make the greatest most complex story and falling incredibly short while having multiplayer to compete with cod. 5 really took on its own direction and is a good direction. I think 6 will be a massive improvement and I think they can make a great game given they make the art style better.
This isn't just about them sidelining the chief. We can have a decent game with a different protagonist, that's not the problem. We've played as arby, the ODSTs and Noble 6 and that was never the fucking problem. The problem is the art direction which is baffling, and the lore rape that comes after the big bad is done and dealth with, but you're still scrambling to find material.
>not a scorpion tank
They had ONE (1) fucking job...
Bonnie Ross went on record saying that MS wants Halo to go on for at least 30 years, so you bet your ass that they want their mascot to stay in good shape.
The major problem is that 343 finally realized until now that an interconnected multimedia franchise doesnt work. Nobody wants to read books and watch movies to understand the plot or characters of one game, and they're only now realizing the appeal of the Halo games.
So now we're trying to revision history. I thought Halo 4 was an MC and Cortana game, not a game filled with nobodies from a book and a bunch of faggot power ranger and some faggot from that expansion.
>the joke
>your head
Halo 4 is shit, is what he means. Which is true.
>there was a joke there
You're some seriously stupid shit, son.
>We've played as arby, the ODSTs and Noble 6 and that was never the fucking problem
Halo 2 and Reach were a problem, stop revision history, those cunts at nuBungie, knew what they were doing with Reach.
It's sad that it took them until after Halo 5 to get that, it's the main reason Bungie didn't bend over for lorefags.
>Fan of Xbox series
I do agree
>Bonnie Ross went on record saying that MS wants Halo to go on for at least 30 years,
I wonder how the Halo 2 team feels about this
343 shills are insane, user, they even talk shit about the superior Bungie games
You called Metroid, garbage, that was your biggest mistake, mother fucker.
Why does Halo 4 exist again
But Halo 1-3 are better than Halo 4 and 5, he made fun of Metroid (my other favorite franchise) so I attacked him.
I think they wanted to prove themselves worthy enough to carry the torch in the eyes of lorefags, but it just turned people off. I doubt Halo 6 will light the world on fire in terms of plot but the sooner they can get to campy Chief/Cortana adventures in space the better, with side games to expand the world like Wars/ODST/Reach
They probably knew what they got into when they dealt with Microsoft.
disgusted, i bet marty cries thinking about what happened to Halo
Because fans wanted Halo 4, especially after Halo ODST, and Reach.
What's the difference between Bungie Halo's multiplayer and 343i's Halo multiplayer?
bungie mp was good and popular, while 343 multiplayer is shit and not popular
It started with Reach when Bungie started not giving a shit about Halo while he and the guys that did ODST still did, what was know as nuBungie.
>that one halo/metroid autist in every halo thread who defends 343
Explain, what makes it good?
I miss old Bungie.
Nobody cares, stop posting your copypasta. Reach is still superior to 343 games in art, sound, and music, arguably even the gameplay is better.
Why were Bungie sick of Halo back in 2010?
Microsoft was forcing them to make it?
Halo 4 is better than Reach because it focuses on Chief and Cortana stranded on an alien world.
That's what Halo should be about. Noble Team had no business being in the campaign.
Once a company is infected with the SJW virus, they slowly degrade in quality. See Blizzard, Bungie, Bioware. It's not going to get better unless they literally purge themselves.
well arent you autistic
Because they wanted money and didn't want to do Halo forever but got stuck making a shitty Halo forever.
Don't you have to buy Raid for you RoachStation 4, Sonyroach
I love Halo 1-3 and consider them way better than Halo 4 and 5, but I stop defending Bungie after that.
Still mad that you have cockroaches in your worthless console, Sonyroach?
MS already doing that, Brain Reed fired, Dan Ayoub moved to somewhere not game related at MS.
Why not just release all the Halos on PC? No really, what the fuck are they waiting for?
every console can get roaches, mr xbox shill, and I own all consoles, cuck, too bad you are so poor you own only one.
They were really dealt an impossible hand. "Hey take this franchise that is basically carrying our brand with four and a half solid titles and make games just as good with no launching off point other than 'Chief's sleepy.' Oh and make it an esport."
Why the hell would I want to own a weeb/movie console, roach? The consoles worth owning are the Switch and Xbox One X.
Does anyone play the Halo 2 Anniversary Multiplayer?
Bungie themselves designed Halo multiplayer for Xbox Live. It's not so easy to port that to PC without changing a lot of things, cutting features, etc.
Look at MCC. MS couldn't bring over all the Halo 3 features and the fanbase started chimping out.
They simply could've just looked at the old Halo games and copied all of that, but instead they decide to make their own ugly fucking game, with Spartan IVs(???) and shitty emotional story.
I'm this guy>pawn shop
You can't be serious.
Because literally no one would buy an Xbox if Halo was on PC.
>They simply could've just looked at the old Halo games and copied all of that,
They were going to, but then they went in their own direction and hired people who hated halo.
This, that's why Halo 6 will forever be locked on Windows 10 and will never come to Steam.
Didn't they even have a game build that was exactly like old Halo?
Halo 6 won't be windows exclusive it's gonna be Xbox one x exclusive
sony was never good
CoD babies need to hang from trees.
It seems like the go-to plan for anyone that gets their hands on a property than the previous owners aren't using any more is to make an "in-depth story". Just off the top of my head
>Ninja Gaiden 3
>Tomb Raider
Sometimes it works but most of the time they completely miss the point.
>Halo 2 and Reach were a problem
If you're a faggot who hates good games, sure.
People still care for Halo? I didn't even realize 5 has been out for quite a long time
It's coming to the Xbox One X and Windows 10.
That is news to me.
Whats weird is how MS dances around the whole Steam issue. I hear Windows Store is a hunk of shit and most Xbox ported games run poorly at launch, and they recent brought Halo Wars 1 to steam so its not like they arent aware of the demand.
the joke was that the xbox one x was codenamed the scorpio.
The only good out of Halo 2's campaign was the Chief sections and story.
No, and I love ODST. You have to take CE within context and what a ride it was to make
343 is the problem
its MC sitting on a scorpion.
You're a fucking clown
But that's objectively wrong on both accounts. The arbiter's sections were the best part of the game.
Its just your shit taste user, Arbiter parts were good and gave depth to the covenant.
better levels, better balance. No stupid shit like sprint and wallhacks or armor lock.
Jesus fuck it doesnt need to be explained its observable.
Are you telling me Microsoft is so desperate that an exclusive from 2007 is considered to be crucial to the survival of their console?
It should have been a scorpion tank instead, you're a retarded cocksnot.
>coming from a Halo baby
I went through like the first two chapters of Halo 4, I don't even know what's going on I got past the guys who dissolve when you kill them and the game is so boring it's so shitty it's not staisfying at all and I fall asleep laying the game, literally I have to turn it off and take a nap.
Does it get better? I was sucked into every other halo, I played Halo 3 like 6 times I got all the achievements I played hundreds of hours of multiplayer halo one and two, I even played halo one on my schools computers but halo 4 is so boring. Does it get better?
>No stupid shit like sprint and wallhacks or armor lock.
1. Those weren't bad additions
b. Those were introduced in Reach, made by bungie
4. Halo 4 sucked ass, though.
The arbiter was a fun character to play as thanks to his camo ability. The only problem were that some of his levels were really lackluster.
>windows 10
wow its fuckin nothing
halo 4 is 343 retard
Why though? It's still the same premise but with an actual scorpion to provide slight comedic effect. Not the same guy btw.
lmaoing at your life
They're aware but they want to sell Xboxes.
Nobody said otherwise, you illiterate fuckstain.