Sleepover at friends house

>sleepover at friends house
>look forward to play vidya all night and eat pizza
>come over
>after 30 minutes his parents start fighting

sleepover stories?

>sleepover at friends house
>we play vidya all night and eat pizza
>around 4 am
>we were too loud
>his father turned off the electricity
>we take out our nintendos and keep playing

>having friends

>Friend is having a sleepover for his birthday.
>We all show up and he reveals he has a bootleg VHS of Batman and Robin.
>Watching the movie, eating popcorn, playing Hook on SNES.
>One of the best sleepovers I've ever had.
>We all tire ourselves out and go to sleep after an amazing night.
>His dad barges into the room at 3 AM and starts yelling at the top of his lungs, cursing at us to do pushups.
>We all start doing pushups half-asleep and worried for our lives.
>He starts beating our friend whos birthday it was.
>After making us do this military bullshit, he leaves without a word.
>We all stand in the room while our friend is laying in the middle of it, crying his eyes out asking to die.
>We all get dressed and sneak out the window and run home.

Fuck his faggot ass Dad man. That shit was terrifying.

imagine being so spineless that you can't even control or confront children for being too loud. kek

>Saturday night
>Dick around and play video games through the night
>Still playing when morning comes around
>His moms boyfriend comes out
>Flips out and yells at us for staying up all night because we have school the next day

>That friend who could only sleep without any kind of light sources
>Had roller shutters shut so tights, the only way you could tell if it was time to get up was if you heard noises on the house
>Everytime you slept over and wanted to pee at night it was fucking impossible to orient yourself correctly


>sleepover at friends house
>playing melee
>whoever loses has to suck the winners weenie
>I lose on purpose

>His dad barges into the room at 3 AM and starts yelling at the top of his lungs, cursing at us to do pushups.
>We all start doing pushups half-asleep and worried for our lives.

>claiming I'm posting 16 seconds after the previous post and they're both my posts
you must be new around here




>Go over to friends house
>Go to bed

>go to friends house
>up all night playing pokemon stadium
>his mom notices that we're still playing when she leaves for work at 5 A.M.
>nothing bad happens

>Can't sleep
>Start giving each other handjobs and blowjobs
>Talking about it the whole time with his door open
>His dad yells into the room for some help on the computer
>He probably heard everything
>He doesn't say a word about it

>parents make everyone go to bed at 8pm
>parents make you do chores for hours while you're supposed to be hanging with your friends
>parents make a shitty dinner


Jesus Christ we get it fuck off


>go over to friends house for the evening + sleepover
>dinner is served
>it's a slice of bread + half a can of tuna or something equally destitute
>they all look sated
>still hungry as fuck but too polite to ask for more

Are you retarded?


>apologize to friends for overly parents being overly religious (christian)
>they never visit ever again
I don't even blame them

>sleepover at friends house
>go to the store and rent a bunch of co-op games
>play all day
>his mom is serving chicken fingers and fries nonstop
>late at night our heads buzz from all the gaming
>"hey user, let me show you something"
>first time I watch porn together with another person in the room
>laugh as the whore chokes on 3 handful of cock

Truly the best experience

Preachy types are the worst

God tier Jesus nuts are the ones who are hella devout but keep it to themselves and not force it down kids throats, also no pun intended

What the fuck. Did they even have video games?


My father told me about one of his childhood friend's parents. They have a speaker surround system wired through the entire house that literally plays scripture readings 24/7 (yes, even when they sleep).
Those parents also 'caught' my Dad watching the Smurfs in the living room the following morning and banned my dad from their household.

>ywn experience a heterosexual vidya sleepover
why even live Sup Forums?

sounds boring as fuck

>steal his hat so he chases me around the house
>pins me down and kisses me
>notices my erection

This has been flipped, right

>ywn experience a steamy homosexual vidya sleepover

>sleepover stories turn into gay shit

that seriously did not happen right?

>Go over to a friends house, super excited
>feel sleepy at 9, nearly crash at 10
>by the time everyone goes to sleep I get my second wind and I'm ready to play

>sleepover at friends house
>his older brother calls you into the room to come look at something
>it's his erect cock in a condom

I wish I was making this up

>come to Sup Forums to talk about video games
>instead people are talking about sleepovers
What the fuck

>sleepover at friends house
>dudebro normie, we play some cod
>has hot sister
>all 3 of us sleep in living room
>she asks me for massages
>says I got cuter since she last saw me
>friend goes to sleep first
>lets me play with her tits
>continue playing with them after she sleeps
good times

what happened next user

bread and tuna you say?
i should try that

>be me
>friend has a sleepover at his house
>wants to show everyone his new xbox 360
>amazed that he even has one, because he got it on black friday
>play xbox all night
>later that night
>suck his dick
>first time ever sucking dick before
>in the morning, don't talk about it
>go home
>fast forward about 10 years later
>mfw he has a girlfriend now

well you chose to be gay, it's your problem

I walked out of the room while he laughed

>friend tells me our dads experimented too

This is how I imagine 99% of people who post these gay stories look.

>go to friends house
>fall asleep for like 3-4 hours
>it's not a sleepover
I did this every day. I'm so sorry.

ITT: things that never happen and homoshit

You sure contributed a lot to the thread by spamming it. Kys mong.

My sleepovers just consisted of me and my friends doing dumb shit and playing video games
I guess I never saw parents fight because I wasn't friends with white trash

>accidentally break something at friends house
>hide it behind something

>staying at a friend's house overnight after drinking
>we drink some more into the early hours of the morning, I pass out at some point
>wake up wearing his fursuit
>neither of us remember taking it out so we don't know whose idea it was

if that helps you cope with your looks, okay

most people here are regular or decent looking, the type you wouldn't notice on the street.

>being friends with a furry
>wearing a fursuit
sex happened, probably.

i've never been to a sleepover
>tfw nothing gay ever happens in my life
>no stories to tell

>friend invites me over to play vidya
>he ends up fucking me in the ass
every thread

We both know this isn't true. They're sharing gay childhood stories which are most likely fabricated on an anonymous video games board. These aren't normal people


>it's a "We did gay things with my bud when I was 11" episode

>vidya sleepover
>it's literally gay sex and nothing else

>never feel like sleeping when my friends wanted to
>fall asleep to some movie or cartoon
>end up laying there in the darkness or in front of a blue screen for 2 more hours

no cockhole so I doubt it

>invite friend over to play video games
>we play video games all night
>do this every other weekend for most of our youth
And then we never did gay shit.

>sleepover at my best bros house
>in his basement
>browsing his brother's computer
>we discover shemale porn
>guy forced to suck her dick
>wish I could suck some tranny cock ever since then

Fuck you, Josh.


>Brother's friends show up out of nowhere late one night
>Invite me to hang out with them
>Play Smash Brothers for a few hours
>Get bitched at for being too loud and waking Dad up
>Yells at everyone to leave
>Instead, just take the Gamecube, a few chairs, the CRT, and a long ass extension cord outside and play in the driveway

Christ that was so much fun

>that kid who still wet the bed at 10
I was always pissed my friend invited him over so he could piss himself at 2am and make the place smell like a homeless shelter.

Why the fuck does every 1/3 stories have to do with sucking dick
Have you faggots never had a normal sleepover before

>be me
>be like 8 years old in the mid 90s
>this one kid up the street has a state-of-the-art PC
>his free-spirited parents let him play vidya on it
>sort of become friends with him but only for video games
>he plays DOOM and Wolfenstein and all sorts of cool weird violent and adult games
>I just sort of watch him play, have my turn sometimes
>sleepover one time
>we're in the basement, he's playing vidya and I'm watching him
>he asks me to go grab some cokes from the fridge upstairs
>start walking up the stairs
>his kid sister is at the top of the stairs
>"oh hey I'm gonna get s-"
>"she" lifts up her pink skirt and shows me "her" benis :DDDD
>heshe runs away laughing
>I stand there for a minute
>walk to fridge
>grab cokes
>walk back downstairs
>say and do nothing for the rest of the night except for thousand yard stare
>middle of the night
>start crying hysterically because of girlpenis monster, heshe might come over and fuck my face while I'm sleeping
>mom has to come get me
>she asks me what's wrong
>"oh I uh had a nightmare yeah"
>gonna take girlpenis secret to my grave probably

This is what the average Sup Forums loser looks like. Don't act like the people in this thread, especially in this thread are any different

it's just the gays larping

>two friends sleeping over at my house
>we're all up late in the living room
>chatting, shooting the shit, trying to sleep as well
>get the funny idea to hold down one friend
>friend puts his dick in his mouth for a second
>we all laugh

>friend having birthday sleepover party
>playan football outside in the comfy fall weather
>come inside his mom has made caramel apples
>pizza for dinner, chips and popcorn and snacks everywhere
>as much soda as I want
>friend's parents give him a birthday gift
>it's a dreamcast with sonic adventure, NFL 2k and Toy Commander
>spend the night playing vidya
>his mom makes us go to church in the morning all tired as fuck
>come back and play vidya until our parents pick us up


>stay up until midnight playing splitscreen halo on fat xbox
>hear parents having sex in their room

>find friends moms dildo
>throw it at friend

No regrets.

>sleepover at friends house
>dinner time
>friend gets a plate full of lasagna and veggies
>his mum gives me only gives me a bowl of rice and a slice of an apple
>shakes her finger when I look over to my friends plate
>not even fat

>have friends over to my house normally
>get really close with one friend
>he comes over Friday night and often stays until Sunday night, once even stayed into Monday and rode the bus with me to school a few times
>he "cuddles" and acts silly when we watch scary movies or play WoW
>in the middle of the night he pulls my covers off the bed and starts wrestling with me
>literally does this everytime he sleeps over for months now
>realize way too late that the play wrestling was his foreplay

>sleepover at friends house
>excited to play on his SNES since I never had a console (PC only childhood)
>his sister brings us snacks and hanging out with us

couple of days later "Hey user you wanna come over again, my sister asked about you" Ok

>playing Mega Man X
>sister suddenly gets close to me and grabs my arm
>get so nervous I die over and over again
>she giggles
>couple of hours later end up getting first kiss with her

All in all pretty nice sleepovers. Too bad I could never host any because my dad hates consoles and playing at a desk on PC all evening is not comfy.

>best friend invite me for a sleepover
>hook up the hacked Wii and play a handful of co-op games
>my best friend is a girl
>we were both 20 when this happened
>it was less than a year ago
>nothing sexually explicit

When did my life go so wrong

stayed up all night playing ps2 games like ssx tricky, 007 nightfire, etc tll we crash at 4am

then friends parents wake us up at 5am to go walk their dog

This is hell.

>go to friends house
>swimming in his pool
>get out and go inside to play vidya
>he leaves his shirt off
>suggests I do the same

at the time I didnt think anything of it
looking back he was gay as shit

>12 Years old who recently discovered masturbation
>sleepover at friend house
>the mom friend is fucking hot, big tits big ass, thick body
>everytime she come in the room i got a boner
>in the night she have a see through shirt without bra and a very tight short
>I can not stop seeing her
>go to the bathroom a couple of times only to jerk because i cant control me
>i know perfectly she is aware of that, i'm too obvious: she came to the room, start seeing her boobs and ass, got a visible boner, go to the bathroom

thinking of that, i really want to know what happen if i say something to her mother that day, something like "i really like you and i want to see more" or some shit like that. a 12 years old kid get a free pass?

depending on how ugly you are, she will respond in disgust or just laugh it off.

God I had a friend like that.

>"Yo dude check this out"
>shows me a huge box full of dildos, vibrators, beads and lube
>"check out my dads porn mag collection"

he was so casual and nonchalant about it, no shame at all.

Why don't people know what this word mean!? You cant live ction role play on the fucking internet!! It has to be in person!

>never got to experimented with my mates

>sleeping over at friends house
>ony one bed
>get comfy under the covers
>steal the blanket and the pillow
>sleep just fine
>he steals them from me the next nigh
>sleep like shit

It's never too late.

No one shares the regular stories because we all know what the fuck a regular sleepover is like. It's not that noteworthy compared to the likes of gay interaction and other dumb antics.

My nigger! James Bond games-- GoldenEye, World is Not Enough, Agent Under Fire, and Nightfire--were all godtier sleepover games.

its not the same when you're not 12-14.

you forgot
>his mom touches ur peepee

i know what larping actually is. it's just a more 'derogatory' term than roleplaying is

let's help each other out haha

I used to fap everyday as a kid and when I went to friends house to sleepover I couldn't just do it so when I get home I explode the biggest load ever

well, he owned the fucking thing, I'm guessing he was into it


>stay up playing a game because I was restless
>friends mom walks in and tells me to turn it off and go to sleep
>laying in the darkness until morning
>tired as shit
>leave as soon as possible
>would of fallen asleep if the bitch hadn't of interrupted me