Cuphead Controversy

Well, guys? I'm starting to think this game might have to be a pass for me...

cw: racially charged imagery

Other urls found in this thread:

Reading this made me cringe... hard. SJWs were a mistake.

who gives a shit? new devil looks better anyway.


Stopped reading there, ther guy is a fucking retard.

>depicting niggers doing the things they usually do is racist!!

never understood why SJWs even bother trying to play games. everything fucking offends them.

big surprise, its actually female(female) that wrote it.

Neogaf thread incoming, 1...2...3...

I felt ill too, the chromatic aberration was disgusting.

>even bother trying
The trick is they don't


Stop I can't stop cringing!

>physically ill

how much of a pussy can you be?

These people are really grasping at straws at this point.

only idiots looks to stir shit take this kind of article seriously. The game is doing fine despite faggots trying to make a issue out of a perfectly fine art style.

What the fuck is he even complaining over?

>he didnt unlock the secret cuphead boss

Is it possible to have cringe levels this high? I mean these people have way too much free time in their hands or something. What the fuck is wrong with them? Too much soy or some other chemicals?

im curious how people with that type of mindset live their daily lives.

>i cant do this or that because of its racist roots!
I bet if someone pointed out his shirt was made out of cotton, he'd blow a gasket because it will remind him about slavery and cottonpickers.

>black people can't be the devil
just when you thought racism couldn't get any more racismer

Journalist suffering PTSD from an era they didn't live in.

What about it made them physically ill, exactly?

>last cuphead controversy devolved into typical Sup Forums shit
I could've sworn Sup Forums hated politics. Why do you try desperately to find political shit to complain about.

I don't know, they may have a point, the devil is in the detail after all.

>Literal Chad makes an indie game that, while not perfect, is quite good
>Didn't play ball with the indie game illuminati and their cabal of gaming '"""journalists"""
>Game was funded by microsoft so they can't squash its publicity, game has no blatant flaws besides "it's hard" (and after how much they shilled dark souls that kinda falls flat) so they can't play that up.
>All they can do is grasp straws using arguments like "1930's people were racist and this game is based on cartoons from then so the game is also racist" in order to try and get what they want

pathetic desu. If they were being more overt about it I wouldn't be surprised if another round of GG started up

Why do SJW game journos try to find everything about games to be offended at?

Nothing really, these types of people are your usual autisic group that constantly bitch about m-m-muh 2017 sjw racism special snowflake inclusiveness DRUMPF literally hitler neo nazi literally shaking lol PICKLE RIIIICK xD

Why are these shitty tabloids trying to character assassinate Cuphead? If it isn't garbage about the difficulty , it's about the art. What the fuck.

>[videogame] looks great but it looks too frustrating for me and I can't get over the fact that the videogame Dirty Chinese Restaurant was racist and almost was published

It's easy (you)'s from their fellow Sup Forums mouthbreathers

I blame the mods for failing to delete obvious political bait trash such as this thread.

>by samantha blackmon
also this is from 2 years ago? how is this relevant today?

coca cola was around in the thirties is it now racist to drink a coke?

Why has Ian's general disposition changed ? Before he was a retarded sjw cuck himself. Past few weeks he's been speaking out against them.

>Implying Sup Forums has ever been like the top panel


Wouldn't expecting something racist from a game make you inherently racist to begin with?

They devour their own when they don't walk lock-step in line and Ian was on the receiving end of that.

>literal post from 2015
>from a no name website


>if another round of GG started up

it wont. GG was originally suppose to stop shit like this from happening (i.e. game journalism integrity) but it quickly got twisted around so people think GG is just about bullying females who play games, develop games, etc.

game journos

Maybe normies think the positions of the sjw are not bad and start to get into it.

Later they see that many of those people are crazy attention whores and just seek stuff to be offended at.

fun fact: if you get offended by the word nigger it means that you subconciously hate being black and are actually a self hating racist

>literally shaking

Anita said something bad about a game he liked.

sjws chased the president out of my college campus while chanting "white people go back to the suburbs"


>this uhhhh looks like it uhhhh could uhhh maybe be uhhhhhhh
>like... visually racist? because it's made to look like something from the 1930s when people were more racist
>it's uh racist because uhhhh
wow lmao

Are there any lewd games where you can tame racist white sluts with your BBC?


Why do people cry about racism whenever they see thick lips or a literal monkey (bge 2) thinking that's supposed to be a black guy? The irony is too much.

>another thin skinned faggot finding issues to get angry at where there is none
never change, America.


how the fuck do these people function

It's not like SJW's can finish Cuphead anyway. SJW = Zero motor skills. Any time they're stressed they shut down and get run over.

>Ian Miles Cheong
that guy is a fucking moron.


>SJW shilling thread is on topic and informative

What is it with this "3D" shit that always makes me feel sick
At least the japs can make stuff not look uncanny, why not the west?

t. libtard

What the honest fuck were these mouthbreathers expecting from a game stylized like old 1930's cartoons? There's not even anything racist in it.

In this game I wanted to make a president that looked like me. So I made an African American woman and I immediately started to notice a lot about the rhetoric of the body in this game. I could not be full figured and strong. The more I filled out my frame, the weaker I became. If you don’t think you can be full figured and strong….just try me. Hell, I throw a 50 pound kid around for shits and giggles. And then I notice a slider in the character screen for “sex appeal”. So, the experienced gamer in me should have known to have just pretended that I never saw that slider…right? Yeah, well I slid it and the more I slid it to the right the wittier my quips became! Nope, just shitting you, the larger and more jiggly my breasts grew. And let me tell you about my breasts (in the game). They jiggled, a lot. Not just when I ran or jumped, but when I rotated my character model to see it from all sides. They jiggled and momentum took over and they kept jiggling. Just what I always wanted…more jiggly boobs.

But I pressed on and moved to what I thought would be less problematic, things like voice. There are seven or eight voices to choose from. 3 male, 3 female, and Nolan North’s. I chose the one that grated on my nerves the least and moved on. Than then I moved my taunting moving. Awesome, to be able to customize my sh*t-talking moves. This time out there were ~30 moves to choose from and they had names that hinted at what they might be, but the only way to find out for such was to click on them. Of the ~30 moves about 25 of the taunt moves were sexual in nature and more than half of them mimicked oral sex. And not consensual oral sex. Some of the taunt moves involved forcefully grabbing an unseen partner’s head, forcing it to my crotch area, and holding it there will I gyrated in some manner. What kind of shit was that?

Ignore this and it goes away. You guys bitching or joking about this shit only makes them stay relevant.

Ignore them, please. This shit is getting old.

This is the resume of the author, in case you're interested:


Give this post an upboat if the only time you've heard about Sup Forums on Sup Forums was from SJWs bringing the board up as a boogeylan.

nah japan makes things look uncanny too, you just have a fetish for their style of uncanny valley
i know because it also makes my dick hard


Was, he did a 180º heel-face turn. He's cool now.


>It made me feel physically ill. I got queasy and my head swam a bit

Holy shit, the lengths they'll go to virtue signal. It's so melodramatic.

Because the people who make shit like that almost always use engines that became obsolete by the year 2000.

shit like Honey Select looks way less gross than whatever that thing in the image was IMO, but I guess you're probably right

These people are like religious nuts. It's like in their mind an entire animation style is "tainted with sin" and even an association with it is sinful.

Sup Forums is just as annoying as the SJWs

*neogaf pretending to be Sup Forums

I wouldnt know about any of these clowns if people didnt spread their autism all over the place

>Computers and composition, African-American culture, lesbian and women's studies

It's the modern equivalent to getting the vapors.

No he isn't he is still a fucking retard. He just parrots things regarding your particular strain of retardation.

Richard Jones
September 21, 2013 at 9:38 am

Yeah, I’m sorry for recommending Saints Row 3 to you.

dr. b.
September 24, 2013 at 12:06 pm

Richard! We’ve missed you! :-) No apologies necessary. The games weren’t for me, but they have really been fruitful in terms of getting me to think about that fine line of racial representation that exists for all of us and just what it takes to cross it. Keep an eye out for my post this week to see how I muddle through!

>post article


should I get a refund asap if after 1 hour I can't complete the forrest level?

rural and suburban retards are cup heads because they have no brain like us leftists

>lesbian studies

The absolute state of gaming "journalists." It should be completely obvious that these guys aren't gamers and are just propagandists posing as gamers to push their agendas.

>H-he was always a retard! I-I'm not just saying this cuz he isn't on MY side anymore!

The reality is that barely anyone really gives a shit about racial themes in Cuphead, because there are none. From what I've seen, there's a dumb Twitter post and an article from 2015. There's no real use in paying these people any serious attention. Not because "if you pay attention to them they win!" or anything like that, but because no one gives a shit about what they say.

The hell is lesbian studies?
>What is a lesbian?
>A woman who likes other women
>A+, here's your degree

>post Sup Forumsshit on non-Sup Forums board
>get promptly told to fuck off back to Sup Forums
you are the furries of 2017

>article is from some literally who website, written by a vocal minority lunatic
>posted in 2015
OP intentionally dug this shit up to get (You)s, Now fuck off back to you spastic retard

the fucking SJW's always find some shitty little reason to get offended

I didn't even call you an SJW

SJW's mentally ill people who get off on squeezing every ounce of positivity out of the world one step at a time. Ah well, thanks for keeping me updated on the useless ramblings of SJWs Sup Forums, you're doing gods work, thanks.

>past few weeks
he switched sides long ago but he still says a lot of dumb shit

>is the first in the thread to mention Sup Forums
>complains about thread devolving into le Sup Forums boogyman

Oh, sorry. I thought it was recent

What is it with current white people in america that makes them this obsessed with talking about race /racism 24/7? Also what is there to discuss about this? We all know this thread will not discuss the game but will be a black crime rate thread instead.

Carlos we’ve been iver this. Do you want Trump to have you deported?

I wouldn't have a clue. Ask Blackmon.

>She earned her Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan in 2001 in Rhetoric and Composition
>Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition ... in Rhetoric and Composition

>No he isn't
Yes he is, he got redpilled by the very SJW he was a part of.