Hey guys, Metal Jesus here

Hey guys, Metal Jesus here

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who was in the wrong here?

I think I'd like to stop bring a metal fag. What's some good music?

I liked Steve more when he was doing MRE reviews.

>letting a fat-tiddy-monster ruin your gamecube

MJR is the most pure vidya game channel out there. No bullshit about SJW issues or complaining about SJWs or talking about Chris Chan or e-celebs or "gaming news" or any of that.

Just video games. I love it.

Sometimes buttrock music too, but that's alright.

AOS is cooler.


No thanks


more like SHITCUBE

That made me so mad.

that's why you're a virgin, user

>Implying you can damage Nintedium with something like this


>letting a modding noob who was told that his mod would fry gamecubes sell you a mod
>shill the modder, loading him up with more gamecubes to fry for 3 years
>fry gamecube
>"it was the fat bitch! the modder is good! "

he's a literal retard who praises other retards

>white people

Brunette would be really hot if she wasn't fat

this one makes me laugh so hard


>choose your fighter!
girl in green for me

are they pretending to be power rangers or something? I must know the context of this.

Yeah, she's fat. That's what fat looks like to the rest of the world. In America it's probably normal, but it's definitely fat.

she's literally 4'11, she ain't fat nigga

Christ he is ugly.

It's fat; ever heard of BMI? She's chubby (another word for fat) for her height.

Hey guys, Pete Derp here and I'm just bursting with excitment to show you guys another unboxing video

>Playing cod with some friends
>mom, carrying a laundry basket, asks if it's good to walk past
>We all say yeah
>she hurries across, trips over our 360 controller wires
>Xbox falls out of cabinet and scratches the disc
I love her but goddamn.

They are pretending to be "hip" aka rape black culture

>cross country fags trying to do anything other than run
Like pottery.

These kids are clearly on the spectrum, that much is obvious but I have no idea what they are doing.

>pete was actually ok with the video that rob made on him and actually kinda laughed at it
>johnny was assblasted and tried to take down the video rob made on him
really makes the gears go.

>listening metal

E-celebs aren't video games. Go back to where you came from.


Chubby is light fat.

>black """culture"""

t. white kid bullied by blacks in high school

>say it's clear
>it's not clear

reggie is cool though, he can collect amiibo if he wants.

he doesnt tho

by 'rest of the world' do you mean ethiopia or something?

I mean, she ain't a stick, but you're making out that she's morbidly obese or something. which is especially odd when she's right next to the chunky blonde.

she's a smallfat

Plz stop

You act like you know what she weighs, you have no idea what her BMI is faggot

>in her early 20s
>only friends are in their mid 40s and up

What the fuck?

>Not likeing


>in her early 20s

You know she's like 35+ right?

Are you guys serious? You think that's not fat?

she has fat on her, yes. but she generally wouldn't be considered particularly overweight.

She owns 2 video game stores in Seattle user

>the absolute state of Americans

I bet youre fat and don't even realize it yourself

so many betas worship her in the youtube comments. she looks like a rat

lol idoit

Holy fuck look at that size difference. She is literally getting her pussy destroyed by that beast.

I consider her meaty, not chubby or fat. She's like 4'10 or some shit, she is going to carry weight differently even if she has a normal appetite.

Pic related is the box she has to stand on when she does videos with metal jesus

amerifats love their rat looking white girls must be a jew thing..

>This is fat to Yuropoors

Must suck not being able to afford food

shit tier feet

She half Jew half Asian

Americans don't make shit compared to Europeans. Also our food is mostly poison.


Where did I imply? I directly stated you faggot.

She's fucking fat retard.

t. you

Awful combo.

Yes, between this and gal gadot for some reason Americans think rat like features are attractive.

I don't know why you posted that link, it doesnt prove that she's fat

>Being this new

I think Ieddit suits you better user


oh god who is that guy?


Some drunk guy