is Bioshock franchise dead?
Is Bioshock franchise dead?
bioshock more like biocock LMAO
I sure hope so
Honestly it's hard to determine right now. Just post more Elizabeth okay?
>PS Vita Bioshock never
I love my Vita but it still hurts.
No, it probably isn't seeing that their fanpages keep getting updated and that they just released an hd remaster. I'm willing to bet that Ken Levine is using the concept of an adapting, changing videogame narrative to make something truly unique. His talk in GDC in 2013? Indicated as much.
remember that one guy who decided to scrap Bioshock as a franchise because Elizabeth was his daughterfu and he couldn't stomach her getting all kinds of cock thanks to r34?
Yes, they downsized the studio after infinite and pretty much said they weren't doing big AAA games ever again.
It's finished yes. Dead is the wrong word.
Hopefully it takes a break this gen and does a reboot next gen.
it has a card game left in it
Didn't most of the original people from the Bioshock team split up to a bunch of different indie dev projects?
Albino Lullaby, City of Brass, Perception, etc.
who gives a shit, Prey was better than any bioshock game since the first one
>tfw most r34 feature her with a submissive personality and x2 cup size
Way to ruin her, and my boner.
This is from an MLP image, isn't it?
Prey was garbage
Awful gameplay, too much backtracking and IT WAS ALL A SIMULATION ending
It sold like nothing for a reason
Nope it was from a drawfriend over at the Sup Forums drawthread
Prey isn't perfect, but it's the first game since DS3 that really enjoyed.
Bioshock themed puzzle game when?
Actually, she had those things in the original demos in 2010 and 2011 before Levine gutted his own project and then was told to get something out of of the door to sell.
If you ever want to rage about how E3 is the biggest smoke and mirrors ever put on by the gaming developers, just watch Infinite's demos and compare with final product.
What kind of faggot doesnt prefer a sub? Serious question.
yeah, but at least the porn is still active
>loved Bioshock 1 and 2
>Loved 2s multiplayer on ps3
>Infinite comes out
Fuck it, let it die
What happened to Ken Levine anyway?
I believe he's working on some movie or something
What kind of faggot always needs it to be a sub?
Rhetoric question.
>muh strong alpha male that is so alpha he is a sub sometimes
Doesn't work that way, actually.
Hopefully, now we can focus on the superior 'shock franchise
Elizabeth is cute! CUTE!
She was the only good thing to come out of Infinite.
No. My wife Elizabeth is still happy with me!
this is my fetish now
He's probably getting fucked in the ass.
I’m surprise no one posted the Bio-shag Elizabeth losing her virginity from a black gang raped yet.
>is Bioshock franchise dead?
Bioshock is DEAD as DEAD
But Elizabeth is ETERNAL
Maybe? Levine is finished with it and wants to make something different. And looking at Bioshock 2, we know how abhorrent the results are when anyone else tries to make a Bioshock game.
Although Infinite actually fixed the gameplay, so maybe another cash grab sequel would at least not be unplayable.
Bioshock two was my favorite
i hate how they enlarged her tits. and im into hucows.
Biocuck is literally a game for game journalists.
I doubt they can figure out the first puzzle.