My first-gen 360 controller is just about had it. Need a new gaymin PC controller

My first-gen 360 controller is just about had it. Need a new gaymin PC controller.

Always preferred Playstation because the d-pad but never held either current gen controller. Which does vee recommend? Also can I get either of them wired or does the USB cable I assume they come with keep them charged anyway?

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If you play a lot of shooters, get a PS4 hori pad. They’re really nice, hori does no wrong.

Ps4 is too light for me the xbone has alittle weight to it and I need that

Thanks but nah. I use M+KB for shooters. I like an analog and comfyness of them for platformers though and a lot of ports (sometimes third-person shooters are ok if they're like Alan Wake and don't rely on headshots).


So Xbone is heavier? I think I'd prefer a lighter controller, but don't really care either way. I imagine PC games still don't give you PS4 button prompts so Xbone has a leg up there.

I use a ps4 controller and havent once bad xbone prompts so idk what to say there. Personally i prefer ps4, more to hold onto with the longer ends. Also a bit more room for the fingers resting below the sticks.

the xbone has a nice dpad now and is more ergonomically comfortable to me than the ps4 one is

Can anyone confirm that both controllers use wired USB cables so I use either as a wired cable if I want to?

I think you can use the ps4 one as a wired controller but you'll need a long ass cable for it because I think the one they give you is like two feet long.

You'll have to get a 3rd party controller if you want a wired xbone because I don't think they make them for first party

PS4 does.

I bought a PS4 controller and it's fine but I still don't like it and would've preferred to get a XBO instead. Fuck the touchpad and fuck it making start and select so small.

xbone works with 99% of things right off the bat so you don't need to bother getting ds4 fixes for shit
also asymmetrical sticks > symmetrical sticks

ps4 is basic usb to micro usb, it can charge other things

The Xbone pad is literally plug-and-play with Windows 10 and is slightly more comfortable, but the PS4 touchpad is better if you play on the couch and need to navigate menus.

Ps4 dpad is squishy mushy garbage compared to Xbone dpad

my xbone controller came with a usb to micro usb lead that also charges it, i'd prefer hard wired but i haven't had any issues with it

Both use regular micro-USB cables

Both are also Bluetooth capable

OP here

So pic related is what I want? I just want to plug my shit into my PC and not worry about charging or batteries. It'd be nice if the controller has a built in battery though so I can unplug it occasionally too.

I've also heard Microsoft made a new version of the standard controller with better bumpers and headphone jack. Anyone know more or how to get that version via Amazon?

forgot pic

I think this is what I want.

looks like the same one as mine, i say go for it op, i dunno anything about a revision with better bumpers or anything though

Thats not the updated controller

The updated controller has the guide button area as part of the front matte faceplate like pic related, instead of a recessed glossy area

Just get the regular controller and use any fucking micro USB cable instead of an overpriced bundle

Because it's 2015, I assume this
is also revised. I mainly just don't want shit 1st gen bumpers. dont care about headphone stuff.

I hate xbox controllers because of how shitty they feel, and ps3 controllers are really hard to get (even 3rd party ones), so I had to get a ps4 one.

Best controller coming through.

The DS4 is good too.

my bad
this user is right

If you want to unplug every now and then, make sure you get this version because it has bluetooth support (you can use a cheap $3 bluetooth dongle instead of $25 proprietary xbox dongle)

FYI sometimes Walmart or Target will have those armed forces / camo controllers on sale for like $15

yeah, the new xbox one s controller works really good with bluetooth. You can only have one controller connected though, but that probably doesn't matter to you.
The new sticks are also really really good.
Audio jack only works while connected with usb or buying their gay-ass wireless adapter. Through bluetooth it doesn't work, even though ps4 one works just fine...


>Through bluetooth it doesn't work, even though ps4 one works just fine...
I cant't get ps4 audio working through bluetooth either.

So apperrantly that's ANOTHER revised controller. The Xbox One S controller. So now I guess I should get a One S? Fuck this is confusing.

I'll get pic related and a bluetooth dongle

Does this S controller have a built in battery? I'll get a blutooth dongle (Amazon recommendations?) if it does.

No, it uses AAs.

Which is far fucking superior, because holy shit the DS4 has terrible battery life

If youre gonna play plugged in most of the time then youll probably only need to change batteries every 4 or 6 months or so

you need AA batteries

So which has the best d pad?
I want a wired control

wtf. Nigger I'm not buying fucking batteries for a controller. Shit's retarded. My PC is right here. I'll use a cable.

I'll get pic related and suffer. with the cable. I know you don't replace them often, but I'm cheap and the cables never bothered me. Reminds me playing on my PSX as a kid actually.

Thanks everyone for your help. This has been a ride learning about current gen consoles and their cancer.

>not having a bulk supply of AAs in a drawer
Youre the cancer

There is also a such thing as rechargable batteries too

The Steam interface for this thing is awful and the controller demands that you use it often to make it tolerable.
>Buggy, this thing will drop mouse input for menus, refuse to even function unless all available controllers are allowed to be configured by steam and will often break keyboard sections in games with the Steam overlay
>Annoying to navigate and poorly designed in general because someone had a fetish for dropdown menus and everything is annoyingly nested. Hovering over something with a mouse won't get you tooltip so instead you have to move your selection over it with the keyboard.
>Modeshift is incredibly limited since you can only ever have one for specific groups of buttons and setting up multiple controller profiles is too much micromanagement to get button modifiers working just the way you want since you would need to make sure that everything syncs up just right
>Sliders everywhere without real labels (You can kind of hover of them to get a vague number) so it's inexact as hell
>Don't get instant feedback for a lot of actions that would need it like repositioning mouse areas and shit like assigning icons is unresponsive as hell

>spending money for literally no reason

If I'm already in front of my computer and at my desk, why? On the couch I can understand not wanting a cable going across your living room, but at the computer? Don't matter.

I use rechargeable ones and don't have a problem. They recharge when plugged through usb to PC as well so it's really no problem, but you're a free person mate

Do you still live at your mom's house?


>Yung Lean
Opinion discarded.

PS4 one will switch into wired mode if you plug it in.

>cable for windows
I use mya average anker micro usb and have no problem

Personally I would just buy another Xbox 360 controller because I don't like the feel of the Xbone and initially the PS4 controller felt too small for my relatively small hands, and its shape didn't conform to my hands as well, but I got used to it eventually.

the xbox one s can use both batteries and a cable

They both do

does the xbone controller work with the 360 wireless connector?

If you want to use it wireless you need to buy the Sony Bluetooth Dongle. It's about $20

no. What matters is that I have both ds4 and xbone controllers and I can express my opinion on ehich onr is better. Xbone wins by default just because of native support.

Some of my games won't work with my DS4, but everything works with my Xbone controller

If I could I'd use my DS4 for everything though

On steam they both have native support

the xbone controller works with any chinkshit bluetooth adaptor so I don't see why it wouldn't work with the 360 connector

>with a third party program they both have native support
I don't think you know what native means.

I personally think the PS4 controller is pretty much perfect.

PS4 = Xbone for controllers.

Since you have used a 360 controller for a long time, I'd suggest a PS4 controller. Needs more work but I'm sure you know your way around your pc by now.

Can't go wrong with the xbone pad. It's a straight upgrade from the 360 one and they fixed the d-pad.
DS4 is fucking tash and made for manlet hands.

>Since you have used a 360 controller for a long time, I'd suggest a PS4 controller.
That's fucking retarded. Why would he do that?

xbone, no fucking contest
no additional setup, better battery life, button prompts will be correct in every game, no annoying light bar.

xbone is the superior choice UNLESS you like the feel of the ds4 more, but you won't know unless you've tried both, so go find a way to try both.

X1 Elite

Because functionally they are equally good and some people get tired of fucking the same pussy for 7 years.