New Cover art

Do you like Bloodstained's new cover art?

Not really. Artist is talented but that particular picture looks iffy. I like the old artist better.

>I like the old artist better.

Old art is trash.

I would like it better if it was released.

New Miriam looks like Frodo and is trying too hard to ride on Kojima's coattails. Pic related looks infinitely better.

t. Yuji Yatsume

Your ass got fired from the project a year ago like the rest of Inti-Creates for good reason.

Literally the only good thing about Inti was the art. New artist is shit no matter how hard that faggot staffer tries to shill her.

I'm certain Iga's had her. He has had all the girls he works with.

Why is Miriam smiling ? she's supposed to be cursed !

That's not Miriam that's Elijah Wood.

>Why is Miriam smiling ? she's supposed to be cursed !

Miriam is a happy person. She's not dour Shanoa.

Yeah, though I'd prefer if Miriam had more of a serious expression on her face.

Too many characters at once, should have just left with protag and villain

this is what happens when you place your hopes for a castlevania spiritual successor in the hands of a man who ruined castlevania in the first place

>no fun allowed

Iga made Lords of Shadow?

Too bad the game still looks like shit.

Looks familiar

She's cursed with crystals in her body and going through a castle filled to the brim with demons, she shouldn't be smiling like she just got some nice tattoos and is going to the movies with some guy.

Imagine if Sup Forums was around in 1997. They'd tear Kojima's art apart and probably turn it into memes.

>Hurr look at Maria's face
>hurr all these dainty little
>look how awfully drawn Alucard's hand is here
>kojima is a hack!

This thread again?

Ain't no Castlevania art that's for sure

this is gothic and resembles a renaissance painting with just a hint of japanese style to it and a clear composition which draws the eye across it in a smooth motion
this is a gothic-loli anime show cluttered with generic waifubait and edgelords. characters are crammed in just to fill space like an awkward family photo

no but he's the one who turned it into a saturday morning anime to appeal to kids

nah thats really fucking generic, wouldnt even take a second look at

Damn, Iga worked on Rondo of Blood? I didn't knew that tbqh

He got a special thanks.

The office was across from his, and he went over, and talked to some pretty girl who he ended up marrying.

when is this coming out?

It tries way too hard to look like the SotN cover art with none of what made it great.

It looks like your usual Castlevania cover m8

Nice tiddies

That's why it's important to never take Sup Forums seriously. At any level.

Who's Idea was it to give her a disoriented cringey smile and focus on a tit tramp stamp in this picture? Bad art.

New artist sucks.