When will finally get realistic female armor in vidya, Sup Forums?

When will finally get realistic female armor in vidya, Sup Forums?

Also full plate cute > bikini shit.

i want to fuck that female

it's a drawing

If games were realistic, there'd be no women in armor to begin with

>inb4 females didn't fight so there is not realistic female armor
Stop being retarded and misunderstanding on purpose. When people say "realistic female armor" they mean armor that might actually work instead of bikini armor.

>realistic female armor
it's magic, I ain't got to explain shit

hopefully never


and real girls are just atoms

your point?

>realistic female armor
No such thing

I just went to /r/gaming to see what enlightened redditors have to say about racist cuphead
guess what pic is currently 6th there

a drawing is just atoms too.

>realistic female armo
But women in combat is unrealistic in the first place

>i went to reddit

>there'd be no women in armor to begin with

There'd be one per few hundred or thousand males.

But male armor in game is never practical or realistic either. Both sexes wear armor that is stylish first, because it's a fucking video game and style matters more than realism unless you're making a simulator.

And it just so happen that the style that best suits females is skimpiness.

>full plate cute
Man of culture.



There is no such thing as "realistic female armor" because women being on the battlefield is unrealistic in the first place.
The only people who whine about revealing armor are women and nu-males.

Realistic armor looks like goofy shit. I prefer armor that's actually designed with aesthetic appeal in mind.
Bikini armor also looks like shit though.

stop making this retarded argument kys

Well you think it is some metal bikini means it doesent give protection?

Well whats diffrence between "Nonmagical platebody" and "Magical platebody" they are both just metal platebody when comes to "nonmagical defence" but magical plate armor has also magical "Forcefield" what is the major source of protection, same goes to female armour, if they have magical protection it wont make a real big deal it is full plate or just metal bikini.

Armor for a female wouldn't work because women in the battlefield don't work.

Never because no one who buys games really cares. We'll definitely be getting much less retarded mail bikinis are more boob plate, but boob plate and skin tight leather will never not be a thing.

If you want a "realistic game" you shouldn't be playing a game where women fight in the first place.
If you only care about realism as it applies to female armor you are probably a nu-male.

>realistic female armor
We already got it.

Arguments please.

When you stop ignoring it.

Stop posting this in TESOg, I hate you

Wow, you are huge ass!
Please kill yourself.

discussion on reddit is much more intelligent than Sup Forums
4Channers are mostly alt-righters and still believe that games shouldnt have an option to skip bosses

They don't, sorry you get triggered by facts.

>all this historical revisionism
I thought people got older, not younger, as years go by.

Do you like it?
ShindoL is working on this game.

I don't remember anything "unrealistic" (at least by the standards I assume you're applying) in the armor in For Honor

When will we finally get OC on Sup Forums?

>rewriting history

so you admit you are a fag

>That cameltoe

Why don't just start by making some?

old Sup Forums loved armor girls

This place just feels so alien these days

>realistic female armor

the term you're looking for is 'practical'. Realistic female armor doesn't exist outside of pompous parade and ceremonial pieces because women didn't fight. The handful of examples that do exist are a drop in the ocean, and even then armor has always been very expensive.

Women's role in war throughout history has always been at the camp following, usually supportive through maintaining equipment, running water and supplies, acting as nurses, or just daily living duties


MH has been doing tastefully sexy female armor for years.
>pic related not withstanding

Dragons dogma has full armor for girls, gotten over 100000 rift crystals for my warriorfu from kind arisins

>this entire thread
Niggers, it's just videogames. Fantasy. Fiction.
You know what those words mean, right? Everyone knows women were never in combat in real life.

You wanted realism.

Or, ya know, "relieving" the soldiers. In that sense, the bikini armor is more realistic.

he's just japanese shad

its almost like a bunch of people come here just to post garbage trying to sway the culture..



I know i like armor girls, but people like OP keeps pretending they don't exist. If he's really upset about bikini armor he would post cute girls in good armor.

I see Ryoko Hakubi, therefore I must post.

to continue: there are plenty of games with practical women's or unisex armor (like leather or padded coats) but you probably ignore those to justify your need to feel victimized/smart/righteous about something

3/10 made me reply

I was gonna bitch about the puffy vulva plate but consider how much real Armour tended to bulge out the loins I figured this must be the female equivalent.

shut the fuck up dumb roastie

wew lad

Girls with realistic armor is boring and honestly feels kinda gay.
Now post some goddamn cheesecake.


kys baitfag

Dont worry
They still exist in your heart user
the fact that they never existed before cosplayers in the last 30 years in real life is irrelevant

Hows that tin foil hat treating you champ?

that's bullshit though, we always mocked the chainmail bikinis
stop trying to fit in you contrarian faggot

We get realistic female armor in many games, what's your point?

I’m glad they don’t get practical armor. The sexy biki armor is good fap material, good thing game devs know who to pander to :^)

Actually this.

The whole point of video games is to LOOK good and be at least somewhat believable.

What strikes me is that how shitty and immersion breaking bikini armour is. Its just ugly AND stupid.

If I want to have a wank then the Internet is there overflowing with an immense amount of much better porn. How sad of a scumsucking dribbling retard do yo have to be to find tittyarmour worthwhile? Or do these people have to be constantly saturated in pixelated female anatomy to survive?

And the people behind these designs, both artistic and game directionwise, are supposed to be the "professionals". Sort of like how TV tries to push fucking men with beards blowing shit up or welding shit and randomly screaming "Science Awesum!" is forced by a ton of media production entitites, and they assume that is what the masses want. The masses never wanted it and as a result are fleeing the commercial ridden creative barren landscape that is Television whenever possible. Titty armour is from the same school of thought and must be ruthlessly exterminated from all segments of the videogame industry, via mods, not buying the product or by beheading of the entire studio.

The people that have destroyed televsion with their diarrhea must not be tolerated to gain a toehold in this bastion of creativity that actually has standards.

Fuck logic

I said armor girls not bikini girls

best girl.

option to skip bosses? wtf

whoever shot those arrows must have god aim to only hit armored parts

Cute armor.

>The whole point of video games is to LOOK good and be at least somewhat believable.
Stopped reading there

Head = most important part to protect
No clunky armor on your entire body = Good for movement, very good

There's your logic, it was very easy to make it up

OwO what this?


No, "we" didnt.

I like full armors on females.

How has this not been posted yet?

And why would a bikini armor not work ?
Because you don't like them ?

Fully armoured, that is what /the gentlemen/ would say

no. :)

No one fucking cares what you think trip fag

I couldn't agree any harder.

realistic armor is a fucking joke

yo what games even have bikini armor

>THICC bikini

GTFO nigger.



Clearly this is more to your taste

>Switching from a sword to a big T on a stick


I just like girls in armour in general. Usually doesn't matter much to me whether or not the armours are far detached or close to reality.

We do sometimes. Fantasy games are going to do skimpy female armors sometimes because a bunch of sexually frustrated virgins want skimpy female armors. There's nothing wrong with pandering to a demographic if it's your target audience.

Real men of culture like cute armored girls.
Only weebs and brazilians who play korean f2p MMOs like chainmail bikinis.


I love conventional armor as much as the next guy but having silly stuff like that as an option is just a plus.

loads of male armor had fake pecs, abs, bulges, and even nipples, I don't really see the issue here.

But fully armored girl might as well be man with an effeminate voice.

>Having women on your front line instead of them being casters dressed up as cute witches

I'm a Brazillian who play fsp Korean MMOs and I take offense i
at that statement.

is a hundred percent correct.