>A Hat In Time
>Sonic Mania
>Super Mario Odyssey
2017: Year of Platformers
>Sonic Mania
>forgetting super lucky's tail
>4 platformers
>year of platformers
More like the year of jap games.
>only enjoy casual platformers
Git gud.
>Yooka Laylee already forgotten
Poor Playtonic.
mario odyssey a shit
t. average Sup Forums contrarian
>port of the VR game they throw in the box with the headset for free
why would I ever buy that?
>forgetting snes classic which has the best platformer the world has ever seen yoshi's mah friggin island bitch
Cuphead literally isn't a platformer.
This year has been a really fucking good year for video games. Probably one of the best in the last decade.
Also Crash. This has been a good year for franchises that had been shit or on ice. We also got a Metroid that wasnt shit.
Yeah I forgot Crash. Like said this year has been amazing for vidya in general.
Nigger the game literally isn't out.
You're right. It's been amazing game after amazing game
cant wait to see all the sony warrior tears when it gets 94 metacritic and sweeps every single goty award
mario odyssey doesnt look that good, but besides that its been pretty great
Cuphead has platforming in it, but it is not a platformer.
Run-and-Gun is a platformer sub-genre
Much like Metroidvania
its a boss rush plataformer
one stage were you are a plane doesnt change that
>94 sweeping GOTY
>when lack-of-Breadth of the Wild has a fucking 97
You're delusional
Yooka Laylee wasn't that bad guys!
You forgot something.
>Ex-Rare employees had several times the budget and more experience and still made a worse game than a modder with a small team and $300,000
Why should anybody be sad when a good game gets released? Even if you don't own the system you should be happy that it has solid games in case you want to get one in the future.
>Hat in Time
It was an ok game.
You'd think that, but then plenty of people here get so upset about good games succeeding, they shitpost them to death.
what anime is this angry looking creature from
It was okay but nothing memorable
All of her teeth are fangs?
Why is she not wearing clothes in one of these
It's summer and it's hot.