>pick up zelda: breath of the wild
>first zelda game ever played
>every says it's the best rpg ever
>been playing 5 hours
>not a single village or npc to talk to except one old guy
>literally no stores
the fuck is this?
Pick up zelda: breath of the wild
Mandatory tutorial level. You'll find what you want later.
It's not an RPG though.
>zelda: botw
maybe u just need more hand holding like a little bitch ass
Fuck off retard. Isolation is a theme in game, hence the name. You won't get to any villages until you get off the plateau, which is roughly 1% of the game.
Did you leave the plateau yet?
No, that old dude changed the terms of our agreement! Now I'm running around killing goblins and going to various shrines or whatever.
Weak bait. But there's a chance this will turn into a good ol' fashioned BotW shitpost thread, which is always fun.
not the right word to describe a game where you're in an open field all the time, user.
solitude fits more
At least get off the Great Plateau before you start whining. The GP is an abandoned area except for the old man and Link. I have to assume you're still there because the old man directs you towards a village when it's time for you to leave the area.
>zelda game
Awful bait
Now that you mention it, you're bang on correct.
it's a action game like dark souls not a rpg not a jrpg.
Why are so many gamers these days like little children with ADHD? Get the glider you impatient baby. Also how have you not gotten it by now?
>first zelda game ever played
So you shouldn't have any expectations. Why do you expect villages or stores?
I'm not sure if bait or not, but it's an action adventure with puzzle elements. puzzles not so much in this one, but alle the previous games did have some good puzzles.
Meh, Zelda games have more in common with rpgs than what they don't have.
>finish the first few shrines
>"go to kakariko village"
>OP says there are no towns
If you've been stuck on the tutorial for five hours you really need to get better at video games.
>5 hours in and still hasn't gotten off the plateau
man u dumb
Maybe I like roleplaying even within my RPGs and I only walk everywhere, and I stop every 6 hours in-game time (which is 22 minutes) and eat.
>the fuck is this?
the wild, Its on the fucking tittle of the game dude
I'm pretty sure a day in-game is 24 minutes long.
That's what I meant, so I actually have to find a campfire, cook and eat every 4 minutes. Can't get anything done at this rate.
I also like roleplaying in games but that's pretty fucking autistic.
>200 hours in
>still haven't gotten a single level up
nintentards will defend this
stockpile them and then eat them at intervals you retard
There's like 3 villages and 3 major cities.
Why the npcs are always silent? No real spoken lines?
While Zelda isn't an RPG itself, it sure as hell influenced a lot of them.
BotW is more of an RPG than any Zelda game before.
>5 hours on the great plateau
all you fuckers should be ashamed for falling for this. a bad player would take 2 hours at most.
i spent 10 hours farming shit in the plateau
>five hours and you're still on the first plateau
Voice acting is overrated.
voice acting doesn't really matter on characters with no depth
the problem with botw is that only five characters (zelda + 4 champs) have any depth at all
>only five characters (zelda + 4 champs) have any depth at all
yeah, you go there to upgrade your tablet and then never think about the place again
Double dubs
She has an entire backstory. She's actually an old woman. Guess you never found her diary.
it's literally just an open world game. same vein as Rockstar's games. Hell they even admit that they took notes from RDR and GTA
It's a good thing that almost all the main story revolves around those character's then. Also you forgot about Kass.
it's a bad thing that the main story is so thin for a game the size of botw.
I can't figure out how to get to the one shrine that's in the snow. I keep shivering and it kills me before I get there.
In the sequel, I hope Nintendo put enough confidence in themselves to completely remove shrines and replace them with caves/structures. Imagine seeing a pillar off in the distance and getting there and there's an entire mini-dungeon or even just a small puzzle in a cave.
Shrines just seem like an easy way out.
Still loved the game, definitely my GOTY so far, with Divinity 2 right behind it.
you pick these chili beans and cook them into a cold-resist food
sorry you're not liking it
maybe uncharted would be more of your type of game
Minimal story isn't a bad thing if it was intentional.
cook something with the chilis to get warmer
you can also use a torch on fire (problem would be fights then)
or try to get the "winter-outfit" by making that special dish for the old-guy (he also gives it to you for you at the top of the mountain)
the main story can be lean meat for all I care, I just wish there were more side-characters you could find, that actually had deep and interesting stories you could explore, rather than the little one-step quests
Kass and Tarrey Town.
You play the role of Link...
Who called this game an RPG?
why do people pretend that this guy is interesting? He just spawns everywhere offering you the same damn song, although some of his Shrine challenges are nice but that's literally it.
It's an endearing story about him trying to get some closure for his dead teacher. Also the pay off is pretty sweet as well.
Tarrey town isn't much of a story thought, just a big fetch-quest. It's nice to help develop the town, but all you do is gather wood and people named "-son". Kass is the musician bird? All he does is give you a hint to find the local shrine.
That's pretty hardcore bro
Wait a minute
>spent 180 hours before I beat the game
does that mean I fucked around for over a year in-game before rescuing Zelda
JRPG, no, actually all RPGfags are cancer
Kass has a pretty cool story when it's all said and done. He's definitely one of my favourite NPC's in the franchise.
That conversation with him back at Rito village when you've done all of his quests was wonderful.
Fucking make a campfire you idiot
Take out wood and Flint and put it on the floor and strike the Flint with a steel weapon
Did you expect a grand adventure where you travel all across a whole kingdom to save several people and defeat a grand evil to only take a few days?
>decide to try out BoTW now that it runs well on CEMU
>download and update game
>runs smoothly without cheat engine
>do shitty tutorial area and then some
>game is a shallow open world meme
>get bored after Hateno village
I hope you didnt buy a Zelda machine just for this piece of shite
Absolutely. To me this is a game full of heart warming moments, and honestly that's all that Zelda's ever needed to be for me.
Thanks for trying out the game at least before putting out your opinion, it's fine if the game wasn't up to your ta—
You have fucking shit tastes fuck off you dumb faggot quit hyping up Wind Waker as if it wasn't some undercooked shit.
thread should have ended here, all the falseflagging and shitposts can fuck right off.
>play ww
>absolutely amazing
>game drops in quality after getting the master sword
>still really like it but the rest of the game feels like wasted potential
I'd absolutely love to see Nintendo fully remake Wind Waker adding all the cut content but unfortunately it'll never happen.
WW is pretty lame man, and BotW is dope as hell
i agree with that desu. I really enjoyed the sailing aspect and in general have really fond memories of it when it first came out.
what part is dope?
it surely isn't the open world aspect, the terrian that was generated with what seems like the terraforming tool from Cities skyline, or the 12 enemy types.
wtf is with the dialogue in this game
>I believe it would be reckless for you to head directly to the castle at this point.
>Instead, for the next sixty hours or so, I want you to fight middling bosses and plunder an increasingly more difficult series of dungeons
>After that, you should be strong enough to face Ganon
>bought mario kart
>friend said it was the best turn based strategy game ever
>play 3 hours just racing so far only strategy is picking car parts
was i rused Sup Forums?
You are unironically triggering me.
>You can go to the final boss, but with no good weapons, armors, and fucking amnesia, there's a good chance you'll be shot dead by a Guardian halfway through Hyrule Field
>Or you could take some time to travel, restore the land and get stronger.
>You don't even need to do everything. Just as much as you feel you need to be strong enough.
>I'm not saying you COULDN'T go fight Ganon right now, I'm just saying you will die far more at this current state and time
It's your choice, OP. Stop being mad about having options.
unironically mk8 is more fun. Thats what i've ended up using CEMU for