What could have lead to this result?

What could have lead to this result?

no comped sushi


What the fuck does it say?
Most of us don't speak or ready chicken-scratch nipgookinese.

Literally translate it you fucking faggot we don't all speak weaboo.

I can't read all the fucking Kanji. He doesn't want to go overseas? The fuck is he saying

I can read half of it but there are weird squiggly 汉字 I don't recognize
was someone killed ?

Back to China.


Why is this idiot talking about the pleasure of being cummed inside?

>When we released V3 in our country there came a ton of death threats and insults
>When we released it overseas there's none of that
>This is sad!

Maybe because the Japanese fanbase is even more retarded than the western one? Don't underestimate Japanese autism.

Why can't asians just use normal letters? I can only imagine the pain of trying to write a long letter or a book with those cancerous symbols.

Japanese nerds are somehow more autistic than Western nerds

Really fries your brain lol

because nobody buys/plays the fucking game in the West.

>release a game where cute girls will be killed
>surprised to get death threats from nips

Huh? Of course he's not getting english death threats, no one is going to send a japanese man threats in english. I hope he's not seriously implying that japanese people have worse online manners than westerners, because I see that shit meme all the time from japanese people who don't know how good they have it.

He's shitposting. He's saying that Americans aren't bad-mouthing Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony as much as the Japanese fans, and he was anticipating it.

>cute girls

To stop you from learning Japanese. I'm glad it's working.

t. monolingual brainlet

Is it supposed to be sad that the Japanese made all the death threats and insults, or sad that the foreigners didn't make any death threats and insults?

it's a casual filter

He would see plenty of people badmouthing it if he could read english. What a retard. Though I guess such stupidity is to be expected from someone dumb enough to write an ending like v3's.

The latter. And 寂しい is more like "lonely".

He's unhappy that he didn't get reactions.

>I hope he's not seriously implying that japanese people have worse online manners than westerners
The whole "kill yourself" meme started in Japanese online games. Japanese gamers are pretty brutal when it comes to ruining fun for others online.

Japan has different views on escapism in media (and it's a profitable market), so anything that ruins the fantasy gets ripped apart by angry otaku.

>wanting to learn a language that literally one country use
Waste of time and who the right mind would want to learn loads of gibberish symbols?

Will Kohacka just pander to the western fanbase now?

Fuck this prick, Japanese people really are shifting in an unsavory direction. Where are the "MOSHIWAKEGOZAIMASENS" and bowing while promising to do better next time? Now he sounds the same as a whiney Western dev who's fans "just dont get it"

As it should be. Games are not real life. If you ruin the escapism intentionally then you've broken your contract with the player.

Th western fanbase is literally and figuratively too smart, so of course they weren't disgusted by the V3 ending like a mere buffoon of low IQ would do just like Kodaka planned, the western eyes have discerned the true and hidden genius of Kodaka writing and are still amazed a the complex literature behind the ending, as always Kodaka is a masterful genius of deception but he couldn't compete with the supreme thinking brain of one of the smartest fanbases in the west, bravo Kodaka bravo

Yeah and it makes trying to wrap your head around what is and isn't good depending on the culture kind of a bitch. West wants to see something they can identify with emotionally, Japs only want something they relate to if it's a version of reality way better than what they have. Japanese storytelling wears its heart on its sleeve in a way that would be considered schlock by the storytelling standards of the west. I don't think that's a bad thing at all, it's cathartic.

this but unironically

To be honest, this. Nips really showed us how much of brainlets they are.