Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario World?
Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario World?
3. I don't like riding yoshi and the spin jump.
Super Mario World easily
gotta say world
3. World is very nice and adds a lot of cool things but 3 has the better level design, power ups, inventory system, difficulty, and music
World, but I like 3 too.
3 feels more like and adventure to me, and the cape in world is broken af.
mario world because nigga i was the perfect age when that shit came out so nigga its my nigga jam nigga
World. Not even close.
>I don't like riding yoshi
>being this gay
3 is more charming and has more heart but World has some of the best level design of the SNES-era so I go with World.
also the all star version is garbage for either game
3 for challenge, World for comfy.
>also the all star version is garbage for either game
wtf is that 1st yoshi power up supposed to be?
3 for the game
World for the mechanics
>worse graphics
>worse sound
>got rid of play aesthetic for generic Mario poop
How is World worse though
I agree that NES 3 is better, but SNES 3's aesthetics are still great.
Mario 3, though only because of Nostalgia.
True, but the leveles are waay to short and don't feature much outside what you see on them (AKA no exploration).
The only reason ALLSTARS MARIO 3 is meh is because he has no gloves for some reason.
Because he didn't have any in SMB3. They should've added them though. Maybe there's a hack for that.
Fun Fact: The "Goombas" in SMW were never supposed to be Goombas. In Japan goombas are named "Kuribo" (which is also where Kuribo's Shoe in SMB3 comes from, translators screwed that up which confused a lot of players). The round enemies in SMW are called "Kuribon" in Japan, and they're supposed to be a related but separate species from the Kuribo/Goomba. But the translators for SMW screwed up (again) and just called them Goombas.
Apparently they returned in more recent games and are now being translated as Galoombas in the English games. Both Goombas and Galoombas are in Super Mario 3D World apparently.
Nostalgiafaggin pretty hard there. SNES version is way better.
There are levels like cheese bridge, which are sky themed. This image seriously needs an update. But then it's made for the express purpose of shitposting against World.
World is a watered down 3 with Yoshi, gonna have to say 3.
World gets hate only because it was easier than 3 but it has far superior level design. It's only easier because you can replay levels to farm lives and get items. If you couldn't do that, it would be way harder than 3.
>you cant be Nostalgiafag for SNES
can we all just agree that this is the best power up in mario history?
3 easily.
People love 3 but I find it boring.
>short levels
>worse music
>all bosses are pretty much the same (boom booms or koopas, very little variety)
It does have a couple of cool powerups and it is somewhat more challenging, but as far as overall experience is concerned world just trumps it by far. Plus World has Yoshi which is awesome.
>but m-m-muh cape makes it too easy. you can just fly over the levels.
Then don't fly over the levels moron. You can fly over the levels with the PWing too but that doesn't mean you have to use it!
3 is better, World is easier to pick up and play.
are the people that say 3 the same idiots that think Galaxy 2 was better than 1?
Both Galaxy 1 and 2 are shit