Does videogames still make you excited?

does videogames still make you excited?

what's this


only if it's hard and throbbing to be honest. but they need the right amount of thickness and can't be too long


better give us a source mein bruder

it's not up on the panda. I haven't uploaded it. :o)

>ywn bury your face in cute boy's package
kill me

don't taunt us user

user please source this, Thighs + Trap is life

it's not a trap, it's futanari you uncultured swines

if i shaved i'd look like this but it seems like such a fucking effort.

if this post ends in 5 you have to share sauce

>Stop calling the character with a dick a male!

>lethal injection

Pick two

>futa is gay
what are you a homo?


this in no way changes my desire for a source

where's the sauce nigga

for some reason this turns me really on.

>futa is trans
Imagine being this fucking new. Fucking normies I swear to god.

>i-i-its not gay, it has a vag too

fucking weeb logic

You sir live a very unhappy life. Perhaps you need to express your feelings to the crowd!
It took me a long time, but I eventually realized that my hate for gay people was because I couldnt bring myself to accept my true feelings.

Eventually I learned to love myself for who I was, and not care for detractors. You should do the same!

by this logic, elves are just humans with pointy ears

in my testicles user. you need to suck it out

I'm excited for Bloodstained, Red Dead Redemption 2, any future Fromsoft game.

That's exactly what they are in 99% of settings

>implying I wouldn't

Don't mind if I do


no the only thing I have left is arguing about videogames, something I can't do here anymore because 99% of threads are reddit faggots posting retarded shit like "will you buy her game" "I love X" "5 cute facts about X" "say something nice about X" and retarded twitter screenshots so now I just make incendiary posts on the official forums of games I don't like.


i like your honesty user. i wish there were still good forums around. maybe i should make an alt on steam just to shit up the game forums

then lets argue
MGSV's story is very good but the people who claim otherwise are too illiterate to read a book let alone follow the plotline of a game of go fish

There are very few places like Sup Forums left, places where you can speak your mind without having a name attached and having to worry about maintaining an image. I'll take Sup Forums over any other gaming """"forums"""" any day of the fucking week.

op pls

Kill me, Pete

I don't think anybody will argue that MGSV's story is bad. I think the problem is that it could have been so much more better if Konami had not gone full fucking kike and fucked over Kojima.

I don't give a shit about MGS, all the games play like shit, I slogged through 1 and 2 and the stories were fucking stupid allegories for current world conflicts and problematics that I don't give a fuck about, MGSV is the only MGS with good gameplay but the structure of the game and the upgrade system makes it basically unplayable unless you're a mindless drone who enjoys doing the same thing over and over on the same map until that one interesting mission of the whole chapter like when you run away from the metal gear in Afghanistan.

I figured out about the language outbreak on my own when I first played MGSV and I hadn't feld so accomplished from a video game in a decade.

wtf is she holding a big bent spoon for




making you dinner after you fucked her from behind over the stove, presumably with cuddling and extended eye contact

and a high chance of pregnancy

Did that top one get scanned?

Ah, nvm, I recognize this now

Have you seen the latest Aya gallery, futabros? This fucking artist nails it every time..

You can find it on the panda.

Shut the fuck up.



why would she keep eggs there?

There is nothing wrong with being black.

to keep them warm you dumb bitch

Somtimes you can recognize the artist by the composition of the bulge. Musashi-Dou?



Traps are gay.

> i'm too much of a pussy to take personal responsibility for the stupid shit i say

Source on that graph? You can't just shit out some random graph and not provide where you got it from.

>character that has a biological vagina and female reproductive system is male

>unless you're a mindless drone who enjoys doing the same thing over and over on the same map
wow good gameplay can actually keep people interested for more than an hour. maybe you shouldve looked into the game beforehand knowing you have ADHD

someone post the folder


>i need to express myself with a faggy little avatar and i cant survive without seeing my precious post count go up daily

Are you fucking blind?

Man, that's a puffy pussy.



back to your containment board newfag

>futa on futa
Absolutely fucking godly

Still don't see a source.

Not a source either.

>reddit faggots posting retarded shit

If only there was a source listed below the graph. Wouldn't that be helpful?


Nah it can be gay but we are getting gay with a chick.



Yeah I wish more people would upload his uncensored stuff. Wost case it will just be expunged and put in the forbidden content tag which I have a high enough power level to access.

It's sad that I'm pretty sure this is MLP where is barneyfag?

still want some source nigga

Why am I seeing so many fucking traps today?


I was playing Parasite in City this morning and it got me pretty excited

Yeah its a website that ends in .xls, totally a legit website bud.

Nice source.

I know and see is stuff but not my fav artist for sure .

is that it? is that all you can come up with?

You're in a forbidden temple.

This medicine may help you get over your blindness.

>that ends in .xls
Pretending to be too retarded to read a URL is some pretty shitty bait.

i'm gonna upload it to the panda but it's not gonna be right away. just keep searching for futanari for the next couple of days. the image in op is the top panel of page 7/8 (depending if the rip includes a blank page 2 or not).

is that it? is that all you can come up with?

The website is literally from a government website, the FBI.

is loli isn't pedo shit then traps aren't gay

the website ends in .gov the .xls is the file extension. Google both if you dont know them.

it's not even about edgy shit, think about how sometimes you change your opinion about a game in the course of months or years. In a regular forum a faggot would hold a grudge against you because back in the day you called him a nintendork or a sonegro and even if he agreed with you he wouldn't manifest his opinion. Here in Sup Forums you don't have this kind of ego masturbation, probably the same faggot who called you a dirty nigger in a thread posted some cute cat in response for your love about a game in another thread, this is why I love this place.

What anime is this

It's a mystery.

yes but futa is straight

you're underage is showing

why not do a thread on /d/ or tell us the name?