Shit games that people liked because it was the only exclusive one in that genre on the system

Shit games that people liked because it was the only exclusive one in that genre on the system.

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I'm really getting sick of Sup Forums's contratarian shit.

Ocarina of Time.

Tales of Symphonia

People actually regarded it as the best FPS on Nintendo Wii.


That's not saying much.

Same, I'm mean what the fuck Sup Forums? It's post 2012.

It was actually decent. Nothing better than what you'd find on 360/PS3 but it was definitely a feat for the hardware to get a FPS that was this fundamentally competent, cheaters aside.

>inb4 has anyone ever be

Conduit 2 was a little better, but yeah the first game was fun. Do you get mad at people enjoying things, user?

>people talk about Conduit and not the superior multiplayer game for the Wii

But the Conduit was great
At least until it got flooded with hackers

Isn't the protagonist voiced by the guy who voiced Duke Nukem?

the multiplayer became literally Mess: City The Game

I spent the whole game waiting for a boss fight right until the credits, I had fun but my brain couldn't believe the wasn't going to be one.

Every nintendo exclusive.

I believe the game got ported to Android at one point.

I could probably check if that is so.


Hahaha... The best fps on the Wii.

My condolences to anyone who grew up with only a Wii.

LOL at the screenshot.


Not only that, but people kept creating automatic rocket launchers, which completely wiped the floor with anyone who was in the general direction of the user. Shit was completely broken and extremely hard to counter.

But that's Red Steel 2

LOL at the screenshot.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


This. They hate normies and hipsters but are the biggest fucking hipsters themselves because unless it's persona 2 or some other obscure fucking weebshit or some shitty game nobody has heard of then it's "bad"

I'm actually proud of Sup Forums for not referencing that tired out stupid fucking meme from 10 years ago regarding this game.

>persona 2


I kinda like Conduit 2 it has this n64 shooter charm to it.

Nevermind. Autism underage detected.

nah, Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 was easily the best

Best FPS on the Wii was the Goldeneye remake.

This dude knows what's up. Still one of my favorite FPSs

But the 360 got a goldeneye remake too.

Yeah but then you have to play it with dual analog instead of pointer aiming.

I really wish the Wii remote and nunchuck combo was invented by someone else because it was really good for FPS games and Nintendo can't stand making those.

>best fps on the wii
how dumb are people?

I like how they describe that game was single player only, but when I booted it up, it actually had MP2s multiplayer on the menu.

The conduit introduced me to multiple reload animations for the same weapons. Also, the weapon roster was really fun like a Halo 1/2 Lite. Fuck you if you didn't like it.

The Conduit isn't exclusive. It's on Droid.