Revolutionized racing games by inventing cart racers

>revolutionized racing games by inventing cart racers
>sony tries to steal it with crash team racing and makes a mediocre clone

>revolutionized shooters with splatoon
>sony tries to steal it with senran kagura splash and makes a mediocre clone

>revolutionized fighting games with super smash bros
>sony tries to steal it with playstation all-stars and makes a mediocre clone

>revolutionized adventure games with the zelda franchise
>sony tries to steal it with horizon zero dawn and makes a mediocre clone

How the fuck is it allowed for a company to blatantly steal other companies ideas and shit all over them?

Other urls found in this thread:

youre the guy who would but a snes classic user

>sony tries to steal it with senran kagura splash
>senran kagura

Report this shitty obvious troll/flamewar thread

sony doesn't make senran kagura you absolute retard

report the shitty thread

>revolutionized shooters with splatoon
>sony tries to steal it with senran kagura splash and makes a mediocre clone

Stopped reading right there, there is no possible way there is anything value in reading the whole post.

Fucking kill yourself.

Take your meds and realize Sony only publishes these games

Like Nintendo didn't even invent anything you listed so it's time to kill yourself.

>sony tries to steal it with crash team racing and makes a mediocre clone

I know it's just a shitpost thread but I find it hilarious that some people out there unironically hold opinions like this even though Crash Team Racing was probably the first good kart racer. Mario Kart didn't git gud until Double Dash or MKDS (depending on your tastes), Mode 7 Mario Kart and N64 Mario Kart are slow ugly garbage games that people only still like for nostalgia. Seriously, go back and play SNES Mario Kart. It's shit.

>nintendo didn't invent zelda, mario kart, splatoon or super smash bros
I think you are the one who should take his meds.

Don't you get tired of being a hypocrite and a liar?

>>revolutionized shooters with splatoon
imagine actually thinking this

Name another shooter like splatoon, I'll wait.

>Mario Kart didn't git gud until Double Dash or MKDS (depending on your tastes)
Well clearly your taste is shit.

Don't you get tired of posting this ridiculous nonsense image?

No because the only reason you would find it ridiculour or nonsense if you unironically believed Nintendo invented those things and you just can't accept and process the information that you were wrong, and your favorite Ninty is actually not nearly as good as you thought.

It's fun watching you going through all kinds of ridiculous mental gymnastics to explain why the image is wrong, but in the end the content of the image is fact and there is nothing you can do about it.
It comes down to fanaticism vs. facts.

This image is also completely unrelated to this thread and you only post it to deflect from the OP.

>he actually liked the pre-DD Mario Karts
Games are slow, ugly and boring. Either the games have "aged" badly or they were never any good to begin with.

Anyone who knows anything about video games knows that the image is either utter lies or shit just made up.

i.e. Super Mario 64 isn't innovative because it's a 3D platformer (there were TONS before it). It's innovative because of its Game Design.

Polygonal Game. Fucking wat?

Even the very first image, the D-Pad. Nintendo invented the modern D-Pad, they won a fucking engineering award for it. There were many different attempts at game controllers during the video game primordial soup, Nintendo's design became the standard everyone still uses today.

The whole fucking image is nonsense desperation. You might as well include lcd calculators on there and claim Nintendo ripped them off for their GameBoy console. Fucking retard child.

This thread is already shitposting and bait, every citizen of Sup Forums's duty is to deflect this thread from OP until the mods delete it.

You didn't seriously expect actual discussion here?

It's totally related to the OP, Nintenfags get fucked by facts. lmao Tomb Raider had lock on before Oot did.

Yes, this is what I'm talking about.
>It's innovative because of its Game Design.
>they won a fucking engineering award for it.
Just because they won an award for it doesn't mean it's proof they invented it. They received the same an award for the wii remote too, and what do you know, turns out they didn't invent that either and they got their asses sued for it.

Careto entertain me more, delusional Nintenkekker? It's an absolutely fantastic feeling when you literally destroy Nintenkekkers with simple facts, no effort required.


You are mentally unstable. You should get permanently banned. It would increase the board quality.

>revolutionized adventure games with the zelda franchise
Try again

The only one mentally unstable here is you and OP. Actually, you must be OP if you think this thread has any value so scratch that.

But CTR is surprisingly better than MarioKart just like that Sega AllStar Racing.

I think you're just fishing for (You)s or you're really stuck in the late 90s/00s

nice quads
nice truth
nice butthurt
nice autism
he's pointint out that nintendo didnt invent anything that sony "stole" - it's just fucking following market trends.

Almost very single 3D platformer since 1996 has taken it's design directly from Mario 64. If you don't know what I mean by that it's because you're an idiot child.

And yes, not only did Nintendo invent the modern D-Pad, they had a patent on the design for decades and on a larger scale, every single major console for the past 25 years has taken their control pad design directly from Nintendo's SFC/SNES pad. Every single one. Think about that for a second; Nintendo were the ones who decided HOW we will interact with games. And everyone else copiedd them. Oh my dear child, you must cry yourself to sleep every night cursing Nintendo out of pure immature rage.

Stop sony bros... do it for iwata sama
Do it for Mario sama, we can do it, we can stop the Sonychads

The same guys that sued four other companies and are implied in doing a patent scam.

I don't want to get into the whole console wars nonsense but Sony has never had an original idea. The epitomized the old stereotype of the Japanese company that steals ideas from everyone else.

But here's the thing. While Sony has had the best selling console in a generation. They have never had the best console in any generation. Sales numbers don't make anything good. If they did McDonald's would be considered the finest cuisine on the planet.

The point is Mario 64 didn't invent 3D platforming, Alpha Waves did.

Mattel Intellivision invented the d-pad not Nintendo.

>Game controller
>The Intellivision controller features:
>12-button numeric keypad (0-9, clear, and enter)
>Four side-located action buttons (two for left handed players, two for right handed players)
top two side buttons are electronically the same, giving three distinct buttons
>A directional pad, capable of detecting 16 directions of movement
>Plastic overlays that slide into place as an extra layer on the keypad to show game-specific key functions

>Hell yeah bro let's play some vidya
>what is that
>a dpad

>Mattel Intellivision invented the d-pad not Nintendo.
That's not a D-Pad. It's an 8 way controller disk.

>used to be a trend setter
>now is a trend follower
>and a slow one at that
From a critical point of view, Nintendo is a shadow of its former self and you know it.

>The point is Mario 64 didn't invent 3D platforming, Alpha Waves did.
No the point is nobody ever fucking claimed Nintendo INVENTED 3D platforming. Ther were TONS on other platforms. Do you see how retarded this whole image is? Mario 64 was innovative because of its game design.

>Mattel Intellivision invented the d-pad not Nintendo.
There were many, many different attempts at controllera all appearing at the same time. Nintendo's design was the one which actually WORKED and allowed players to confidently PLAY games. It became the standard. This is acutal recorded history you know.

1. Sony helped design the original Play Station hence why their PSX is so similar duh it's Sony's CD technology.
2. Nintendo didn't invent the D-pad or controller buttons Atari invented those buttons
3. Sony did pioneer using dual anolog sticks you idiot.
4. PS Move is an evolution of the Eyetoy that's why Wii controller has a different patent.
5. Move gun is just an accessory the tech is different.
6. Datasoft le stick did motion controls first
7. nobody gives a fuck about that game on either side
8. Sony dual screen is not a games system
9. PSPGo is just a slimmer version of the PSP
10. Xperia play is yet another version of the PSP
11. Tablets are not even vidya related
12. Eye toy uses different tech
13. lol Packet station was never released outside japan
14. Drak Cloud let's you build your own weapons, the style isn't even like Zelda.

Nice padded shit list

>>revolutionized shooters with splatoon
>>sony tries to steal it with senran kagura splash and makes a mediocre clone
user you're supposed to save the joke one for last.

The d-pad is underneath, take the circle top off and it's a cross just like modern day d-pads.

>N-Nintendo didn't invent buttons!

How fucking desperate can you get?

Most of these are correct, but you're clearly reaching with others, fucking hell. In what fucking way is the disc faggotry that Intellivision had a d-pad like Nintendo's?

If anything, your image should serve as a perfect example of invention vs innovation. Being original means fuck all if it's complete and total shit. I'm sure the first chair ever invented sucked ass. You clearly have no fucking idea what the definition of innovation even is.

That's basically the entire list. And some of those things nobody actually claims Nintendo came up with in the first place, like the light gun, Analog triggers, dual analog sticks, backwards compatibility, a touch screen, etc.

And that's not even addressing that some of the things on there are only even notable because Nintendo finally made a GOOD version of it, as opposed to just "a" version of it.

>Almost very single 3D platformer since 1996 has taken it's design directly from Mario 64.

No not really, the point of contention is that Nintendo didn't invent 3D platforming and thus have no impact whatsoever.

>not only did Nintendo invent the modern D-Pad
Which "modern D-pad" are we talking about here?

>10. Xperia play is yet another version of the PSP
Incorrect, it's incapable of playing PSP games, but it can play PSX games.

Like many early attempts at controllers, it was a fucking ridiculous unintuitive piece of shit which barely work. And I know what I'm talking about because I'm an oldfag who actually played these shitty early consoles. Nintendo's design actually let players feel confidently in control and their design is still the standard 30 years later.
