Why was Cindy or Lunafreya not as memorable as Tifa, Aeris, Yuna, and Rikku?

Why was Cindy or Lunafreya not as memorable as Tifa, Aeris, Yuna, and Rikku?


They had little interaction with the party. Iris was the most memorable to me but that might be because I spent over a dozen hours with her in my party.

new mizuryu kei doujin when?

Zero personality to go with the eye candy.

Mizuryu Kei is extremely overrated, why do people like him?

dude cock hungry sluts lmao

Cock hungry sluts are kino

go back to Sup Forums retard

Luna was barely present in the game, and Cindy was just kinda mechanic eyecandy. Also they didn't come at a time when 3D models with huge titties were rather new, though personally I never though much about Tifa.

Aranea was easily the most memorable and best XV girl for me.

speak for your self princess bland. people love Cindy.


No screen time or development whatsoever perhaps?

>any FF character
nice keks

>japanese shadman

Tifa, Aeris, Yuna and Rikku were party members in their games while Cindy and Lunafreya were not

Itou Eight is a woman as well.

Ahegao and feet

Maybe people will be nostalgic for FF15 one day? Or maybe the JRPG Final Fantasy magic has faded.

Who was the h artist that stared in an AV?

>being underage

I'm sorry user you missed the golden age of vidya.

I actually think Aranea is more bland than Cindy.

The magic has faded

The stories have reduced in scope dur to budget limitations, and its no longer at that right middle point where your imagination fills in the gaps

Ffx could have set a countervailing trend but apparently it didnt make enough money for people to try and copy. Which is a shame, because ffx still had a game to it and had a better story to boot than the fanservice model

>Prompto steals the Final Fantasy XV females instead of Gladiolus or Cor
While I'm not saying that Alice no Takarabako (Mizuryu Kei) has bad taste, this comic and the Lightning Returns doujinshi show that he wastes potential.

I'm going to need evidence before I believe any unkempt, single, middle-aged Japanese H-artist is a female.

It's for the self-inserts, and sadly just like most recent games touched by Nomura, you get more gay porn than porn of the girls.

Normie bait

>magic has faded
The magic faded the moment action games started copying Metal Gear Solid. Which used several existing JRPG elements. Games as a whole lasted longer, and started to resemble JRPGS. While JRPGs themselves became a stale format.

Luna should have showed her feet more if they wanted her to be more rememberable. Her feet to Tifa's tits

Doesn't help that FF is now more about online and costumes.


Luna is garbage. Why did they kill the actual heroine of FF15? Because she didn't deserve to be subject to such a shit game.


Let's not pretend yuna was memorable. I forget she exists constantly.

Because she wasn't Stella

Other than its catastrophic development, there's nothing memorable about FFXV.

You're as fucking bad as XV-kun. Jesus fuck you're as autistic as the purple dinosaur lover.

Are you talking about the mobile games?

Ive never touched them

My suspicion is that the format (console rpgs) is inherently risky because it depends almost entirely on a well recieved story, but had double or triple the risk because bad marketing, bad imagery or bad gameplay can all sink it as well

When the people who played jrps 10 years ago gree up, or with the coming of newly infantilized bugmen, people in japan and america now seem to prefer the persona or dating sim model. Which covers risk by having less story and basically guaranteeing satisfaction out of the box because cuztomers can preview the waifus

Dude, some guy who likes Stella is nowhere near as fucked up in the head as dog fucker Lee

ahegao is normie now?

Yuna was a good deuteragonist/protagonist

I didnt play it. I was psyched after kibgsglaive because I thought we could control yojimbo like a mech and assumed the final biss of xv would be like that

What a shitshow

Yuna was boring and only appealing to that japanese duty over all else sensibility.

Partially because they weren't playable. This game was a total sausage fest.

>See pussy
>get boner

>Cant bring myself to get off
God Im bored

The series started as a sausage fest and we liked it. All you waifu fags were born later once the estrogen hit the water supply.

>autist calling people autistic
I'm sorry you prefer little girls to adult women.

Not when he's in every fucking XV thread.


>no screen time
>little to no development

That is compelling within the context of the gameworld as it is set up

Did you want her to be an alien supersoldier with a huge gunsword and a kick ass ask questions later feminist attitude?

Were never in the party. Just story elements rather than characters you invest in.

Nah, developing a spine or independent thought at some point would be neat though. Literally any other character in her place would make no real difference to the story. If you traded her for any of the other summoners in the game the story is the same. Auron and Tidus influence the plot, not her.

Lots of loli h-artists are female

Oh shut the fuck up, you faggot piece of shit. If anything, Yuna was too independent. Her little Mary Sue arc where she goes off on her own to send Seymour then escapes without anyone's help pissed me off.

>Literally any other character in her place would make no real difference to the story.
that is the stupidest thing any human being has ever said. Kill yourself.

why does everyone like feet?

Do you just have a hateboner for asian culture user?

If yuna hadnt been absolutely selfless tidus would have never sacrificed himself or been motivated to save her. Thats thematic if you didnt catch on.

Ffx is an exploration of asian stoicism, the same eay themes of freedom permeate western media to a vomit inducing degree.

Sorry you just wanted another story about "freedom" and "bravery"

Note: I love freedom. But your idiotic desire to make every single story about freedom and "having a spine" is idiotic to the point i can barely take you seriously

What changes if you're escorting Donna? What changes if you're escorting nameless summoner 15. She's a nothing of a character.

Not really, I dislike passivity though and following orders because they're orders though.

FFX is a lovestory aimed at teenagers and a result of the old guard handing the reigns off to the new (shitty) generation.

Even if I accept your premise, the fact that Tidus is the one that influences the story shows that the game itself is shitting on asian stoicism.

No one gave yuna orders though.

The game takes a midway stance between asian stoicism and american freedumbs

You might notice that tidus cools his jets halfway through, and realizes he was an idiot. The characters fight against mandmade karma but karma itself is still inescapable, note tidus dies at the end.

Also note the conspicuous absence of puc related in the quest for nigger social justice

>beta male faggot who gets triggered at women not being loud dominatrices
Again, kill yourself.

>What changes if you're escorting Donna? What changes if you're escorting nameless summoner 15
I would physically harm you, if I could.

The game is half Yuna's story. She's a wide-eyed country bumpkin, on a trip across the world. Even though Tidus is an outlander, he strangely is the one to show Yuna the ropes. Meanwhile, being the sweet, innocent girl she is, she's also a media darling, loved everywhere she goes. That also makes it more insidious that she's a lamb to slaughter for them.

Pious, dutiful, and conservative, she doesn't see the hypocrisy of the church until it stares them in the face. At that point, she has no choice but to defy them and take her own path.

Because they weren't even playable.

> that leg
Fucking hell.

A shitty cycle continues for 1000s of years with no one thinking outside the box then one guy not stuck in their retarded way of thinking shows up and the problem is solved in a month. That's a pretty serious indictment of traditionalism in my eyes.

Literally a nothing of a character. One of the worst in the series. Swap her for Belgemine who is also demure and you have essentially the same game.

You can cut the aggression, I really don't care about you or how mad you are. You wouldn't touch me even if you could.

google the source you retard

Cindy was your hot mechanic and Lunafreya has literally zero character.


She doesn't emote or express hopes/wants/dreams/desires even once throughout the whole story. Her entire thing is some vague sense of "I want to save my kingdom".
Her and Padme from Star Wars have the exact same characterization of being two important characters to the plot who have zero agency or input to the story at all. If there was a cutout called "princess", and that cutout had her face on it, that cutout would have more character than Lunafreya.

Even in the cutscenes dedicated to Lunafreya we learned nothing about Lunafreya as a person, only as her role in the story.

The game should have been want shirking Lunafreya and pounding Cindy over the hood of your car.

>Mizuryu Kei is a Woman
well that explains Mercury Shadow series.


>You can cut the aggression, I really don't care about you or how mad you are. You wouldn't touch me even if you could.
Slit your wrists and die, you anal wart, ass licking faggot. Go to hell. Just end your miserable life, you unloved piece of garbage.

You're shit.

You're nothing but shit.

>Her entire thing is some vague sense of "I want to save my kingdom"

Wan't it NOCTIIIIIIS-SAAAMAAA every damn time?

Good talk buddy. FFX was mediocre and Yuna was garbage.

Don't foolish yourself. That kind of user pretend that any hentai artist they like happens to be women.

She's also the cutest

Youre being kinda dumb

The church molded yuna, made tidus less retarded, and reformed his alcoholic father

Japanese dont criticise karma. It never happens. They do however criticize mere humans who think they can manipulate it. The church was manipulating the natural cycle of life and death

The game is remarkably evenhanded

The game is very far from advocating freedom, liberty, and smelly obese greasy gorilla nigger bitches getting tons of welfare

Just fuck off. No one wants you here.

Tidus' outsider status and lack of respect for Yevon is the only reason the plot happens. Yuna can be swapped for any other purpose from a plot perspective and little changes. Auron is necessary. Lulu is a writer's device to explain shit to Tidus. Wakka exists to show someone leaving their faith. Rikku is there to serve as another outsider but one with more knowledge than Tidus. Kimahri much like Yuna is another literally nothing character.

The church did jack to Tidus.

I'm not interested in whatever asinine political discussion you're trying to drag into this.

That, and a vague sense of wanting to save her kingdom.
Her feelings for Noctis is only directly linked to the idea that she can save her kingdom with him. She expresses no romantic desire of her own, and Noctis expresses very little for her.

It's fucking sad, really. For a while I expected the story to play that angle up, but that would take far more self-awareness than what it was capable of.


I do at the moment, and I matter infinitely more to me than you or anyone else on this site.

aranea was more memorable than those two
also best waifu

Youre the idiot that made this political by saying every plot needs to be about freedom, growing braver, and in control (in seemingly very specific ways) of the world around them.

You want a big dick swinging fantasy. Fdx is not that kind of story.

You are disappointed in any story that isnt explocitly about destroying the social order as an empowered woman.

Jesus fuck



>Yuna can be swapped for any other purpose from a plot perspective and little change
You can keep saying this, but it will never become true. The only thing that remains true is that you're impotent and soil your pants as an adult.

Looks gay. I understand it cuts down on dev costs and appeals to indieretro fags but it just looks awful and generic

Even 20 years ago there was better spritework


When God allows the light of salvation to illuminate the earth once more.


I just blew the biggest nut of my life.

Thank you OP

you just want this (YOU), don't you, you ain't getting shit boy. lol


>The series started as a sausage fest
White Mage is a cute girl, you faggot

>Already fapped a bunch that day
>Come to Sup Forums and people post shit like this
>Don't feel up to fapping again but kinda want to

Sad part is im not trolling. Having spritework on par with lunar is supposed to be inpressive?

Come on man

At least persona before 5 made up for awful graphics with terrific drsign that basically distracted you from the graphics at every moment possible

Cup Noodle does not have that much seafood in it.

just stop you faggot

One of the few things I enjoyed from XV.

Well Luna was ugly as sin, and had that awful awful British accent.
Some British accents are hot as fuck.
But the one Luna had made my dick shrivel up.

I don't recall saying any of that. Yuna's just a boring character that doesn't influence the plot. A character that doesn't influence the plot isn't very interesting.

I like the art but extreme sluts turn me off.

White mage is a guy you goof. It's much more obvious with white wizard.

Look dude, your waifu is shit and your first FF was mediocre.