This is not funny anymore vee

this is not funny anymore vee
what the fuck is happening, I literally can't understand what's so appealing about pubg

2 bloody millions jesus

it's fun

foreign players

It's meme magic.
The earth will soon be a battleground of unknown players.
You heard it here first.

Divinity: OS2 still so high, hope in humanity restored

its extremely casual friendly and spreads like aids from the mouth to mouth and streams

who cares what others play

chinese playing for free because of ads
other countries like Turkey or Africa discovering what an "online video game" is just now

why are these obvious falseflag flamebait threads not banned

Is this really all the games Steamfags play?

God, how pathetic...

>the day user discovered he was autistic

>chinese playing for free because of ads
They don't play for free. They pay and get ads.

Only a complete moron would find pleasure and challenge in single player games. Shit is baby tier easy. A good PvP game like PUBG will always provide unique challenges.

No flaming/trolling is a global rule and its never enforced because the big boards traffic would plummit if they actually did. A mod in IRC told me this once. Welcome to hell enjoy your stay.

You guys are welcome to come join the PS4 master race since PC gaming is now officially dead

I am not flaming I want someone smart to explain the phenomenon. It's truly stunning tbqh

I take it that Brendad fella is already a gazillioner?

I'm not so sure, your ps4 is 4 years old, how much time it has before dying and completely forgot by sony&co.? Two years? Three if we are lucky?

Isn't half of the playerbase just chinks farming boxes to sell?

Literally unstoppable.

are Chinese players counted for the other games? Don't they have their own client for CS and DOTO?

They killed farming for the casual person, only people who can code a bot and even then its not that reliable. Its still atleast half Chinese
No, Dota has its own client and Valve only recently got CSGO into China which requires a Chinese partner. They have to use Steam for China right now for PUBG. I doubt Dota is that much higher than 2m concurrent, 2.5m max.

I heard Tencent, who recently bought shares of Bluehole, got 300 big streamers to promote the game recently which is why there is another huge spike. Streamers who have way more views than anyone on Youtube or Twitch.

>extremely casual friendly
>only 1 (ONE) winner out of ~90 players each round
That doesn't sound casual friendly at all.

>Dota less than fucking CS:GO
I'm glad, really. Maybe Valve will realize you have to update your milked cashcow of a game more than once a year to retain a player base.

the constantly flip back and forth, nothings changing

But everytime Dota get update, it only gets worse.

Other than the playercount being less that it was as of 2014 and steadily dropping, yeah. Hard to say if it's because people don't like 7.00 or if THAT many chinks had alternate ranked accounts that they couldn't use once phone authorization became a thing

While this is true, they've gotta do something to keep players playing between patches. Hell, I'd probably play more if the drop system from pre release dota was still around, playing games and leveling up for free items was fun.

Yeah no, at least Xbox isn't that bad.

These threads always give me a giggle, just because all the MUH FLAVOR OF THE MONTH autists got blow the FUCK out

at least half is from china

Any xbros here waiting for it?

>Warframe still has that many players

damn, rocket league's really gone down, i remember it used to have 150k easy.

I unironically enjoy Fortnite BR more.

I'm debating buying it but I don't know if I should play the first beforehand. That and I kind of want to play it with my friend because it looks fun in coop.

It still does thanks to the crossplay. Game is still going very strong

>casual friendly
Doesn't it run like ass? Are most people running it in a 480p window on mimimal settings or something?

Wait, wasn't TF2 down to sub-50k? What made it go back up that much? It' not like there was an update.

>Literally 2 million third worlders playing stock unreal engine early access trite

Welcome to PC gaming lads

213k right now

yea just the winner but you see 50 people die in the first 2 minutes

>only people who can code a bot and even then its not that reliable

Because it takes a whole lot to write a script that jumps out at a random time and starts running. Wouldn't take more than a novice programmer to make it hide somewhere.

And no, you don't need to pick up a weapon to get BP, just survive five minutes.

farming hats and money laundering.


Will Africans be the new Brazilians?

My favorite game ever! Any Sup Forumstard who doesn't like this game is contrarian plain and simple.