You playing the Pubg killer?

You playing the Pubg killer?

Is that the chad's back?


This is now a virgin walk thread

>it's another "Redditor doesn't understand why this meme used to be at least somewhat funny and thinks it's just an easily exploitable template to show how much better x is than y" episode




nice meme


>guy I like vs guy I don't like
this meme was already dumb as shit and you somehow still fucked it up. If hiro has a single decent bone in his body he'll shut this awful place down. Sup Forums gets dumber every fucking year.

that meme was funny the first 2 or 3 times, now it became reddit tier.

are you okay user?

The original one, without the chad was much better, because it actually made people doubt themself.

>the virgin post


OPs is just a palette swap, drawing your own shit is always gonna be better than just shopping some shit on. pic related

Is fornite battle royale a legitimately good game and does it have the potential to be a pubg killer?



Op here did you create this?

You are a meme master.

What did he mean by this?


Carol was a mistake

t. Fumita

She'll beat your ass, nigga