What the fuck, how is the battlefront 2 beta actually good? I can't stop playing playing as a fighter

what the fuck, how is the battlefront 2 beta actually good? I can't stop playing playing as a fighter

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Other thread archived, thanks gorespammer I hope you got banned by now.

Have you tried playing around with the sensitivity options?
For reference, I have set foot soldier sensitivity to 6%, starfighter sensitivity to 10%, and it feels perfect.
Also make sure you don't play on a toaster, so the post processing effects don't give you input lag.

How does this manage to look and feel like Star Wars and yet be so fucking boring to play

Heroes regenerating health is pretty bullshit desu, should've used the old system where where their life slowly dimishes if they dont get kills, but chaining kills raises their health

I liked the BF2015 version. Heroes had more health but they didn't regenerate. A couple of them could put down hero health pickups but that was their only option. I don't know why they added hero health regeneration, it's pretty stupid.

Infiltrator is fucking busted, I usually go 10-1 every life and get the hero 2/3 into the MTT assault portion

>Cant choose your spawn point
>Cant enter vehicles and drive/fly with your friends in the gunner seat or whatever
>Cant even leave vehicles
>You actually are the vehicle
>Cant choose your spawn point
>No sidearms
>No map
>No galactic conquest
>Cant see your ping
>Cant see your kdr or anyone elses
>Not even a server browser
>Are there even dedicated servers?
>Even the 'vehicles' repair themselves
>Unlimited Ammo

Arcade machine of the year confirmed. Game is trash. I didn't think it was possible to regress this fucking much from GOTYAY Battlefront 2 in 2005. To think I was actually looking forward to this heaping pile of shit. Fuck everything, video games are dead. Anyone who praises this shit is either a shill, mentally retarded, or underage.

>Shill threads are exactly the same as they were when the first game was being released
Jesus. At least change it up.

>deplete all of the droid's tickets
>but they can still stall for ad infinitum because lmao overtime
great game

While those points are valid for the most part, they are in no way gamebreaker or could prevent you from enjoying the game.
I don't understand this mentality. Who the fuck cares that you can't gunner seat with your friend as long as you are having fun for example?

Everybody on this webpage is always focusing on the negatives and never even give the game a chance, or attempt to enjoy it. You go in, find some things to nitpick and then mentally condition yourself that this game is shit because of those nitpicks. What a sad pathetic existence, I actually pity you.

>Who the fuck cares that you can't gunner seat with your friend as long as you are having fun for example?

>implying the classic battlefront and battlefield games didnt already set the bar much higher than this steaming pile of shit

>who cares if a battlefield reskin cuts out a shit ton of content that both battlefront classic and all battlefield games have had as a staple

everything is relative. i'm assuming your parents are too

Probably because the more damage they take the less health they can have so its fair

Fighter? What is that? Starfighter?

So much shit is broken in this game, it's ridiculous. Assault and Specialist both get insta-kill abilities on short cooldowns that reset duration on kill, Officer gets an absolutely insane 4 shot burst pistol, Jet Trooper pistol's a two shot, AT-RT in the indoor parts is absolutely retardedly good, Maul is hilariously superior to Rey, the list goes on.


this is either excellent bait or unironic shilling

>Maul is hilariously superior to Rey
Well duh

OK what is this place then if it isn't a fucking webpage? Flush yourself down the toilet and spare me from your nonsense.

Maul gets the force choke but if it's on cooldown nothing can stop you from shooting him in the face


nice dude you must be on the spectrum, or a bait artist

me too desu

I heard Dice outsourced the space combat to some other studio, maybe that's why it's good.

Trying this reminded me why I stopped playing team based games.

Just last games pretty much every death I had was by being left alone by the group I was sticking with while facing two or three enemies, or even worse, they were still there looking at the ground or who knows what while we get surrounded and I die trying to protect my side on my own.

Is it the same company that's doing the single player? Because that might actually give this game value in the discount bin.

Wow man, you totally showed me how not retarded you are. Oh wait.

This marketing approach will not works as eveidenced by the past 2 days not bringing any succcess.

I don't know, but if it's true, they did the best choice possible. Space combat in this game is GOAT.

>Everybody on this webpage is always focusing on the negatives and never even give the game a chance,

no its just 3-4 faggot samefagging

I don't hat EAfront but why would I play that when the original Battlefront 2 is better?


It still suffers from the same basic mechanic neglect/regression that the whole game does. ie no server browser, ping stat, death stat, self repairing vehicles, no map, no choice of spawn point. You can't even put the brakes on your aircraft to slow it down to 0 or land or anything. I thought it might be a fun thing to do to land on the ass of a star destroyer and wait for an enemy to come around then take off and blast their ass.

But no, it's just an arcade machine.

Better graphics, new trilogy content if you care about that stuff, and online not dead. I know they revived online for og bf2, but I also heard it's not exactly relyable.

How do you look around in Starfighter mode?

Are you trying to tell me that this spacecraft doesn't have any rear view mirrors or even a radar?


get out


>I thought it might be a fun thing to do to land on the ass of a star destroyer and wait for an enemy to come around then take off and blast their ass.

You couldn't land while in space in the original BF2 either, nor could you slow your starfighter to a near stop. It felt slow as hell, but that was mostly because space maps were fucking gigantic.

>landing on a star destroyer

You're a dumbass, that wasn't even a feature of the originals. If you landed on anything but a large flat surface in BF1 you immediately lifted off again, and in Battlefront 2 you could only land in the hangars. Also Battlefront 2 had self repairing ships if you chose the Pilot class.


I'll present you an argument as soon as you showed one. I'm not the one who started the insulting for no reason, so you either deal with it, or deal with it.

hey guys is this balanced XD


>Cant see your kdr or anyone elses

Begone to ranked.

What ship do you mainly use? For some reason all anyone talks about is galactic assault.

>alright kiddo if you want that role yous gonna have to watch me play with my motzah balls
>but im a feminist

>dice balancing


That guy is pretty gud. But infiltration reset on kill is way too strong, I'm pretty sure it will be nerfed.

Yes that is correct. 12 years later, we have had exactly 0 to negative progression in basic game mechanics.

The game is visually appealing though, so who actually gives a fuck about how it plays lol.

dice had one fucking job man

id fucking love it if they just ported battlefront 2 classic to frostbite and not built this garbage arcade CRAP

fuck that shit man i aint an ea shiteater

>this webpage
How do you do fellow video game players

>12 years later, we have had exactly 0 to negative progression in basic game mechanics.
If progression to you means being able to land on a fucking star destroyer, I don't know what else to say, you are autistic.
You are hung op on the dumbest shit.

>Cant enter vehicles and drive/fly with your friends in the gunner seat or whatever
>Cant even leave vehicles
>You actually are the vehicle
You are absolutely shitting me, right? Who the fuck came up with this?

The Millennium Falcon did it in Empire, as did Boba Fett's craft, and they're both in the game. They weren't in Battlefront 2 of 12 years ago, either.

Have you not played BF2015?

How do I score objective points as a Droid?
I get that you do it on Clones by using the Ion Cannons and shit but I'm really confused what I'm meant to be doing as a Droid to rack up score.

ridiculous how good it runs on my pc compared to COODWWII. Too bad I really hate the gameplay

>You had to do something specific like choose a dedicated class to repair your craft

That is not the definition of self-repair man

Why does the game studder so much even when everything's on low? I can play most games at a high framerate normally.

Why this game is so boring? is the feel of the guns? the maps?

Kill the fags holding the Ion Cannons.

Is this the worst battlefield up to date?

OH well, it has pretty graphics and startwars on the name and a totally non jew DLC plan that will charge you $30 for maps so normies will fucking love this one.

Anyone know if the rewards you get in the beta carry over to the full game?

It doesn't, upgrade your toaster.

Yes that is the definition of progression, to be able to do new things and be creative with game mechanics. This is just one fucking example.

>Basic grasp of logic/critical thinking

No, I'm afraid it's not.

have you guys noticed how b;lurry the edges of the screen get? maybe its just me but it seems like even the colors get fucked up the closer you get to the edge of the screen

Did you update your drivers recently? Have you restarted the computer since you updated?

I have a 290 man.

>No galactic conquest

How can they be so stupid? This was the whole reason Battlefront 2 (2005) was the tits. It was so fun.

>choosing ANYTHING else except pilot when you knew you were going to drive a vehicle

nobody did this

there's no paid dlc for it

It needed to be multiplayer desu

The ant squishing simulator that it was got quite tired after a while

>landing on a fucking star destroyer = Basic grasp of logic/critical thinking

I don't even have to say anything. You are retarded.


No, I missed it, my friends told me not to bother by the time I was able to play it.
But that sounds retarded. The most fun I had in BF2 was fucking around in vehicles with a team.


I just realized this looks like a pajeet IT parody post.
I'm not being ironic, this happened to me, I updated my nvidia driver, but didn't restart afterwards and I had massive stutters and the game was borderline unplayable. A restart fixed it.

I'm having a lot of fun with it

It's shallow, dumbed down, has the depth of a puddle

But it's fun enough as a casual shooter

Not going to buy, but beta's worth the download


Actually, pilot was the best for boarding as when you get promoted your pistol got upgraded to Boba Fett levels of strong, and they also had the timebombs too. Truly the best class. It also gave you a choice, no matter how small of a choice it was, it gave you one.

you can't even reenact space vietnam because the LAAT is on rails

No. When has that ever been something that has happened? If you participated in the beta, then you do get an exclusive crate, an emote, and star card in the full game though.

>this webpage
Obvious marketer is obvious.

Coming up with new game mechanics = progression

Coming up with new ways to employ said game mechanics = progression

Doesn't matter how fucking compartmentalized you make it, it is progression.

Kys yourself and download a new brain tia

Could you please explain what is wrong with "webpage" so the next time I market here I could blend in the crowd better? :^)
I'll throw in a free Origin game code for your trouble if you give me your email address.

t. Pajeet Rahadamadjhadi
Viral Marketer EA™ Corporations

Yep idk who tested this crap but no pilot would realistically fly an armed gunship like that and expect their gunners to be able to make a meaningful impact on the battlefield. The clone generals must be really pissed off when they watch their LAAT pilots attempt to fly desu

>Dice sees that BF 2015 was a disaster
>so they do it again

they only regen maybe 50% health

Can you use a joystick in the space battles?

NICE GAME streamable.com/j5oho

they tried to mitigate it by taking to much damage as a hero your max health would be permanently lowered until you die

why didnt you just aim at the big forehead thing above your teammates?

guys my gfx card almost implodes during loading screens in this game.
what the fuck.

>it didnt occur to him after the second time to maybe move
its bullshit but he is kinda at fault to

What was most memorable about Battlefront?
>the battles with huge amounts of people, the space combat, and most importantly, the vehicles which you could pilot with whole squads of people
What do we want for Battlefront 2015?
>None of that! Small player counts with on rails vehicles, or vehicles as kill streak powerups
Battlefront 2015 fell apart in record time because of our decisions, what do we want for the sequel?
>the exact same things that caused the first one to fail of course, but with even an worse hero system

Regular guns don't do enough damage
Powerups do too much damage

Fucking kek how unfortunate, just aim up doofus


There's no FPS cap at all so loading screens run at thousands of frames per second. The coil whine is real

why won't it let me change the fov?


Hopefully this will be a normal option in the full version just like in BF2015.

Yeah, also loading screens ignore Vsync. So lock your FPS manually with another program.

Are those POW clones?
I'm not sure I understand why disposable clone troopers would have it in their programming to allow themselves to be taken prisoner

Clones aren't programmed, they are human. Just born in a different way.