Hat in Time bread

Don't lewd my precious daughter.

Whose mii is this?

Why do I want to do things to Mustache Girl? She has a mustache.

Remember to post those bird passports

your uncle's sister VAGINA has come to visit you

I was disappointed when I saw that your drawing gets cut off on the file select if you work on her clothes or ponytail.

So is there porn of it yet?

Remember, no fisting allowed.

Some stars take quite a while to get.

smol girl

>Use hookshot on a noose for the first time
Wew. I never wanted to choke a little girl before, but now I think I do.


I fucking hate this little brat, but what would hat girl would do?

Is there anything else to grab in Queen Vanessa's manor? I got the two tokens but I feel like I skipped a room.

Favorite level? It's a toss up between the train bomb and the parade for me. Chapter 2 is just amazing overall really.

It'll be over soon.


I want to cum on her teeth.

What is this?????????

I hated all of DJ Groves level, but the train was nice. My fav so far is chap3


The Golden Vault is actually my favorite so far. I just really like Mafia town as a playground and being able to move through it freely with no distracting objective is super fun with the full tool set.

Never will be


hat girl would throw it, she wants a happy ending for everyone


>Favorite level?
Honestly loved chapter 4 freeroaming even though its a pain in the ass to go back and find everything.
Definitely the nicest looking world in the game.

The balloon and queen letters floor there's one at the rightmost end of the corridor. Where's the other one?

>virgin thing no like :(

Did you use the time hat for the Train Rush achievement?

On top of the chandelier in the room with the time piece

Talk shit all you want, shad is great at impersonating artstyles

I'm not a graphixfag, but it really is the graphics that are keeping me from dropping $30 on this. It looks like a mess.



>the virgin post

People keep saying the assets don't mesh well together and I don't see it. Maybe that kind of thing just doesn't bother me or something. I think it looks pretty good though and looks even better in motion.

How the hell do you cheat the race, mafia is still too fast for me even with slow time

>that one mission in the first level where you have to race a mafia on a rocket
>game says that i don't have the right items and that i wouldn't be able to beat it, but let me try anyways
>mfw i managed to do it without just a scooter and a little bit of mechanic abusing

oh no...

Thanks amigo. I am now 1 token short. I really hope it's not the one everyone lost in their lava

use insta cooldown badge so you can spam it over and over nonstop
also learn to do the dash roll speed boost thingy

hey guys hows it going

Use the cooldown badge so you can spam the timestop

with just a scooter*

>Make a webm of her sticking her tongue out to the mafiafags

>Redo train rush level to get achievement
>Managed to finish it with 1 second left first try
>Realize later you were supposed to use the time hat

>Walk up to one of Mafia guys near the fountain
>See icon to press B
>Hat Girl starts playing pattycakes with the Mafia guy
>Suddenly just punches you
Got a good chuckle out of that.

Yeah. Partly since I didn't have controller to use at the time, and it made avoiding the time bonuses easier.


You definitely don't have to, and its more fun without.
I finished with like six seconds to spare by just sprinting.

It's completely doable without it. I made a few mistakes and got it with 8 seconds left.

How do I turn off the taps in Mafia Town? Am I spinning in circles wrong?


how THE FUCK do i splitscreen?

What are you, casual? I had over 40 seconds first try no hat, 130 no hat second try, and over 200 with hat.

You have to hit them.

hit them dummie

have you tried pushing that button
you know the one, the one that does the swingy thing with your thingy

Just hit them.

You have to jump down in front and hit 'em with your umbrella.

smack 'em!!

I made the webm of it

He's even streaming the game RIGHT NOW

Is there any interest in this game in Japan?
You know, for Comiket 93.



congrats for pointing out the formula of the meme brainlet

when it gets patched it hopefully sometime before next year

Thank you anons. Conker conditioned me to spin around on it.

did you solve the murder Sup Forums?

why are big men bullying her

The original joke was
>thing that autists do
>the exact opposite even though it's to an unrealistic hyperbolic level
which is actually funny and not just ME LIKE, ME NO LIKE

I tried running in a circle at first too. Shame that's not actually how you do it. I would have preferred it.

When are we going to see more hat girl in messed up situations

>That train level
Holy shit.

>blame the victim
>it turns out he faked his own death and played dead for an entire hour just because he wanted to get out of having to go to work

Every answer is correct
I picked the victim the first time around

this game is too easy i hate it

You're correct, but when you sperg out this hard it only makes people want to misuse it more.

I am always one clue short and can't blame the kid. I got the pet clue and the clue in the X-ray room. Which one am I missing?

What place is it in?

that's because people are retarded

Man, that guy will latch on to anything popular.

Do they have a different ending for each answer?
Nice, time to replay this level

I'm pretty sure the detective hat's special ability is to home in on the clues, so that should help

Row row, fight the powah.

My only gripe with it is this

It's far far too easy because the movement options it gives you right out of the gate let you fly through everything at mach speed with 0 fucks given

platforming was more challenging in the assassins creed 2 dream levels than this tripe.

lol, he sounds as retarded as his drawings make him out to be.

>tfw thought the murder mistery was on a time limit and speedrun that shit like a madman
>time was actually tied to you progressin through the level

oh well it was still fun, also that metal gear reference

sure thing I want to see you beat rocket mafia on foot

What's the best way to make sure Chris Niosi doesn't get a single cent of my purchase?

When the level tools come out you better make some difficult ones. Maybe you could remove the double jump too to help with that.

Didn't know it would change my save but I kept things simple

How do I get picrelated (relic on the map)

>think the passport thing is just a one off kinda of thing
>tfw my profile looks like this now

IIRC there's a box somewhere around there with a little alcove you can go into behind it, that's where the relic is

I think if you replay the level you can doodle yourself a new one.

mods when
