Totalbiscuit will not survive this year

>Totalbiscuit will not survive this year
>no one will remember him for talking about bad PC ports
>his legacy will be a bad meme about traps
>his wife will re-marry in less than a year, probably a well-hung black man
>meanwhile, a fat, slobby, colostomy-bag-wearing whale like Boogie will probably live to 90 because of modern medicine and genetic luck
>all thanks to american tax dollars, generated by hard-working people
>he will be remembered for being a nice guy, despite being a (self-admitted) horrible person

>e-celeb thread
Fuck off

>Totalbiscuit will not survive this year
Source? I really want it to be true.

>They don't know
The tumor's receeded. It's actually looking up for him right now. That said, it's cancer, so he could still go terminal again at any point.


>>no one will remember him for talking about bad PC ports

Yes. Truly he was the great pioneer for bitching about bad ports. I remember before TB I never had the courage to complain about games not working well, I was too fearful of reprisal from the publisher. God bless you TB, we are not worthy.

>american tax dollars
>health care

>meanwhile, a fat, slobby, colostomy-bag-wearing whale like Boogie will probably live to 90 because of modern medicine and genetic luck

TB wouldn't die because of bad medicine or bad genetics. he is going to die because he was shitting blood for months and ignore it like the retard he is. if he went to the doc the moment he started shitting blood his survival chance would have been very high. he won the darwin award

>Booger didn´t survive because of Obamacare and stealing money from fans

>he will be remembered for being a nice guy, despite being a (self-admitted) horrible person

TB is a fag. praised DmC and thi4f when they first came out and the backtracked on his videos later after getting backlash.

5k is nothing in the grand scheme of things

Did you hear about that incident with Boogie a few years ago?

>he got too lazy to go to the toilet and diapers in his size were too expensive in the long run so he just shat himself wherever he sat
>wife begged him to stop but he didn´t care
>wife forced him to get a colostomy bag installed so she didn´t have to scoop up his runny, greenish shits every 20 minutes
>he didn´t empty it himself, said it was "too depressing" for him
>went to a con a day after he filmed one of his "lol I eat lots of food" clips
>colostomy bag imploded, shit ran down his leg, terrible smell everywhere
>he tried to play it off by acting like Francis and quickly drove away in his scooter
>his wife had to clean him up in the con bathroom while he was crying and shouting insults
>was seen and hour later, laughing and wolfing down a 50-piece nugget meal

>that graph

>survive cancer
>become irrelevant
He'll wish he was dead.

I havent seen a single video from him and I hate him with a passion

boogie is a fucking awful person and people still get suckered into his pity routine

>complains about how he's depressed because his decades DEAD mother bullied him

get cancer and die

Yet you're taking an anonymous anecdote at face value like a gullible cunt.

never heard of this, i'm sure this would have been talked about endlessly

nah I just hate fat people

You should check out his youtube shit, he's done. He has like 3x NL subs but gets 1/3rd of his views.


He has like 200k views per video, that's good enough.

I hope Totalbiscuit's cancer goes away completely

Just 3 years ago he was getting like 14 million monthly views now he averages like 4.5 million a month.

Now, when you say shitting blood, do you mean just a red streak or two in his shit, or something immediately noticeable?

>boogie's gonna lose the weight!

theres a point where he has to start doing work and he aint gonna do it, as he's proven many times.

>Having to push your husbands pink sock back into his asshole

What happened to cause this. Also what about him being a cunt?

I always hated him even though I didn't know much about him just that he was an annoying pussy who flip flopped on his opinions like a bitch.

Is his cancer going to fucking kill him yet?

Big if true

He like many people went full retard during the election and he hasn't really let up since.

His last update on it was a couple months ago, treatment has been very successful, he's not exactly cancer-free but that "2 years to live" estimate is entirely void.

dark black blood is what you have to be worried about.

>tfw his life is capped at 30fps

Is it wrong that I genuinely genuinely want TB to die?

Eh I think it might just be a meme pasta.

>Four thousand tweets in one month

but he isn't, get fucked :)

Kinda..I mean, the guy is a complete and utter twat (after showing signs of improving behaviour for a while) but he doesn´t deserve to die this young.

yes, thats kinda mean
wont defend tb tho

Why would his wife put up with this literal shit? He probably can't even get or maintain an erection because of circulatory problems due to obesity.

Youtube was different 3 years ago, even pewdiepie said getting views was easy mode back then.

She´ll be bigger than him in a few years.
She is already obese as fuck

Fun Fact: The reason TBs tweets did rise to such numbers is because his PR guy lost his mother. He was managing Tbs twitter and only used it for announcements and stuff. Because of this family tragic of the PR guy, TB took his twitter account back and uses it again.

have you seen a picture of her from this year? she lost so much weight

Life isn't fair get over it.

Never has to work because sob story #685 gets views on YouTube. Most women will put up with all kinds of shit (literally) if it means they can be vapid wastes of oxygen and dog moms all day.

getting in shape for her next guy

Are you kidding? She is a monster!

That sucks, poor guy. I remember a few instances where TB would still wrestle away control from the guy he put in charge of his twitter to bitch about some comments he read or some shit. He really can't help himself.

what? she isnt beautiful, but afaik, you need to actually gain weight to become fatter than someone else

Are you really Argentinian?

Wrong wife.


You're confusing boogie and totalbiscuit, you mong.

Wrong wife, I was talking about Boogie.

Ah, I got confused and thought you meant TBs wife. My bad

nigger total colon cancer has been dying of cancer since like 2010
shits not happening anytime soon we arent that lucky

The only reason I can tolerate TB and boogie e-celeb thread is knowing there might be a chance they're reading this thread seething with rage.
>inb4 tripcode proof on twitter
>inb4 defending their life choices

Damn, this makes me happy knowing how these miserable fat fucks care so much about their image.

It's well known that boogie makes false flag threads on /fit/ for sympathy points from fags on his streams.

>traps on the road
I'd read that

Yes, you psycho.
wishing death on someone who poses no danger to anyone is pretty fucked in the head.

I mean... You could wish someone that is actually bad to die. Like all those gamer gaters.

I don't want him to die. I never watch his content, but he's Jesse Cox's and Crendor's friend. They gave me so many laughs over the years. I don't want them to lose their friend.

Source ?


can I get a quick rundown on the traps thing?
I don't follow or watch anything this guy makes

>PR guy
What does he need a PR guy for?

>the grandmaster of viewwhoring says its easy
whoop de fucking do

they do
colon cancer boy responded to one of my complaints on one of his shill threads a while back , on twitter angrily crying about it

like fatass with a million bucks got nothing better to do than worry about his vanity, what a little cum stain of a human being


>That said, it's cancer, so he could still go terminal again at any point.
You know, things are normally only supposed to go terminal once.

After the shit he gave his wife over the election how has she not left him.?

Sup Forums, are traps gay?

if it has a dick and you want to fuck it, it's gay
i dont understand how this meme is even a thing

It's a FEMININE penis attached to what is essentially a girl.

but the penis is still male, no matter how "girly" it comes across
you need to be a male to have a dick


>you need to be a male to have a dick
You don't have a modern understanding of gender, sorry. Please study more.

but biological sex != gender

It's a feminine penis attached to what is essentially a guy. This just means you have a preference for feminine men.

I hate this fat fuck so damn much i can't stand his dumb full moon face.
I remember youtube old algorithm sugesting his videos at random for me because i clicked ONE a long time ago, jesus, how can americans get that fat?!? i was getting a slump these last months and starved and exercised me back into human, is it really that hard to put the fried chicken down?

>someone who genuinely wants what's best for the consumers
>nu-Sup Forums laughs as he dies
The state of this board. How deep are the corporate cocks down your throat in order to be this genuinely retarded?

No, I'm not a faggot loser

Maybe next time dont tell someone to get cancer and die.
>Yeah but he said sorry he really meant it and it wasn't damage control so he doesn't looks like an unbearable cunt who got what he deserved

I think his stance on a lot of things are perfectly fine. I also think that he's a fucking asshole willing to flip flop around about what he believes in to ensure the stability of his income. Just like Ethan. But that's just youtube for you, you take the good with the bad.

The drop in July 2017 isn't going to be election related. Unless he was going crazy over Theresa May, which seems unlikely.