The day gets closer and closer bros

The day gets closer and closer bros

Have you received your shipment notice yet?

I want to protect her smile



Good thing I got standard edition my shit will be on time Since I have a backlog I'll probably play much later too.

Another game with good drawing, but shit 3d models, and shit gameplay?

>shit gameplay

Nigger you best be joking because it's probably the only game in the Nep series with actual good gameplay and not just fanservice

Just a question.

I bought nep when it was in sale, and was disappointed by this.

Well, I admit I prefer to play male protagonist, with 2/3 heroines.

I wouldn't recomment backloggin this game, since it will be way better on the beginning when the multiplayer will be alive.
Are YOU joking? VII had good gameplay, and fanservice in Neptunia is really tame, 2 hours of fanservice in 40ish hour long games. Only exception is Nep U and Hyperdevotion, which are both spin-offs.

This game is an actual action RPG with 4-player COOP. It's going to be kind-of like the SAO games where you play as a group of adventurers in an MMO (literally the game is meta).

>Are YOU joking? VII had good gameplay, and fanservice in Neptunia is really tame, 2 hours of fanservice in 40ish hour long games. Only exception is Nep U and Hyperdevotion, which are both spin-offs.

True, but I'm someone who loves the Nep series so I agree. For someone on the outside who's put off by the NepNep appeal, I just wanted to point out that this game is going to be significantly different than its predecessors.

>for ps4 and windows
does that mean there will be a non-steam version?

You don't need to be a Nep fan to admit VII's gameplay was good. And saying all the other games are bad and fanservicey while this one is good and not fanservicey isn't a way of pointing out a game is different, only a way to point out you either have no knowledge on the games, or you don't know how to create an argument.

>good drawing
Nigga this game doesn't even have Live2D in cutscenes, what the fuck are you talking about?

Are you implying a drawing needs to move to be a drawing? Are you retarded?
So far, the reviews are all saying the gameplay is really funny.

>Another Tamsoft hack-and-slash spinoff but in a different setting
Nah, I'll pass

So, ...what kind of game is that?

>tfw could not preorder in time for the NepNep USB key

This one plays like .hack or God Eater. Or an anime version of Dragon's Dogma if you want to put it that way. It's nothing like any game Tamsoft ever made. In other words, it's not a musou this time, it's an actual ARPG.

when does this come out for PC?
its not actually an MMO is it?

Next year

Early 2018. No, not an MMO, but there is optional coop if you feel like playing online.

Just to clarify, COOP up to 4 players in a party together. You can sync your levels and items from your SP game.

buying shit weeb games.

no thanks i've already bought a better game

>lootboxes in singleplayer
>true ending locked behind loot boxes and grinding
truly a superior game

Oh, so it's just Megatag in a fantasy world. Meh, I've expected something better.

>Western garbage

Hmmm... how brain damaged are you? Blanc's game is a musou, with countless anemies on screen, and you kill each of them in 3 hits. 4GO is an action RPG, with few enemies on screen, each of them have an elemental weakness that you can exploit, bosses needs to be guard broken before they can be staggered, you can parry and dash, graphics are better, 60 fps, way longer campaign, etc, etc

Nice ad hominem, faggot.

You can always have both you know? But I'll get Cyberdimension since I know I'll have way more fun with it than with the lootboxes, DLCs, unstable framerates. Not to mention there will probably be a bundle some months later for Shadows of War with everything included and after a lot of patches happens.


Just learn that word, kiddo?

For the few they had shown, it look like gameplay is a downgrade from VII.

Gameplay is better than VII. But what the hell are you talking about downgrade when they are both completely different games? One is turn based, the other is action combat.

So basically the same shit with minor altera-
>bosses need to be guard broken
This one can fuck right off then. I've already had enough of this bullshit in other nep games.

I'm going to stuff her full of nep porn and her anime!

Guard break is different from the other games. Just because it has the same name, doesn't mean it's the same. On this game, you can't even damage bosses until you break their gauge, however, after breaking it, they stay that way and you can just spam everything while the bosses are down and won't even fight back. Also, if you use the awakening, you can immediatly guard break the bosses, and you can farm awakening before going into the fight.

>Gameplay is better than VII
In all honesty, tell me more, so far the only thing I saw is mindless spam attack.

delet this

>the only thing I saw is mindless spam attack
That's because the gameplay was copied from Action Unleashed and Blanc vs Zombies. You run around mashing buttons and spamming skills with an occasional dodging, until the enemy dies, there's all there is.

It's nothing complex, but it's good enough. You can normal attack to get SP, use SP to use skills, which does more damage to the boss or to it's guard gauge, and after a certain amount of hits, you can use an awakening move that deal insane damage. Also, each character has a role. Some break gauges, some deals damage, some heals, some tanks, etc. Also, you can buy prayers from the town and they will give some effects like making you deal 2.5x more damage when under 10% health, or deal more damage the longer your combo chain goes, and things like that, so you can choose the way you want to play in some sort. You can also upgrade weapons you find or buy to make them stronger, with the materials you get from monsters, chests or gathering points.

Are you the same retard that can't admit 4GO is vastly different and miles better? I don't even know why I'm asking, I'm sure you are. Look here and here for the differences.

>Look here for the differences
>It lists the stuff from Blanc vs Zombies
Okay user.

When am I gonna be able to preorder it on psn

None of the things listed appears in Blanc vs Zombies in the slightest.

Why would you need to preorder it on PSN if you can just buy it when it comes out? What's the point of preordering a digital service?

I think you can at most get past the tutorial with mindless attack spam. The second boss will already kill you if you don't learn how to heal, use items and get a decent party composition. And since skill spam isn't a thing until you clear the game and get rich from multiplayer missions and have high SP, I don't think playing this mindlessly will get you anywhere.

Thanks for the honest answer. It doesn't seem awe inspiring but at least there's some sort of gameplay I guess.

Alright, which one of you faggots let 4gotard out of his containment cage on /nepgen/?

Um... you realize the second one is a troll, right? To be honest, if you are into weeb games, this is definetly the best releasing this year, so you might look into it. If not, take a look at the reviews when it comes out or look to some videos, you may find you like things like this.

I don't frequent /nepgen/ because of shit like this. But as you can see, even on that shithole people there at least know the truth. That 4GO is vastly different from other Tamsoft titles.

OP of the thread here. I don't give a fuck about /nepgen/ or generals on /vg/. I just want to discuss nepnep without a bunch of tripfags and redditors.

Nepthread on Sup Forums are hardly anything else than dumb galleries posting anyways.

So how 'bout them neps?

What if I enjoy the cute pictures?

I asked in /nepgen/ like a week ago but got memed on. Would anyone be able to make a webm of kid IF's dungeon animation she does when standing idle for a short while? I think it's cute.

This thread has over 50 comments with 4 Nep related pictures. And 2 in each 3 Nep thread on Sup Forums are like this. Most Nep threads on Sup Forums aren't image dumps, the only reason you think so is because image dumps last longer since they aren't ruined by trolls, so they feel like they are more common, when they are not.

/vg/, pixiv, sadpanda, Danboruu and your image folder got you covered.


No problem, user.
To be honest, I don't really have a problem with its gameplay. Hell, I even liked Unleashed and Blanc vs Zombies. It's just that the same formula has gotten quite stale for me, even if it did change a little from game to game.
Jesus fucking christ

It's vastly different from Blanc vs Zombies or Actiou U. Get your facts right and stop being a troll.

How the fuck are people comparing this game to BvZ, they aren't even the same genre... It's like if I compared Gran Turismo with Fifa or some shit like that.



Who cares

Plutia best nep

RIP Plutia and... yellow jail bait that no one cares about.

P-Plutia isnt playable...?

Left was unsufferable and right mediocre at best. The only interesting and fun characters after the first Neptunia were the villains.
It's a fact.

"Best Neptunia gameplay" is a statement which means exactly fucking nothing.

>Nep has no FANSERVICE

Problems with this picture being in the game
>Adds nothing to the game
>generic anime drawing
>not even animated, which shows cheap budget
>They all rook the same

There is LITERALLY no reason to have this scene in the game.

Why does Uni's outfit look like just a bunch of random shit thrown together?

Yes. You're limited to 12 characters in total: only the CPUs, their HDD forms and the Candidates are playable.

What did she mean by this?

2 hours of fanservice in 40 hours long game. It's barely nothing when you think about it. And while you think they add nothing, they actually sells the game to the audience who likes it. While some like it, some don't. I personally don't like those scenes, but the game would sell way less without them, because there si a part of the fanbase who buys those games only because of this.
Wrong, gameplay on the Neptunia games have being quite good for a while now. VII and Cyberdimension are fantastic, and the ReBirths were quite good too.
It's your opinion, since Uzume was a pretty good character.

Wrong game, go troll /nepgen/ instead.

I dont know but id defiantly would lick that cute navel.


The preloading of data.

If you have a first world country connection it takes like 1 hour tops to download a 40GB game... come on

If I liked Blue Reflection will I like this game?

>I will never marry Vert

Cyberdimension is miles better and it's the same setting - cute girls doing cute things, so yes, you will.

>same setting

what, the two games are nowhere close to each other

Why would anyone buy garbage console version over the Steam version? It's not even like you are not sure if it will be ported or when, they staright out announced it at the same time and it will be better in every aspect.

They both have cute girls and are RPGs.
Because some don't want to wait 4 more months since some people are super hyped about this game, and some don't have powerful enough PC to run IFI's shitty ports.

Been waiting for this game since January, almost imported it from Japan. I doubt the gameplay will be significantly different on the PC that it'd warrant buying it there. I'll be playing it on my PC anyway through PS4->PC remote play (like I do for all my PS4 games).

>They both have cute girls and are RPGs.

Except they are completely different games. One is a slice-of-life game with some RPG elements and turn-based combat with very minimal customization, no exp, no level ups, and no multiplayer. It's basically a shittier persona clone (game is still fun though).

The other is a fantasy action RPG, mission/lobby based, VN-style dialogues, COOP multiplayer, party setup customization, typical fantasy RPG elements, experience and levelling system, etc.

I like both games, but really they are nowhere similar other than being fanservicey cute girls doing cute things RPGs.

Hmm, I see. I hadn't looked much into Blue Reflection, so I though it was a watered down version of 4GO and SAO games.

she can protect herself with smug

they are very cute
wasted character slots


I want to impregnate Nepgear

We all know who's the best character on this game.

So do you win the Noire in her game or no?



No Cushion wins the Noire

I am literally going to marry Uni!

Why would anyone want to marry used goods?

I'm actually buying it from a local mom and pop store on release. They have been great to me for the last 15 years and want to buy one last game before I leave the state.

You're thinking of Noire, don't worry we all make mistakes.

So I'm a little confused about this game. Can someone break it down for me?

Is it an mmo where you create you character or is it a multiplayer game featuring the Nep characters?

The latter.