Dragon's Dogma

>Actually buying Shadow of War instead of pic related

>buying DD for a 4th time

I bought it for the fifth time

>not playing Skyrim VR

Is that out

i got it today, it's good freaking shit.

Are we?

Kys Todd

I have the PS3 flavor but I haven't played it yet. Do I buy PS4 edition?

Do you care about your framerate?

Sequel when?

Fuck no, I have already bought this game twice. Give me a fucking sequel Capcom.

PC > PS4 > PS3 version
Like always.

Its that bad huh? I guess I should support the developers anyways

>Some japs with a low budget make an open world rpg that still has better combat than any western open world rpg that has come after it

>30 FPS

>explore bluemoon tower
>"What a gaffe!"


Post yfw when you fell for the DD meme

>still clinging to this shitty meme
i guess you ate up all of the bullshit about PC being LEAD PLATFORM when Automata happened

westerner spotted

Anyone, even a LoTR fan, who buys Shadow Of War for $60 bucks before all the dlc/microtransactions instead of just buying the complete GoTY edition 6 months from now is an idiot.

West does not know how to make ARPGs.

Just like Japan does not know how to make FPSs.


>bought it for like the 4th time
>havent play it in years
>forgot how fucking ass the start of the game is
>finally get to gransys and it all comes back
I would shoot up a concert for a second game, the game is fantastic but simple improvements can make it amazing. Chiefly more environment zones and dungeons the likes of BBI.

How do you know which areas you can go into without getting completely wrecked by high level mobs? Is it just trial and error?

The best part is finding out for yourself, isn't it?

You just kindof feel it, you have to discover it by actually doing it. Everything is surmountable though if you are good so dont be disuaded just because you dont kill a thing in a few hits.

Dark Arisen is now available in Japan.
If they like it enough then Capcom will probably make one.

Dark Arisen wasn't in Japan before?

japan has had a sequel for years now

The American jew vs. the Japanese jew.
You just can't win.

You know what sucks? Some games get polished up remasters up to 3 times while other games that need a remaster don't even get one.

so is it true that this game is kinda skyrim light?

>tfw playing on ultra at 144hz

>people will fall for this

End yourself

>dodge the bullet for the 4th time
feels good man

Theres no new content in PS4 version right

So why do I wanna double (I skipped Steam) dip this again?

Git gud casual

>buy PS4 version
>Silky smooth 30 fps

I mean I'm still gonna play through it again but still


How the fuck do these people get jobs as reviewers

>Gayming journalism in general

what are the minigames the reviews are on about

No, no idea why that is.
Maybe they wanted people to play the MMO more.

>dragon's pedo-meme

>pawn gets back
>thousands of rift crystals earned from one person
>check it out in detail
>no item attached
>"uh oh"
>confirm my non items
>rating screen pops up
>3 stars all around
fuck's sake, why do people let pawns just die?

No. Capcom are fucking weird like that. Prey nippon buys it and we maybe get DDO in the west.


might have missed a jump or been launched into the abyss by an eliminator

I'll buy it as many times as I need to in order to finally get a sequel that I'm sure modern Capcom will fuck up.

>enjoy pawns I have and had them for a long time
>go to bitterblack isle for first time since that purple quest mark refuses to go away
>explore deeper inside place and some big thing with a scythe comes and tries to start some shit
>all my pawns instantly die in one of her attacks while I was trying to get behind it to grab and bash it on the head
>it immediately disappears after doing so
Sometimes people don't control what happens, user.

seePawns are idiots, they fall off cliffs all the time

Damon 2.0 do have a instantkill for Pawns, unless you somehow interrupt it.

Should I be playing Assassin with sword or dual wielding? Are they both viable?

both a viable, personally I find sword more fun nowadays, but my first time assassin I was using daggers & bow

Dragons Dogma is better than most JRPGs and WRPGS.
The combat alone makes it better.

>gameplay is overseen by a guy who directed various fighting games including Rival Schools/Project Justice, both Power Stone games and CvS2
>also was the main director for DMC after the first game
>western developers grew up only playing and supervising RPGs
Is it any surprise why one is good at action gameplay and the other sucks?

>still get lots of summons with my 360 pawn setup even now
Dont dress your pawn up with just whatever is strongest, play /fa/ so they stand out more, past a point defence doesnt matter.


It's basically this or DMC5 although Itsuno's said in the past he wants to make a new Rival Schools game as well as a completely new fighting game too. Still DMC has the name recognition so I'd imagine cash-strapped Capcom would want that out before anything.

These review websites are just marketing schemes. You have to go to other websites or maybe e-celebs to find good reviews.

I can't choose my starting class this time around. What should I go with?

I think Itsuno also mentioned wanting to make a gardening simulator; it'd be neat to see him treading new ground.


Switch it up for different situations.
Daggers for small mobs.
Sword for bigger enemies.


Think of which class you'll end up with and chose the starting vocation that gives the best stats while leveling up.

Strider is the best starting class


If youre playing on hard, fighter (level up health, good defensive abilities) if playing on anything else go strider(damage, abilities). Its not worth playing mage at the start really, its a support class, wait to use a magic class like sorcerer if you want to go magic.
>tfw full team of fighters and one mage to buff and heal
When I level up some more Im going to go full fighter/warrior party and see how far I can get in BBI in one run, I feel the yellow classes are way to easy to cheese with, if red classes had a ranged attack like a crossbow or something it would make this game my favourite RPG.

Literally what are you talking about? Dark Arisen was released worldwide on PS360. Japan even got a special edition box set


>Its not worth playing mage at the start really, its a support class
What? Mage's auto-attacks are godly and he can buff his (and his allies) weapon with a super-effective element, which will shred everyone once you know who's weak to what.
Not to mention the spells, of course.

>wait to use a magic class like sorcerer if you want to go magic.
Meanwhile if he levels up as Fighter or Strider he'll get irrelevant stats for Magic classes. I fail to understand how Mage is bad for the early levels

I mean, it's not my first time playing the game, I just don't know which one to start with this time. Pic related is my PS3 version of the game, can I just delete the current PS4 version save file and just put my PS3 save file on a usb key and then upload it for my PS4 version?

I distinctly recall a no release for it or something to do with DD that didnt come to Japan. I think Im thinking of something else then.

There was also footage of an unused dungeon floating about around the release of BBI, that was suppose to be a new area that wasnt the DLC, it was an island you go to with a small dungeon on it and I wish Id saved the video.

If I want my pawn to use catapult blade more often, do I need to switch to Warrior and do it myself in combat? Or can I just switch to Utilitarian?

>4 limbs

How long does it take to get fast travel?


Its more that the class is kindof shitty till they get access to better skills, theyre just a damage turret till then. The other 2 get some good skills early on.
>min maxing
Come on now it doesnt matter if you change up a bit even if you dont intend to play that type of class.

>*NOT* playing Skyrim VR
yeah you should do that


Someone have the files for that thick pawn chick with the eyepatch?

Check your storage in the inn. You get a eternal ferrystone that lets you fast travel to the main town.
You'll need manually set port crystals though to fast travel to other places.

Is this digital only in the US?

Because they run too slowly

>tfw my external hard drive disk doesnt work anymore
>lost my DD save
>actually kind of excited to start over again

How does this game do it, god damn

So I buy a game with micro transactions, or I buy a game I already own twice before.


started the game and am kind of bored. chose warrior though which was obviously a shit choice. best way to accelerate through the game?

>can't leave Cassarids because the game isn't fully downloaded yet
uh ok... this kind of sucks.

Please rent my pawn on PS4, thanks

Lvl 44 Ranger, female named Sabeth
you can also send me a friendrequest if you wanna, will hire back

Nier is best on PC though are you high?

this. they laid the foundations pretty well. just add more to it now. i dont care if they just rip shit straight out of DDO. alchemist would be fucking rad in a sequel

Gaming's biggest secret

PC release.

Play hard mode

>>Actually buying Shadow of War instead of pic related

I replayed that game to death when it first came out. Not my fault you're behind the times.

But I am in the mood for a more laid back game, the only question is if I get Middle Earth or Assassin's Creed. Not that I think that either game will be amazing, but sometimes you just want to watch a B-movie and relax.

>9.5 in graphics
>reviewed on ps3

I see where youre coming from but fuckme user, the new Shadow of Mordor game is even having the reviewers calling bullshit with its microtransactions.
>to access the 4th act of the game you need to either grind excessively or pay for the lootboxes and get the right units to progress
Wait till it comes down in price an has a definitive edition at least.

Most boring class senpai

so what y'all think of muh girl