Post subjects you'll never see covered in modern games
the holocaust being overstated and overcovered for what it is
White plights, Flat Earth, Jewish enemies?
>being disgusted with communism makes you an alt right flat earther
Nice adhominem attacks altlight friend.
Is this bait? Literally all CoD campaigns are about how communism, China and Russia are bad.
11 fucking million jews were killed, you saying that's not a bigger deal?
Of course it's a big deal. The Germans achieved a physically impossible death toll and won't share their superovens with the world. Imagine the high energy research we could perform.
Holy fuck from 6 gazillion to 11 gazzilion. Really fucking makes me think.
>Tfw our kids will unironically be told 100 quadrillion Jews were killed in a few decades
I bet you really think you're smart
It would be a bigger deal if they made video games about it.
I thought his post was slightly amusing.
Any direct real life experience, take GTA V torture shit, it wasn't based on any real event so people just let it slide, you could have an interactive experience of genociding a people as long as its not a direct reference to a real life one, or so similar that it might as well be.
That's 600 BILLION to you Goy and don't you forget it!
anything even vaguely critical of communism gets review bombed by slavs, just look at what happened to company of heroes 2
I already said it was overstated, and now you talk about 11 million
thank you for proving my point
Made me laugh. And he does raise an interesting point. What happened to all this super tech that Germany had?
>get mad at USA for trying to build a wall
Oh yeah they're furious
>GTAV torture shit
What the fuck was even the point of that?
>this entire thread
It was given to the Jews as reparations to make bagels at incredible high speeds.
They took it to the moon obv. The rest of it is inside the earth.
It's not super tech, you're just retarded thinking it's impossible, like the 9/11
Your friends, neighbors, countrymen.
They could be Nazis shitposting on a Vietnamese basketweaving board.
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
Remember that JFK assassination game? Or the one based on the actual marine assault of fallujah? Yeah real stuff never makes it into games you underage faggot.
>subtle redpill
The worst thing about the Holocaust is how most of the jews weren't gassed, how nobody cares at how many other people died ( a number much larger than the jews deaths) and how now every other genocide in history is forgotten.
Armenian Genocide
Congo under belgian rule
Japanese invasion of China in the second Sino-Japanese war
Rhodesia descending from a glorious prosperous nation to a starving shithole after throwing out all the white farmers
Russo-Japanese war
Thirty year war
Hell, anything in the HRE other than Paradox games
Italian wars
>implying it's not in the secret nazi base in antartica
OP is either newfag or Sup Forums
Lots of games treat Communists as the bad guys. Play red alert 3 or something.
I thought nazis were super driven and successful though? Why would they waste time on Sup Forums of all places?
What Armenian genocide?
I thought it was 6 million?
Bruh all the ones with Russia as the enemy are against the Russian Federation (not communist). Where the ones that feature the USSR (minus Black Ops) have them as friendlies.
I saw that "interview", Sam was literally just bullying a working man. Pretty messed up
White Genocide
because it isn't real
fuck off with your thinly veiled Sup Forums thread
He can't keep getting away with it, can he?
>because it isn't real
Neither was the holocaust :^)
>11 million
They say Jews are still dying from the holocaust to this very day.
It'll be 60 million in a couple years. It just gets bigger
I mean, you can argue whether it's intentional or not, but wyte peepo are certainly on the decline.
shalom, brother
>flooding white countries with immigrants isn't genocide
Nice try.
It isn't.
You're sounding like a real cracker right now
>white countries accepting these immigrants
Not genocide, more like suicide