ITT games with perfect graphics

I dont mean le ebin """"realistic"""" graphics, I mean actually stunning beatiful graphics that perfectly reflect the mood of the game and could not be better.

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>turn a flashing yellow for an ex

I can only remember it being heavily used on Elena when examining the sprites
>turn a flashing yellow for an ex
What would you do then?

Pic rel doesn't look good anymore after all the updates but the memories remain

Alright let's get in out of the way

As long as you ignore the god-awful intro BLOOD is fucking kino



Gameplay was literally just collecting points but it's still fun because the sprites were drawn so well and the sound effects were damn satisfying


original spyro trilogy is actual perfection

>All the remakes and new installements still don't look as appealing as the old piece of shit
Being TEAM17 must be suffering


Pretty much every from mid-90s Capcom to mid-2000s Capcom had by far the most aesthetically pleasing graphics in that era. It's a shame how far a company has fallen.


still images don't do SFIII justice these days

I've always been enamored with how the game managed to be so small by constructing levels out of many reused pieces, but it still felt like there was an enormous amount of variety.

I said no le ebin realism games but this is an exception

Eh I can't help but to agree. It's not the same without watching Elena do her tribal pose.

minecraft with shaders

i love beta images like these.


The gameplay was really fluid and you could go fast
Also I don't think anybody was ready for the intro song too

You're not wrong

Wario Land: Shake It.

>The gameplay was really fluid and you could go fast
Yeah you could collet things with a lof of fluidity and get them fast, exactly as I was saying, it was a fun collectathon (You didnt actually have to collect anything but everyone did anyway)

What are the chances Mortal Kombat goes back this the more animated style


Literally none
MK3 was the best 2D installment and everyone that says otherwise is a fucking faggot


Basically every Vanillaware game.

What's wrong with it?

The visual design of the UAC is modern yet feels like a natural evolution of Doom 3. Hell looks like a metal album cover. The technology on display feels like it had the years of revising and development time put into it. I could dick around in camera mode for hours, it runs so good yet all the textures, animations, models are meticulously detailed.

The game is great. but the graphics aged horribly, even in the year when this game was released.



>Music is obnoxious and so are sound effects
>No atmosphere
>Character sprites and the enviroment dont fit together or contrast well
Everything is just kinda off in an annoying way.

>not using the shitty looking HD remake
my nigga


Not user, but it looks like a flash game but with Nintendo polish/budget. It doesn't have the comfiness of the GBC Wario games.


Nobody posting warioland 4?


Fair enough. The sprites are pretty neat though.

This is probably the better answer.


And I forgot to post something:
The boss sprites were nuts at times.

Also it just feels really empty

What game?

Guild Wars 1 perfected that crisp anti aliased mid 2000s style.

Why did they have to fuck the remake so bad ?

>Looks like a flash game

You and others with this mentality literally killed 2D games.

Fucking cancerous cunt ki yourself

I hate to sound like a fag, but, for me, the biggest offenders to TF2's artstyle are unusuals and weapon skins that everyone loves. They all look awful. Every single fucking one. Barring maybe a couple weapon skins that are more subtle.

too bad its fucking dead

10/10 piece of art


Thats why I said that it doesn't look good after the updates faggot? It this how they roped you into that gay porno with your dad? Because you couldn't read the contract just like you can't fucking read now?

Darkstalkers 3

>Posting misogynist piles of crap

Please go back to /r/atheism



I wish this game wasn't populated exclusively
by faggots that have been playing it since the beggining and have 10 times the skill I do, how the fuck am I supposed to compete or catch up?

Most beautiful game I have ever played.
Truly the "painting come to life" meme material. The use of realistic light/environments mixed with stylised characters is so well done it's like moving in a dream.

It has a charm to it like club penguin or roblox does but it looks like shit let's not kid ourselves

Well different people disagree where the artstyle broke, and some people say that the artstyle whining is unfounded. There's a lot of different opinions out there user, besides just yours and mine.

Some people think the art broke way before. And I'd say it certainly got bent out of shape for sure, but, the straw that broke the camel's back was definitely unusuals and then insult to injury was the weapon skins. But shit like lime green and pink wigs and rainbow shoes probably didn't help.

>perfectly reflect the mood of the game and could not be better
fits OPs description

I don't know how well it stands up to others, but contra hard corps was the first time I remember being actually in awe of a games graphics. I used to die after really good looking parts just to see it again.

New Generation/Second Impact stages > Third Strike stages

>actually stunning beatiful graphics
>fits OPs description
It doesn't

I would agree, if only it weren't for the constant lighting and shadow glitches, not to mention the godawful performance and terrible AA solutions. The art design is fucking fantastic but the tech side of things lets it down hard.

On the left, you have an omg-hyper-realistic visually dull game, starring some ugly chick with shitty hair. On the right, you have Breath of the Wild, starring motherfucking Link.

Art style and visual design makes a world of difference.

Guilty Gear has superb graphics

This looks awful


The art is great but I don't like the cardboard cut-out animation.

if OP's image is considered stunningly beautiful graphics than so is maplestory, it fits.

>Art style and visual design makes a world of difference.
Not to mention animation. That's why I can get lost in BOTWs world while Horizon just seems lifeless.

This game was pure fanservice eyecandy.

I really dig the visuals. Too bad the gameplay doesn't interest me at all.

>Extremely well animated, detailed, designed spirtes with a lot of weight and squashnstretch set on bjutiful backgrounds
>shitty sprites drawn by 3 year olds on a badly rendered digitized tiles and vomit backgrounds
If you can't tell the difference maybe you should fuck off right back to where media isn't discussed you fucking faggot


I mean what else would you want out of these visuals, arcade fps sound driven gameplay is pretty interesting and fitting

>I can only remember it being heavily used on Elena
Yeah, and she sticks out like a sore fucking thumb. With a glaring flaw like her in the game, you shouldn't call the game's visuals "perfect."

i prefer beta posts like yours.

>A brother and sister must not share the bed they sleep

What ever the filter is in botw though really makes things ugly at times. HZD is just bland 90 percent of the time.




eh, it's only visible when not in motion

Holy shit THIS. Why aren't they capitilizing on this artstyle?

>bjutiful backgrounds
the backgrounds look like blurry shit though

Viewtiful Joe

right back at you buddy


>Holy shit THIS. Why aren't they capitilizing on this artstyle?
Because they simply got lucky and did worms2, mayhem right, it's the only explenation because all of their other games suck major dick, maybe someone with brains left and the the company is now just a shell of what it used to be

best of the best 8-bit graphics and animation, and perfectly suited the game.

pure kino

This. All Star Battle was fucking amazing visually. Single greatest spinoff product of the Jojo franchise.

I've always really enjoyed DMC4's look
It strikes the perfect balance between style and realism

it really is a pretty game

Jojo fightan like ASB but more balanced competitively fucking when? Shit look like it had potential.