The dark souls of zelda games

the dark souls of zelda games

All of the Dark Souls (and 'soulsborne') games are terrible and calling a game the 'Dark Souls' of x is a horrible insult.

Eh, not really. It was a lot of fun as a kid, you just have to learn the timing needed for some bullshit and it becomes very fun

Twilight princes is the bloodborne of zelda

>inb4 because it's edgy

No because boss fights were designed to have the player get out.of their comfort zone and just skirt around danger.

You aren't wrong user.

Yes really. It's the hardest Zelda outside of the crappy CDi games.

majora's mask is the bloodborne of zelda games


Remember when swords were ornamental but not covered in spikes and glowing bits?

Thats why dark souls is fun though.

It's garbage, but it's not that bad

I am pretty positive cdi games do not count brodood

How I wish the devs had said the same thing about Skyward Sword

The origin stories it presented were such utter garbage. Hylia and Demise are trashy fanfic tier

Once you get a grasp on the controls the game isn't that bad. Although Grand Palace is still a bitch unless you're me and guessed the right path on your first try.
Come to think of it, it is a bit like Dark Souls in that aspect.

the dark souls post of this thread

Easier than Zelda 1

I'm willing to admit you're right about demise.


>Death Mountain in Zelda 2
>Playing this without a guide

>plebs think this game is hard

You guys are aware that this game can be completed in like 2-3 hours right? It's ridiculously easy.

No, Zelda 1 has a few hard levels but it was pretty simple to beat all things considered.

That's the Dark Souls 2 of Zelda games. The Dark Souls of Zelda games is Master Quest.

>can be completed in like 2-3 hours
After playing for hundreds of hours maybe. Going into it the first time, no way.

Y'know I feel Demise was a perfectly par concept given that all of Hyrule's official religion was only expounded upon in 10 sentences, once, in one game, 19 years ago.

I'm personally pissed off however that the origin of the Master Sword is "Link was asked to assemble a Master Sword instruction kit to distract him as part of a completely unrelated plan.".

I usually breeze through this game until I hit fucking dungeon 6.

did they fix the boss fights in the wiiu release or something? They don't attack ever

Watched two friends team up to beat the game after school when i was in the 6th grade. They must have died a thousand times and it took them months. The accomplishment was greater than anything they had done at that point in time.
t. oldfag.

>watching people play video games instead of playing them yourself

I feel like they've gone too far into the "divinities did everything" route instead of having powerful magic casters or groups of magic casters making, ya know, magic items
The Triforce I get, but the Master Sword could've easily been 'a tool made by 7 sages to fuck up Ganon' instead of 'the great Goddess Hylia (the three godesses BFF) gift to Link who she was totally in love with before anyone else ever forever'

Did you donate some money to them in support of the entertainment they provided?

>thinks 50 dollars in 1988 is peanuts for a kid
Can't afford the game back then and you can't beat it borrowing the game for a week.

I'm a casual because I find Zelda 1 quite hard.

Can't disagree with your sentiment on the Master Sword. I mean since it lost its power, and the Triforce has yet to; I don't really equate the two in terms of power.

Conversely I would tolerate a lot more "gods did everything". Since Skyward Sword is premised as an origin myth I would accept a parade of gods coming into the series just to invent nonsequitor stories about why clay pots are so popular, how people learned to cook, what magic cuccos have to summon others of their kind, just because that's the trend of how society develops. Maybe even have temples actually dedicated to specific gods.

zelda needs more horror elements


I don't mind divinities (I liked the four giants, didn't mind the regional spirits in TP [apart from their fetch quests], liked Majora, enjoy the fairies in all their forms), but Hylia was just trash
SS would've been better with more divinities running around than just Demise and Hylia's bullshit story
Those two are particularly bad divinities

The cuphead of 3D games