>Sonic is better than Mario
>Streets of Rage is better than Final Fight
>Phantasy Star is better than Final Fantasy
>Ristar is better than Kirby
>Contra Hard Corps is better than Contra 3
>Castlevania Bloodlines is better than Super Castlevania 4
>Aladdin on Genesis is better than Aladdin on SNES
>Genesis got blast processing
>Does what Nintendon't
>Music on Genesis
>Music on SNES
>Castlevania Bloodlines is better than Super Castlevania 4
Hold on a minute
I disagree. What will you do about this?
How old is that fedora you got there OP? You wanna tell me how Vectorman is better than Megaman X next?
But Vectorman is better than Megaman X
Mortal Kombat on Genesis had all the fatalities that SNES wouldn't allow. I believe NBA Jam was better on Genesis also.
>Sega competes with Nintendo, becomes market leader temporarily. Stops competing with Nintendo. Fall apart.
>Sony competes against Nintendo, Becomes market leader. Stops competing against Nintendo, looses it's dominance for awhile
Sure Sony is dominating again now, but it's sure not because of their self made games. when Sony competed with Nintendo, they took software far, far more seriously.
When did Sega ever become the market leader? Maybe for a year, or in Europe.
Around 91 to 93 they were in America too thanks to Sonic. The Sega CD put an end to that.
Most people say Sega won the 16 bit era worldwide. That's why.
The Genesis outsold the SNES for almost the entire time they were competing, Hell, the SNES launch was terrible, it had practically nothing. it wasn't until the last couple years that Nintendo pulled ahead.
>it wasn't until the last couple years that Nintendo pulled ahead.
not only because of good games, but Nintendo's marketing was getting real good mid 90s.
>Hell, the SNES launch was terrible, it had practically nothing. it wasn't until the last couple years that Nintendo pulled ahead.
Are you high? It had so many great games barely a year later, including exclusive console ports of SF2 and Final Fight.
Posting the best genesis game. If you haven't played it what the fuck's wrong with you?
So two years? Fair enough.
Is that why so many of what are considered the best games of all time were on the SNES while the Genesis has more 'hidden gems'? Nah, I think you're wrong.
If you don't count the later years, sure. SNES still had a solid line-up even if it didn't start hitting it's peak until 93.
yeah, genesis is better imo. but you wont see too many people defending it here because most of the segautists are on /vr/
>Nah, I think you're wrong.
Well on those terms, I agree that 100% that Nintendo won then. I meant as far as success in the market.
>Sonic is better than Mario
>Streets of Rage is better than Final Fight
>Phantasy Star is better than Final Fantasy
>Ristar is better than Kirby
>Contra Hard Corps is better than Contra 3
ITT:Things sane people will never say
Whenever I try to play shit on the Genesis it just feels half-assed barring a few Sonic Games.
Though I think that's because of their heavy Arcade-at-home mentality, which I honestly just didn't like. SNES games just had more "depth", for a lack of a better world. Most Genesis games just felt like something that I could have played on an Arcade. I wouldn't say that's objectively bad, arcade games can be fun as hell, but that's not what I'm expecting in a home console.
DOS games were better than both.
>Sonic is better than Mario
Sonic is all about GOTTA GO FAST while Mario is about weird powerups and variety of play
>Streets of Rage is better than Final Fight
SoR games are deeperr mechanically but FF is graphically superior
>Phantasy Star is better than Final Fantasy
Hard to argue either way, but FF is still kicking and PS isn't.
(items omitted because I don't have much experience with them)
>Genesis got blast processing
A self admitted marketing tactic of trying to push something that didn't actually exist.
>Does what Nintendon't
Drop out of the console market?
If you're gonna cherry pick on music you could have at least picked something that doesn't expose the tinny sounding genesis music for what it is
Sonic 3 & K > SMW > Mario 3 > Sonic 2 > SMB2 USA > Sonic CD > Sonic 1 > SMB > SMB: Lost Levels
This is fact.
Brazilian spotted
>right wing
>even had forced fucking politics
Really is classic Sup Forums
I agree. I am always drawn to Genesis games over SNES games. Isn't to say there aren't good SNES games, but I find more fun Genesis games.
Minus Aladdin, pulled straight from the ethos, nothing of what you've said is true.
Oh, is it? Is it really?
Or is it in passive-aggressive Caps Lock because you can't fathom people having different tastes, much less endure the retaliatory bullying that you received after trying to convince people that the Genesis' rattling, ear-destroying synth sounds or Snake Jafar being as tall as Aladdin are superior to the offerings of the Super Nintendo console?
I don't think it is friendly, friend.
>Sonic is better than Mario
Nope. Mario 3 still beats all the Genesis Sonic titles.
Super Mario World is arguable.
>Streets of Rage is better than Final Fight
Arguable. I see good points for both, although it's been forever since I played either.
>Phantasy Star is better than Final Fantasy
Hell no. You might get away with PS4 vs FF6, But the first three Phantasy Star games compared to any of the SNES FF titles? Nope.
You would've been better off with Shining Force vs Fire Emblem, since at least you had a fighting chance.
>Ristar is better than Kirby
Never played Ristar, although Kirby's strongest point has been consistently good quality all throughout the series.
>Contra Hard Corps is better than Contra 3
Arguable, but I think that Hard Corps had a lot of interesting new design features. It certainly wasn't each, from what I remember.
>Castlevania Bloodlines is better than Super Castlevania 4
It was easier, I'll give you that.
>Aladdin on Genesis is better than Aladdin on SNES
I seem to recall Aladdin on SNES being the better one, but you're scraping the bottom of the barrel for that one.
What about Street Fighter 2 or Mortal Kombat?
>Genesis got blast processing
>Does what Nintendon't
Nah, I'm sure Nintendo had its own made up bullshit marketing as well.
>Music on Genesis
Music on SNES