He hasn't played the best vn ever made

>he hasn't played the best vn ever made

Other urls found in this thread:


The sex ruins it and before some dickhead comes in and says "oh well it's such a small part of the game and it doesn't even affect it that much", no it's not a small part of the fucking game, and yes it does affect it a lot. You try to focus on the story but get suckered into some stupid sex scene or some pointless regular cutscene where the goal is just to sexualize the female characters on screen. It's fucking annoying and only serves to pull you away from the good aspects of the game. Not to mention that it utterly crosses the respectable lines of storytelling when you spend 2 entire routes building up a great and impactful story only to end it off with 2 sex scenes involving you fucking your mom and your daughter.

The sex is integral to the plot and major twists, but there is the remake that is all ages coming out, so we'll see how they change the story.

but i did play that

But the sex really is a small part of the game and like other user said, it's integral to the plot. It's impossible to remove and keep the game intact.

How can you play something without gameplay?

>how to spot the newfags

You just got played, so I think that's good enough of an explanation.

How can it be the best VN if it does not have best girl?

I've read several VN's. I just can't apply a word "play" to them.

But it does have best girl.

Older VNs like these play like point-and-click adventure games.

but what about the FM music

who is the best girl in true love?

She looks like a good motherly type. I'd trust her to hold a baby while on a cliff.

Unfortunately I think the Saturn soundtrack has the worst samples out of all the versions. FM is the classic of course, the Super Soundtrack edition has some really nice airier synths that work well with the out-and-about tunes and even the remake soundtrack has a couple tracks that sound really nice with the big synthesized sounds we have now.

And for anyone who is interested:

Lossy soundtrack:

Lossless soundtrack:

Lossy and translated:

this is also good if you know how to use VGMs

there is no remake

That's an incomplete rip though. What I posted is the complete soundtrack collection that came with the limited edition remake.

You're right. VN-fanatics are usually just retards who vainly try to justify the fact that they're basically just reading porn with a plot.

how can i emulate the sound of 98 yuno, i want to make music that uses the same instruments is there any soundfonts for yuno

Doesn't the windows version basically do that?

>t. pervert vurgin

fucking THIS

Agreed. The only "playing" you do while reading a VN and looking at pictures is playing with yourself.

I cannot think of a single part in the game where if the sex was removed or just changed to the characters talking, the story wouldn't work

That's because you aren't thinking with your dick, unlike some people.

Are you a bigot?

No, I just understand what the overwhelming majority of gamers are.

ITT: little kids afraid of sex

Sex is part of life and VN's include it. Learn to deal with it for once in your sad lifes.

VN sex is tame compared to what romance novels dish out.

>be kissless hugless permavirgin
>call people online "little kids" and lecture them about sex
Really makes me think

I understand that, but in a story where sex is completely irrelevant to the plot, putting it there just makes it feel annoying. Like imagine trying to watch a documentary and every 10 minutes, the scene just shifts to 2 people having sex

>watch a documentary and every 10 minutes, the scene just shifts to 2 people having sex
But that's perfectly fine. Sex is a natural part of life, don't be such a toddler.

stop pretending that it wouldn't be annoying

Stop pretending sex isn't natural.

it is natural, but that doesn't mean it needs to be included in everything

YU-NO is half-incredible and half-shit. The initial part of the VN is fantastic with the timeline mechanics perfectly realized, but then it quickly dives into kusoge once you're railroaded into the second part of the game.

It's a damn shame that they decided to take away everything they built up and put it in an incredibly mediocre twist route.

We're not talking about including it in everything though, just one VN in particular. Go be autistic somewhere else

Yeah, one VN that really didn't need it. Of all the VNs that are about sex and romance, here's one that's about time travel and parallel universes. Putting sex in Yu-No was nothing but detrimental to the plot.

>nothing but detrimental to the plot.
>he said, sad and alone and not wanting to be reminded of an act he'd never be able to partake in

vns arent games

Just report OP

It's a game. It's OK here.

cry me a river


This was a good thread

anyone have a download?
wanna give it a try


>what is google


Wrong image OP, you were supposed to post Let's Meow Meow

>only picking one of the two