Disparity between "Review websites" and the people

>A Hat in Time finally comes out

>Literally everybody who plays it absolutely adores it from Vinny to big youtubers to the average Sup Forumstard.

>It's an OBJECTIVE 9/10

>98% of the reviews on Steam are highly positive

>90% Metacritic user score (That was 9.5 before some butthurt Neagaffers gave it a 0 for the whole JonTron thing).

>Some dumb bitch who literally has no redeeming qualities besides having big tits gives the game a 7/10 for reasons that hearken back to "7.8/10 too much water" for voice acting that very easily could be turned off.

>Gamespot has a history of getting ratings completely wrong, still manages to somehow have enough pull in the gaming industry to tarnish and belittle games sent to them that aren't attached with a blowjob or aren't shilled hard enough on their website

Why is there such a large disparity between what "reviewers" think and what the average consumer think? Are reviewers simply out of touch with the people? What do you rate a Hat in Time?


What the fuck are you on about? If anything journalist reviews are universally bloated and too high. You just sound mad your big game for the month is meh.

Shit game. 5/10.

>paying attention to Review sites
The only faggot here is (You). Sup Forums is unironically the best place to get a good grasp of how a game is barring fighting games.

>A lot of people who are reviewing the game don't like it as much as other people

Get over yourself

User reviews are pretty useless. At best they can tell you if people generally liked or disliked the game similar to Steam's system. Many people give artificially high or low scores in an attempt to change the overall score. Many people will also rate a game low for reasons unrelated to its actual quality. For example, fans of a series might rate a sequel low if it has significant changes to the formula or someone might rate a game low because they do not like the company that made it .Other times people rate games low because of politics like gamer gate shit. None of that actually has anything to do with the quality of the game.

Professional critics might have their flaws but they typically try to honestly rate a game based on its own merits.

Probably took 2 points just for JonTron voice acting.

>professional reviewers
>user score
>large disparity

Fuck off, marketer.

There's only 4 critic reviews. That's not very much. Wait until there's over 20, the score will probably even out a bit unless most reviewers decide their opinion based on Jontron having 20 seconds worth of lines.

>voice work by jontron
I don't really know who this is but the fact that he's some epic youtuber is enough of a reason for me to never play it.

If anything it will drop because this is just a shitty retro indie platformer..

Arent there like only 3-4 reviews for this game on metacritic? Most of them are around 8-9, while the gamespot one dragging it way down.

Stop digging. This is bigger then you and you need to stop before someone you love gets hurt okay

>Some dumb fanboys handing out bloated 10/10 scores while some other person makes some attempt to me more objective than that
>Getting mad about this

Are you the developer or false flagging or what?

>the best place to get an opinion on games is the place where every game gets universally shat on

You do realize that most people gave it a 10/10 just for the memes right?

>layers of collectibles
>charming worlds
>platforming is smooth, satisfying and challenging
I don't really care about the game, haven't played it and don't plan on getting it, but if the only negatives are the voice overs and the 1st world being "uninspired" that doesn't seem like it would warrant a 7/10.

In your mind does every game inherently get a 10/10 and then a point knocked off for each flaw you find?

>user score
>based on 40 ratings
There's your problem.

You can deduce a lot from criticism

No, It starts at 5/10 gets points knocked off for every flaw then gets 1 point for each pure waifu in the game.

>Objective 9/10
>You can't attack mid air


No. But what else would you want in a collectathon platformer other than lots of collectibles, good worlds and good gameplay? All 3 of those things sound like they would be great. IGN is just almost always stupid with their pros and cons.

Not the type on Sup Forums. Most of the time the criticism is from people who have never played the game. At least half of Sup Forums thinks watching a game on LPs or twitch is the same as playing it.

Not IGN, meant Gamespot. Though IGN is equally stupid too.

But a 7/10 is a good score

>SJWs fail at telling people what to like
More at eleven

>ITT: Virgin losers attempting to convince themselves that this airheaded slut is well-qualified to review video games

>Everything about this game is excellent besides the voice acting which is ENTIRELY optional and can be disabled in the main menu and the first world which is meant to be a Sunshine homage


Face it, retards. She won't sleep with you, no matter how much you respect her opinion. This is the same retard who gave Undertale a PERFECT 10/10 score. She literally has no idea what she's talking about.

I've got a game she can review. It's called "Escape from the Basement."

How's your girl been treating ya?

>Waaaaahhhh why won't they give my indie platformer a 10/10!

>"no redeeming qualities besides big tits"
are these the breasts in question?

>A mean girl doesn't like my game I bet she is a dumb slut

Tell me with a straight face that she belongs in gaming journalism. Tell me she is well-qualified to review video games. No, seriously. Try it.

What's the deal with leftist game reviewers always complaining about too "much player freedom?"

It's a game not a racial sensitivity class, it's supposed to be fun!

>all these cons are fucking opinion
>somehow they make the game 7/10
Can we kill the vidya journalism already? I've had enough of this bullshit.

You're right, that score is way too high for pokemon.

le contrarian opinion
nobody care about your shit game
get a character designer and a graphist and then we can talk

Opinions can make a game less good, to be fair

You sound like you lead an interesting life, OP.

>C+ and A- isn't a huge disparity

Bernie supporter detected.

>b-b-but why can't I get a job? I'm only slightly worse than a straight-A student! I deserve a $15 minimum wage!

She is a journalist, not a schoolgirl talking about tv dramas and big brother.

Then again, how much subjectivity should be allowed in game reviews?

Depends on the budget and genre.

Reviewers tend to never rate big budget games low.

Indie games are hit or miss and very rarely consistent. Many reviewers are horribly biased against certain types of games or even just biased against something for being popular.

Video game reviewers are a joke.

>All these cons are fucking opinion

All reviews are opinion, you knuckle busting bitch

I do agree that those cons are bullshit, at least not enough to weigh the score down to a 7/10 especially in comparison to those pros.

I see many people comparing it to Mario Sunshine.
That's all I need to know it's a mediocre game that tickles the nostalgia of most gen 6 babbies.

Extremely short and not very polished, full of little bugs and weird artifacts. Could have been an 8/10 if it was twice as long and more polished, but as of right now, it's a 6/10.

Calm down, squirt.
What I meant is that these cons actually imply that she doesn't like those and so shouldn't you. I don't like this kind of bull.

Is the game actually good?

Is that her? Her tits aren't quite big enough for me to care about her review scores. Maybe if they were double that size.


What's even the problem here? 79 isn't bad and it's a lot more accurate than 90.

It's because of JonTron and how the game dev's didn't make "donations" to the reviewers. We've known vidya reviewers are corrupt fucks, that why GG got as big as it did.

perfect, all that needed to be said

>too much water

Is this the real life?

>User reviews: system wars / fanbase clashes / i can't express my OBJECTIVE opinion by other means than 0 or 10 to correct other wrong opinions / my cat puked on the keyboard while I played the game 0/10
>Professional reviews: bored retards lacking gaming skill writing click bait shit or just half assing it through another shit fest because they have to / paid reviews / virtue signaling reviews

Fuck reviews, give me demos or at least gameplay vids, I'll review the shit for myself.

Yeah I don't know why Sup Forums is praising this game, is it just because the dev is supposedly one of us.
I think 6/10 is a bit generous.
This guy gets it

The game has shit presentation with gmod-tier animations that look like they are from 2005. The music isn't anything to write home about. The level design feels haphazard with ether random obstacles that serve no purpose or vast empty areas.

A 7/10 sounds perfectly fair to me.

No, it is being shilled by jontron fans and the dev himself as well as anyone dumb enough to back it on kickstarter.

I never trust any reviews, neither journalist reviews nor player reviews. I prefer to try the game out myself, so I love demos (which are extremely rare nowadays) and free weekends. I bought a fair share of games after trying them out during free weekends.

A hat in time is not a 9.0. The game has so many flaws, and is easy as fucking shit. And the game tries to play off all those flaws with
>oh my god, she's so cute

Let's just go with a solid 6.5/10
The girl in OP's post was speaking the truth, god that voice acting... Just what the hell

Props to you guys not being suaded by the Sup Forums hive mind you guys are heroes

>vast open areas
Fucking Subcon forest.


Its really really good, nailed the movement.

Did Jon even say anything like this? The only thing I heard is that he said wealthy blacks where more likely to commit crimes than wealthy whites due to an unsubstantiated statistic.

That solid 70 seems a bit weird a choice to go with but really I get people who go with 7/10 or 3/5 scores. It’s for the most part still good game but it’s missing bits that make it great FOR THEM. Someone else’s could be less picky and easily give this game an 4/5 or even 9/10. Anyone using perfect scores are either dumb or simply generalize 9/10 with being perfect (Arlo gives games 7/7 but that doesn’t necessarily means he thinks they’re perfect) in which case, it’s up to a reader to be able to understand the reviewers point of view.

That said, this game really without me putting a score on it can be summed up by this
>Mario Sunshine/Galaxy
>Banjo Kazoie
>Sly Cooper
I can get behind a game like that this. And before you ask why I mention sly cooper, it’s something about the art style and humour.

Even I, a jontron fan was disappointed

>game is a platformer, objectively the shittiest genre of game that everyone whose age is in double-digits outgrew when they put their Nintendo into the closet and got a real gaming device
>reviewer gives it a 0 because of a voice actor instead of any legitimate complaint about how shit Mario games are

sounds like the developer/publisher just didn't pay the demanded bribes to pay off the extortionist con artists in the SJW cartel.

This post is Sup Forums personified. All it is missing is an image of this poster and OP sucking thousands of dicks.

>listening to Sup Forums for reviews

Yeah no.

>Sup Forums - nintendo game
You're missing an extra scale
>Fucking nintenkiddies nintendo paid reviews deduct 3/10 for nintendo tax

Jontron got on a live stream with some twitch streamer that likes to debate social dilemmas. He didn't know what he was talking about and was effectively showing everyone that he didn't do any actual research and in fact is a conservative jew who doesn't understand where "white" people come from.
I'd say he's pretty racist, probably browses too much Sup Forums

nice try xir

Nah. Waifufaggots just overrate anything with a female in it.

It actually is on the level of a 3rd party Gamecube game that would have gotten 7/10 back in a time when that meant something. I'm having lots of fun with it but I think people giving it a 9/10 or 10/10 are insane.

Isn't A Hat in Time a game from /agdg/? I remember it coming from here about 2 or 3 years ago.

It's getting those scores because
>Cute main character
>Platformers have been rare for years now
>5 years of development hype, ignoring the 4 year delay
>Cute character
>Name dropping existing games like Sunshine, Wind Waker(?????), Banjo Kazooie
Did I mention cute character? They tried to copy the challenge levels from Sunshine. Only you can skip half the levels because of the quadruple jump.

Does watching my friend play count?

Pretty accurate, Nintendo fags are the cancer of this board, actively shilling the Switch daily.

because reviews are merely opinions, both the reviewer and consumers are humans with different tastes, sometimes these scores align, sometimes they don't.

Hell, sometimes the guy playing it isn't even in the mood for that kind of game and just throw a safe 7 and call it a day. Stop taking reviews seriously and playing video games as if it was your second job.

Oh grow up. The switch has been solid and continues to grow. I’m a Sony owner and I can see it’s making waves man. It’s gonna get worse for naysayers like you when Odessy comes around and then afterwards they talk about Smash Bros, animal crossing and all them other games.

The solution is to stop giving a fuck what "Video Game Reviewers" think, anybody who isnt braindamaged has figured this out by now.

>The switch has been solid and continues to grow.
>Only game is BotW (Which runs better on Wii U and CEMU) and kiddyshit garbage like Splatoon and Mario/Rabbids

>Kiddie shit
>Posting in a hat in time thread
What the fuck is wrong with you autists? Do you lack this much self awareness?

>Splatoon, a game with literally zero depth
>Anything Rabbids like it needs to be explained, the fucking reason minions exist

>Compared to a game that is closer to Super Mario 64 than anything Nintendo has released in the last 10 years
Nobody wants hold right to win trash, you dumb shit. Thats what people mean by kiddyshit, as in it has literally zero difficulty and was made to be easy enough so literal 10 year olds or braindamaged manchildren like yourself dont feel bad when playing it because you're bad.

Speak in real words you fucking autist, instead of parroting Sup Forums memes like an mindless, inbred drone autist. Be a fucking man for once in your pathetic life.

Speak in real words you fucking autist, instead of parroting Sup Forums memes like an mindless, inbred drone autist. Be a fucking man for once in your pathetic life.

>I'm just going to call something literally shit! That will show you how bad it is!
And learn to sage when you post you newfag cunt.

only nintendo platformers are allowed to get 90+

>I'm just going to call something literally shit! That will show you how bad it is!
And learn to sage when you post you newfag cunt.

You really are a child if you’re just copy cat-ing the argument.

>40 users

He's a literal underageb& upset that I called him out. Don't give him any more replies.

You never had an argument outside of "LMAO U SED LITERALLY", so im just being as braindamaged as you.

It's not a reviewer's job to be a voice of the people. Nor write a review that conforms to the majority's opinion of the game.

A reviewers is meant to, to his or her own criteria give an objective review of a game. If it's lower than what most people think, well, then that's just his or her opinion really.

/ourguy/ Esteban "Density" Bonelli uncovered JonTrons racist thoughts and indirectly lowered the scores for this game. I will not buy this game until they remove JonTrons voice over. I am not willing to support bigotry in the gaming world and left 0 star review on metacritic. I expect all of you to do the same.

>Reviewers are compromised and completely untrustworthy

wow what a new and original opinion

Why do people care..if its rated low or high it doesnt affect if you will enjoy the game.