Guy is selling a rare item

>Guy is selling a rare item
>Ask how much
>Offer slightly less than what's usually on the auction house

If you ever did this, then i hope you get curbstomped.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm trying to get MORE out of the auction house, you fool. If you can't get hustled, then get out of my way, kiddo.

But then people have no incentive to buy from you, because they can just buy it from the auction house instead.

>doesn’t give counter offer
>blocks you
why would you sell something if you’re scared of haggling

>how much?

I'm obviously hoping I find a fool that doesn't realize that.
>Find someone to hustle
>I'm still only a few hundred above the auction house price
>Go hustle someone else because I can get better than that

Fucking jew.

>S> rare item
>me: how much?

Fuck all these haggling faggots in every damn MMO

>How much
Just lowball hard, the item costs 300 on the auction house, say 10. If he didn't liked your offer, maybe he should think how much he would like to receive instead

i'd pay auction house price through a direct trade if it meant bypassing the tax. that shit adds up yo.

>grind certain expensive reagents a lot
>dump a truckload of them on the auction house for 25% their normal price
>price plummets
>other people forced to drop their prices as well
>server economy forever ruined

forced meme is forced

My man

>auction house economics is a meme now

This meme is accurate for people not born into GenZ

>offers you half the cash + x, x and x items

I meant the picture.

>be in a corporation
>control game space that certain item drops
>collect those with the corp for three months
>shoot anyone who tries to get in
>buy all copies of the item from the market
>dump it all back with 300% the price from before
>instant profit

I hope they someday experience this:
>come to shop
>want to buy something
>there are no prices anywhere
>take a product and go to counter to ask for a price
>salesman smugly replies: offer?
>"I don't know. 10$?"


You have to be aggressive user when doing business. Traders are never your friends.

>people send you angry messages when you undercut them

>Economy recovers
>Do it again
I'd crash the herb market on my server in WoW a couple of times a year, and still make bank.

>a picture is a meme

It's a picture of a cat, user. It's not a meme. Pic related is also a cat

Same with skinning in vanilla WoW and motes in TBC.

Of course it's not a fucking meme, that's the point. One faggot keeps posting that cat with similar name because he is trying to make it a meme.

>That was 10 years ago
Hold me, user...

But if he just uses it as a picture then it's not really a meme. He's just using it as a reaction image.

Or maybe there's CP in the exif data, who knows?

>put tons of shit on the auction house severely under cutting the standard price
>Some try hard faggot buys it all up to resell it at the "right" price
>Mfw he probably thinks he's beating me but I don't really give a fuck and he saved me some time waiting

>they then walk away so you can't even offer more
You've reminded me of my hatred for these people

Calm down, Monsanto

>WotLK is almost 10 years old as well
>post-cataclysm Azeroth has now been longer in the game than pre-cataclysm Azeroth.

Guy: WTS [Big rare item]
Me: The auction house is that way bro ->

Sept that re-sellers will just buy what you dump

>Or maybe there's CP in the exif data, who knows?
I'm not sure how I feel about that notion.

If the reagent was used often enough and you had a large amount of it, then people would actually drop the price.

But you're right, you really need the volume to affect the market.


>Tryhard faggot because I'd rather make bank playing the market than grinding iron ore all day in the mines

I thought we had a fair trade user, why do you hate me so much? You got gold and my buyers get a stable source of mats. Its win win

pic related is a stupid cunt
>B-b-b-bbbut my prices!!

who the fuck is this?

Don't hate the chosen, hate the Goyim for falling for it.

>Grinders sell me what they earn for cheaper than what they get on the auction house because its instant cash.
>Price my stuff one gold cheaper than the competition so my name appears at the top of the list
>Grab up any mats that happen to be drastically under my asking price because I can make a profit reselling it.
>Get hatemail telling me I'm a piece of shit depriving new players from mats they need

Why do so few people grasp how a market works?

Savor their misery, user

>undercut someone by 50g
>get a long hate filled whisper how im killing the game

What mats were those that you can undercut someone by 50g? that's huge

>abuse a specific mechanic of producing an expensive usable/reagent
>whole guild does that
>throws everything on an army of vendor alts
>server dies after a week or so after

>By 50g

Why would you ever do that? just 1 copper is enough to put your name at the top of the list and people always buy the first name

All you are doing is artificially sinking the value of items for no reason

50g is nothing in the MMO i play
these mats are going for like 1000g each

Some dude just likes that picture, not everything has to be a meme

there are people who are willing to pay more because it means the item is worth more in that market

take that socialist bullshit back to the early 20th century

>he doesn't adhere to the labor theory of value

capitalist pig

Some faggot youtuber who has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on NES games.

He thinks if you use an emulator youre a piece of shit


nintendo could have made good money selling emulated versions of their own old games as apps to middle aged atari/NES era morons

their loss

>DUmp market
>Buy cheap
>Sell high

Thats not how it works. The people who pay more do so because they are at the top end and value their money less than the people at the bottom end

>looking to buy for way more then market price
>friend selling for somewhat more then market price
>buys from friend then tries to sell to me

I wish I could pay to have old nintendo cartridges to be reproduced indistinguishablely from the original by the fuck load so I coul flood the market so fucks like this can off themselves

you will like this blog

so what's your fucking point? i mean you disagree with me in the first sentence then just repeat what I said in a different way

You said people pay more to keep the value of an item high. Thats not how it works

lol your reading comprehension is shit and your understanding of market value is broken

i did not say
>people pay more to keep the value of an item high

how could you even misconstrue that so poorly?

I used to do this to a former guildy in WoW after he left the guild because he, and I quote, "Refused to be in a guild where he wasn't the only Rogue raider".

I'd intentionally crashed the market on several of the things I knew he sold in bulk. I did this for about a year, getting /spit on every time I passed him in Stormwind, until he eventually faction changed knowing I wouldn't follow him.


>when molten core first came out
>buy out all dreamfoil and elemental fire
>flip it for double
>make bank

S-sorry sempai

That was almost 13 years ago. Betcha didn't think you'd be here on Sup Forums gloating about it, did ya?

Just like Diablo 2 in its prime -- you join a trade game looking to barter items but people are only interested in dozens of Stones of Jordan, which had become a sort of currency due to the massive volume at which it was duped by shameless koreans.

>How much for the ____?
>Offer slightly more than the AH
>Still there?
>Player is ignoring you

>Vanilla WoW
>Elemental Fires worth 25g a pop.
>Me and 3 IRL friends proceed to farm them for a week and crash the market to fund our Epic Mounts.
>We get threats from fags mad that we discovered their gold mine and raided it.

>Month later realize Stone Eels are a gold mine.
>Run to around collecting them and crash the market on it.
>Some retard from big raid guild tells me I'm a shit bag and now he can't afford repairs in raids cause I crashed his money pile.
>Offer to sell my stone eels to him for 73% AH price and he can resell them for a 2% margin.
>Tells me to fuck off.

>We get threats from fags mad that we discovered their gold mine and raided it.

Arathi Highlands, huh?

reminder: you're trying to barter with people who have terrible social skills

>>Some retard from big raid guild tells me I'm a shit bag and now he can't afford repairs in raids cause I crashed his money pile

what kind of shitty raid guild doesn't pool the repair costs? those wipes are expensive and typically not the tanks fault

>Wow implements group ques
>any group that has a tank gets instant members no wait
>start charging people to be in my group when I que
>upwards of 150g per person during lichking
>people crying in chat about it eevry time I finish knowing they're still in que waiting
This has to be my favorite

Was actually Ungoro Crater. We found a farming route where we were on fire elementals with a fantastic drop rate.

Welcome to vanilla raiding

Vanilla Raiding was a shit show for anyone who wasn't the Tank or Healers.

>Game has no auction house so player to player trading is a must
>Game has notoriously braindead community
>Constantly hustle people and selling/reselling things for upwards fo 3-4x their worth
>All because simple sweet-talking and making it seem like I'm cutting the pubbies a deal
>The tradeable currency is the cash-shop money
>MFW buying everything from the cash shop I'd ever need without having to drop a single real cent

more games need to let me jew to extreme extents, it hasnt been this fun since old wow AH

What a surprise, a WoW player is a literal retard.

>yet mouthbreathers still call it p2w
Brings me to a warm smile every time

Short hand they used in game. It's a hard habit to drop.

classic scam, well done

It's not even a scam, because they just buy it from someone else.

>be in the army in 2008
>guy says out loud he was taking a week of leave when wotlk come out so he can play for a week straight
>everyone laughs at him and shakes their heads
>I'm secretly jealous because i was a closet wow player

it's a scam in that it illustrates how to create false demand

how fuckin old are you

You miss the part where your friend is the one who makes a profit, and you don't actually accept the trade from the sap who bought the item, he's now down more than market value and you split the difference with your friend.


Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Classic response from a NEET aspie

We're in a WoW scam thread, don't think you can take the high road here.

bruh we just had a mass shooter in las vegas, don't create another one

What high road? The fuck are you babbling about? Keep projecting and shitting up the thread.


>someone selling rare item
>ask how much
>offer outrageous price way above market value
>he accepts
>ask him to cod it
>let it sit in my mailbox
>never buy it

wow it went completely over your head

How evil

what game?


wait, i didn't know that's an MMO.