It's not that good

It's not that good.

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First one was better desu.

Did you play Second Runner?

someone told me the framerate was terrible is that true?

not after the patch it's still bad in places but it's okay overall. 2 is smooth as hell even with tons of shit on screen.

Funny I just started this game.

agreed, but the mech designs are fucking top notch so i'm still glad it exists for that reason.

It's the best Gundam game I've ever played and that's all I wanted out of it.

Also Yoji Shinkawa mech design makes me want to fuck robots.

Too over designed for me. Give me some old school shit.

Overdesigned mechs are the best kind. Old school designs like Getter and Gigantor are neat but they look to much like toys, they don't give me the gear boner I'm looking for.


PS3 Zone of the Enders 1 HD hold its own, it's just marginally better than the PS2 version. PS3 Zone of the Enders 2 HD was fucked at launch, the patch fixed all of it's problems (patch was outsourced and done by the Okami HD developers). Zone of the Enders 1 HD never had severe issues like 2 HD so it was untouched. I don't know the state of the 360 version. I just know the PS3 version are very playable.

Zone of the Enders 1 sucks but stick with it. It doesn't last long. You're just in it for the sequel.

Yes it is.

is there a good patlabor game where I can pilot a crabman?

>It's the best Gundam game I've ever played and that's all I wanted out of it.
but that's not For Answer

I've only played some parts of the first one but I agree. Too repetitive, annoying not-Shinji "war is bad" protagonist.

Mech looks cool I guess

Quality answer my AC nigga.

ZOE1 was so bad I still haven't played 2 after four years. I know it's supposed to be amazing but fuck me what a way to start a series. Protagonist alone made me want to kill myself.

don't platinum it just do a quick once through will not take long only hiccup part will be the bomb disposal.

ZOE2 has way better gameplay, a protag that isn't a whiny bitch, and the last protag turns into an absolute Chad who hooks up with that blue haired girl from the first game and pilots the goddamn Vic Viper. It also has Ken's fantastic tits.

So yea, the consensus has always been rush through the first one or just skip it, you won't miss much. The only good part of ZOE1 is Viola.

The first one I can agree, since it's a very rough prototype basically.
But Second Runner is straight up god tier, faggot.

PS3 version was patched, and the patch is actually the whole thing remade from scratch.

>don't platinum it just do a quick once through will not take long only hiccup part will be the bomb disposal.

>zero civilian casualties trophies
>zero damage to the colony trophies

WHAT THE FUCK WAS KOJIMA THINKING? At least ZoE2 it was semi OK since everything from the controls to the UI is so much better, but that is a nightmare to think about doing with ZoE1 shitty combat engine.

That players should make some effort for plat?

on a scale of 1/10 most people who had it polled it at around 4-5 I have it and I agree. It's not as balls hard as it seems.

Obligatory, mandatory watch for anyone that likes ZoE:

What's the trick, I platinum ZoE2 and I'm mentally scarred by the first game to even consider platinuming it. How do I cheese it my bros.

Dumpan orbital frames.



melee only use the exploitable combos the hardest one is the one where you have to get all the A's on the rescue missions. But that's easy if you take out the enemies in the right order. Also it's 10% or less structures destroyed not 0% so you can make a mistake but not many.


Alright thanks, time to rev up this badboy.




I've only played the demo of the first one. So according to you guys, I won't miss anything by jumping into 2nd Runner?

>I won't miss anything by jumping into 2nd Runner?
You will, don't listen to the shitposters.
The first game is really short, like 4 hours long short, so just rush through it.

>You got your SMT in my ZOE

If you don't want to play it, then play the first one on Easy, rush it if you have to. Don't play them out of order.

its not, but the controls are fucking tight and it jehuty does exactly what you want it to do, feels good


>Konami is remaking 2nd Runner instead of doing both games
Y tho


The first game is a bit repetitive but it has good bosses. Its short as fuck though, can be beaten in a sitting and its worth your time.

A HD port (granted, with slightly improved visuals) of a HD port of a PS2 game is not a remake.

Didn't the original ZOE have a mgs2 demo and it was the only reason that game sold any copies?

Wait, what the fuck, I thought it came with both? Also, is it an actual remake or just another upscale?

Still, why just 2nd Runner?

Wow, I completely forgot there's a remake of Zone of Enders 2. Like legit forgot. Why does it exist?

yeah it had the entirety of the tanker chapter on it

Because nobody cares about the first game and if you really do, you can emulate it or just grab the PS3 version.

show was so bad and with mc annoying ass kids

Haha no...

It's a HD port like the PS3 version, but this one has improved textures, lighting and particle effects.
If PS3 one was a HD version, then the upcoming one is HD+

There were some threads about it showing texture differences and there will also be full VR support both for PSVR and Steam VR so it's more than an upscale.


Hopefully the Re-remaster has dual audio. The dub in both these games were garbo.

Why literal cockpits?
Because kojimbles?

Cute robutt tho

that shit was the rudest bait and switch, i was not expecting raiden at all

What's not to like about a mech flying with permanent erection?

>show was so bad and with mc annoying ass kids
The first 2/3 was very filler-ish and family friendly I agree, but the last 1/3 when Radium is re-introduced, this time as main villain, is when shit gets absolutely fucking real. It made me all warm and fuzzy for watching Idolo before Dolores.

is it not the center of your being?

>is it not the center of your being?
No user, that would be your brain and spinal cord.

>brain and spinal cord
If this wasn't Sup Forums I'd agree with your post.

Come on now, you know he meant your center of gravity smartass.

I said what I meant.

God it's so beautiful

The first person perspective is going to be a complete gimmick, but damn if I won't have fun with it.

It's optional and VR exclusive only, if you don't have VR it plays as normal in third person.

Ah, I see. That's fine. Thanks for the heads up.

>lelelel jsut rush through ZoE 1 breh it's not that good

And miss one of the best scenes in the history of vidya? Fuck you

Rushing implies finishing it you idiot.

>yfw beating Viola in ZoE1
>yfw you think you've won and it's the end

Pretty sure it was mentioned that Viola is the best part of ZOE1. Even rushing through it you'd still see this.

Oh fuck off, Znd Runner is absolute G O A T and you have no soul

Koji Pro actually took the criticisms of ZOE1 to heart when making ZOE2 resulting in
>New protagonist
>Instead of weirdo anime 3D models characters and cutscenes are animated or use stills
>No backtracking bullshit
>More combat oriented
>Fucking rad weapons

Good world-building but seeing Nohman look how he does was weird. If you've played Fist of Mars the fat guy from the anime shows up.

everybody says the second one is better.

I thought ZOTE1 was boring too

2nd Runner > Fist of Mars > ZoE

It had a large portion, but definitely not the entire chapter.

>Hate Leo in 1
>Now I play as him everytime in the VS mode or how Kojima made him such an alpha
Vic Viper literally being a mecha/ship hybrid also helps

The only reason why i bought zoe1 was because of the mgs2 demo. Zoe was shit