Video Game Confessions

Confess your gaming sins.
I've never played an actual NES before. My first gaming experience was on the Genesis.

I wrote shitty, erotic Ape Escape fanfiction.

My sins?
I actually enjoy all the videogames I play and don't feel the need to shitpost about games which don't appeal to me.


Get the fuck out.

you filthy heretic.

They're mostly gay, until the last one.

is the last one about yumi?

And Aki too.

well, you won't end up in hell. limbo at worst.


I use savestates OR use cheats to increase the maximum number of lives when playing 3rd or 4th gen games
I also refuse to buy games that don't have a physical copy available. Fuck you developers, I am not spending the exact same goddamn amount of money to have a copy that can be rescinded at any time and can't be sold/traded/kept for longer than your shitty servers are maintained

How is that a sin, OP? Not everyone could've been around for that era.
I was born in '95, and while I started on arcade cabinets, my first console was the PSX.

I never played a video game ever.
t. Sup Forums

All the videogames you play? Are you a discerning customer or do you just have low standards?

Consoles don't magically disappear once an era is over.

i was born 94 and was first game was SMB3

when I was a teen, I wrote bad Pokemon fanfics

And? Emulation is also an option. That way, those consoles are still out there for collectors and nostalgiafags.

Nor is it normal for someone to look out for 3rd parties selling consoles that have been out of the market for a decade just to play old shit available for 5 or 10 bucks on modern devices.

I usually can see what sort games would suit me.

Even the off times I jump into a game completely blind. Its usually off the heels of a friend who recommended it me which leads to alot of fun hours of talking about it. One time I got recommended Nier and while I didnt really like it, It was pretty nice to hear my friend talk about it and such which lead to me enjoying the time I did spend with it.

so did everyone

Literally anyone interested in Pokemon fantasizes about living in the game's world and makes up shitty ass stories about their could've been journey. It's just that any sane person doesn't writte it down nor share them.

I can't help but be driven by trophy/achievements. I know it was just some dumb skinner box system designed to ensure brand loyalty over anything else but I can't help but play through a game constantly checking online to ensure I haven't missed a missable.

It's like if I finish a game with say only five or so achievements I feel like I haven't played it at all. Even if I've spent tens of hours and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I spent most of my free time for the past month getting the platinum for Bloodborne, hoping that with a tleast one platinum I wouldn't care as much and can just enjoy the fucking games I play.

It did not work

I've only played one final fantasy game,
and it was tactics advance

the tactics games are better anyway.

That's not so bad, mainline Final Fantasy has far more bad games than good.

I savescum all the time when possible.

I played through Fear 2 three times but gave up on 1 after a few hours.

I'm garbage at Overwatch. Can't aim, get destroyed 1v1, almost never get on fire/potg, and can go several matches without any damage done/eliminations medals. Even when I'm Winston, I get my ass kicked by Tracers and Genjis. That being said, I make it into Master rank every season by only playing Mercy and Lucio.

Playing Overwatch comp gives me massive anxiety and I hate being called out for fucking up, so I have to mute voice/text chat and put Oney Plays, Super Mega, Game Grumps, or Zero Punctuation on in the background to relax me while I play.

I think Danny is funnier than Jon

The Last of Us, Half-Life 2, and Ocarina of Time are my top 3 of all time.

I bought Soul Caliber 4 so I could jerk it to Ivy, Cassandra, and Taki. I hate fighting games other than Smash and haven't played a single match.

I write shipping fics about video game characters.

Not video game related, but I've spent over 100 dollars on girlfriend audios.

I love Human Revolution and Mankind Divided, but hate the original. I also love Devil May Cry 3 and 4, but hate the first game and only played the first one for a few hours.

I cheat all the time in multiplayer games. I had an alt account in TF2 where I pubstomped with LMAOBox for years and sent all the items I got from that account to my original.

I love Resident Evil 4 and have played through it numerous times and hate every other game in the series. 7 is okay.

I would sacrifice Cyberpunk 2077 if I could get a Morenatsu sequel as deep and rich as Witcher 3 was, without hesitation. And cyberpunk is my favorite genre.

>I also love Devil May Cry 3 and 4, but hate the first game and only played the first one for a few hours.
what's wrong with that?

>I love Resident Evil 4 and have played through it numerous times and hate every other game in the series. 7 is okay.
I liked 4. The only other game in the series I played was REmake which I got bored with. I tried the demo for 7 but it kept crashing on me so i dropped it.

I thought L.A.Noire was superb from start to finish.

I post in Wow threads talking about what a piece of shit the game is to try and convince myself not to go back.

I want to play it but the PC port isn't that good from what I've heard. Why do people not like the game?

i savescum in any game that allows quick saving/saving anywhere. including emulators
ill post more if i can think of any
L.A Noire was great but the ending felt forced and didnt make too much sense to me

What the fuck is a girlfriend audio?

I liked Morenatsu too but I wouldn't kill Cyberpunk for it

I honestly believe that console warriors should be purged from the genepool and Sup Forums as a whole needs a cleansing as people who hate specific games do nothing but piss themselves off going into threads of said game they hate.

if that and e-celebs were purged this board would genuinely become comfy.

about what?

post it fag

Think most Zelda games are over-rated.. Not for me

The only RPG games I've beaten are from Pokemon and Mario & Luigi.
I haven't finished a single FPS game.
I judge a game on it's music more than graphics and gameplay.
I like DLC and wish more games had it, so long as if it's obvious that it was made after the game was finished and not some on-disc shit.
I actually watch a fair amount of Video Game youtubers like Somecallmejohnny, Brainscratchcomms, Findthecomputerroom, and others.
I've roleplayed as multiple video game characters. And still do.
Also this.

at least you have good taste in tv

I mean, it's not really news, is it?

I've never completed a zelda game.

which ones did you play

They are, but they are fun enough for me to enjoy almost all of them
cant say the same about FF, not THAT is overrated

Legend of Zelda (NES)
Ocarina of Time
Breath of the Wild

>Legend of Zelda (NES)
>Ocarina of Time
what part did you get stuck on?
>Breath of the Wild
haven't played it

im a new gamer. bought a pc not so long ago since i was poor af growing up so i barely played anything. had a nes w donkey kong country and thats about it. It was cool tho.

I think all the games you hold dearly are overrated as fuck (hl lol fuck that trash. portal was ok ). zelda and ff are really bad ( I emulated ff 7 and really you nostalgia faggot can go kys.). I emulated Chrono Trigger too: had a nice story and music ruined by mr.canonlydrawoneface toriyama. Fuck pokemon and its annoying fanbase.

Your games were a neccessary evil for the technology to be tested and advanced in order to deliver high quality gameplay. fuck you all ty very much for being lab rats. or fuck me for no having an enjoyable childhood

same, because if i don't enjoy a game i drop it and forget about it

I still enjoy the Final Fantasy series but acknowledge that it has its ups and downs. I also liked XV.

The only Final Fantasy game I've ever played was FF14
I only have a 3ds because I stole it from my ex
I've never actually completed a NES game
Even though I was born in 95, my first console was a 360, and I only ever played two games on it
I think vidya, as a medium, is both overrated and overhyped

let me guess, female?

Adding to this:
I'm pretty sure my 360 was stolen from someone by my dad, but I've never asked him or been able to prove it
I seriously liked Undertale, but it might be because I was super into homestuck between the ages of 14-17
I don't think it's possible to like a game ironically, you either like something or you don't. "ironic" enjoyment is still enjoyment, even if that comes from the poor qualities of something. You can like bad games while still acknowledging they're bad.
I've probably dropped more games than I've completed in my life

Nah, I'm a dude with a dick

i think MGSV is an absolutely fantastic game and I loved every minute of it
there are games that ive bought on steam and havent even launched
i have all the free time in the world and still decide to play games and post on Sup Forums instead of doing anything productive

I still haven't played Witcher 2 and 3, even though I already bought them (Witcher 2 years before and Witcher 3 earlier this year) just because I haven't finished Witcher 1 yet (I reached the part where you get teleported to a different island but I haven't continued my playthrough for months).
