Was this kino?

Was this kino?

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I actually really liked dxmd and I don't think it deserves all of the hate that it got

I actually thought it was the second best in the series, Human Revolution brainlets need to stop living

memelords need to stop living

>Why couldn't there have been more complexity in its narrative besides literal SJW-tier bullshit?
you clearly haven't played the game

MD was pure shit, and its shitty narrative is symptomatic of our dying culture. There was way more depth in the original Deus Ex's story, but MD went the route of "muh augmented/Muslim persecution!" Why couldn't there have been more complexity in its narrative besides literal SJW-tier bullshit?

I think it's because the writers of the original Deus Ex, Sheldon Pacotti, had written some good hard sci-fi novels and is an actual intellectual. The MD, in all likelihood, was a dunce in comparison. The USA became increasingly anti-intellectual after 9/11 imo.

Anyone that likes HR or MD is a philistine cunt.

>Make a sequel
>Make it way shorter than the original game

>you clearly haven't played the game
I have played the game, nearly beating it, and the narrative always boiled down to a simple-minded conflict between x persecuted group and y group. There was no deeper complexity to it besides hinting at a shadowy organization using this conflict to their own advantage.

> There was no deeper complexity to it besides hinting at a shadowy organization using this conflict to their own advantage.

you weren't paying enough attention then

Although its short, and has shortcomings, its still really enjoyable, great replay value aswell.

you can't have a game that's the length of the original deus ex with the level of detail that modern games need

>you weren't paying enough attention then
I was. Listen, the game's narrative sucked ass. This is a fact. It had no deeper nuance besides reducing practically every conflict to polarized groups fighting. It's more reflective of the current state of American retardation than it is of how politics really works. The original Deus Ex touched on substantive, deep themes whereas MD was pure shit. Anyone who disagrees has a mind of filth.

Let me just give examples.

DE touched on these themes:
1) On whether the growth of private sector has more negative repercussions compared to public sector.
2) Whether the system of checks and balances fosters a robust democratic system or gets bogged down in human incompetence.
3) The nature personal identity and indiscriminate surveillance
4) How the commonfolk operate based off narratives engineered by the upper eschelons
5) The nature of our system of taxation being used for social engineering...
and much, much more that isn't reducible to simple-minded conflict between polarized groups like MD

Wasted potential

Maybe you are thinking of the very first game, i was talking about HR

ah right yes so you weren't paying attention

>talking down an optimistic messiah figure trying his best to help as many people as he can (in an office littered with the same rrenaissance decor as HR, representing the optimism and golden age of technology and humanity found inside of it), while the sun literally and figuratevly sets on the DX world at the last hope for a good ending is snuffed out and the civilization spirals down towards the dystopic hell-hole of DX1

Best moment of AAA gaming in the last 10 years desu

this, he was truly the last hope for humanity, fighting his best to achieve that wonderful transhumanist dream

then he gets killed off because the DX world can't have good people in it

I hope the next game lets us pal around with our AI waifu desu

I did pay attention. Simply including Illuminati isn't enough to have a good plot on the level of the original.

I hope the next game has Jensen caught between the Juggernaut Collective, MJ12 and the regular Illuminati. The canon ending should be Jensen being tricked into working with MJ12

Let down compared to HR's convo battles. Sarif's battle was one of the only times the game gave me options to say EXACTLY what I wanted to say

>tries to help all augs
>brought down by that which made him human
Poetic desu

But it's longer than HR...? How about you actually explore the hub instead of rushing through the main story.

>How about you actually explore the hub instead of rushing through the main story.

u wot


Everything to do with Golem City was Kino, fucking amazing. Talos Rucker acknowledging and thanking me for not killing a single one of his men felt great.

It wasn't bad. The story did drag on a bit, and ended right as the story started kicking off.

Biggest shame is we won't be getting a new one for quite some time.

Square claims it sold like shit, as well as a few other titles that released this year, but claimed FFXV sold like hot gold, but personally, I call bullshit and think they fucked their numbers around in favor of their in-house IP.

more reason to go full machine

>get some robotic augmentations to make life less painful
>a bunch of jealous bitches treat you like shit
>the elites upload a virus and force people with augmentations to go berserk
>somehow you're at fault
>jealous bitches get to drop all pretenses and treat you like an unperson

the minute we have augmentations IRL I'm just going to go full machine and put myself on a separate network

this game was horrible

Why is "kino" memespeek for "cinematic", now? Y'all just lazy, or what?

im gay

Dr Kavanagh, I'm Belltower.

im straight

>Square claims it sold like shit,

It's literally the only game I preordered last year

they're bullshitting - the real reason it got canned was because the narrative team got way too close to the sun with the whole "mechanical apartheid" shit

square's investors freaked the fuck out and killed game 3 because they thought the political implications were going to wreck the profitability of other square games if for some reason people didn't like an aspect of the politics of the game and boycott it and other square games

this. MD surpassed HR in every way.
epic memes dude.

MD felt way too short. Thanks SE for dividing a whole game in 3 parts
>Game Divided

>DX1, 2 and HR: Travel around the world finding the truth abound the masters behind the shadows and make choices that alter the future of the world
>DXMD: some terrorists bombed a trainstation in prague idk go there and catch them or something.

MD's only real flaw is a focus on side-content rather than the main mission. But the gameplay is 10/10, theres a ton of replayability.

HR only had like 2 hubs

But... You know why the game was this way, don't you?
You figured it out, right?

Yes because Square wanted to slice the game in 3 parts. which isnt a excuse. Besides part 2 and 3 we'll never get anyway

>Golem City wasnt made into a hub but instead its just a A to B mission used once in the game

fuck off back to Sup Forums faggot

It says something when the biggest gripe I often see is that there isn't enough of it. Game is way too short.

Still, the side quest involving the serial killer and Eliza were 11/10.

There was a hublike part that was fucking great but the whole thing ends up being wasted

Still I liked MD a lot

Game was fantastic, but simply needs a sequel, since the story was le nothing.

I explored pretty much all places, and yes, there was a lot of content... in the form of items everywhere, I had like 25 neurosomething at the end of my run. Also, only 1 boss, and 1 hub

It wont get a sequel because square scared everyone off with the cancerous business practices so it sold like shit. It's sad because the actual game is really good.

I thought it wasn't about politics and more how Square wanted to milk/split Mankind Divided into three parts?

Once they saw the sales they stopped putting money in it

That and the fact they got the Capeshit license. Making Avenger spinoffs is probably more profitable.

Never mind all the people force to augment for work related reasons and having to be dependant on neuropozyne, thus becoming a slave.

>Square sells off IO and the Hitman license
>Leaves the Deus Ex franchise dead in the water while focusing on capeshit
Well, atleast the IP cant fall into the hands of EA or something.

In the current year EA wouldn't be much worse than Square Enix to be honest

Square has put out some good/decent games or re-releases etc.

EA is... yeah nah.

Latest Hitman was decent, Sleeping dogs was pretty good but thats been a few years ago already
On EA's side only titanfall 2 was somewhat decent.
But overall I didn't mean the quality of the game but the shitty business practices they employ.

y-you do realize hitman is now ubi property?
and deus ex will soon be sold off

>now ubi property
livercancer or lungcancer its still cancer