Time for another Yakuza thread

Time for another Yakuza thread

Post your favorite:
>Karaoke song
>Non-Kiryu Playable character

Just played Kiwami through 4. Burt the fuck out. Ill play 5 before 6 releases next year.

There are other Yakuza games besides 0 and Kiwami? This is shocking news to a trendy in the know gaymur such as myself.


I just finished Kiwami and 0.

Gonna emulate 2.

Can I play 6 with these games played or would it ruin the story? I don't have a PS3.

just buy one used

What is the matter my fellow Sup Forums browser? I was quite perplexed at this news. You see, I only started playing Video games in 2013. So Yakuza is quite new to me. I enjoyed 0 very much. I would put it up there with MGS5 (My first metal gear game) as my favorite video game :)

>Machine Gun Kiss

>Can I play 6 with these games played or would it ruin the story?
It'll be OK. There might be a few minor references you will miss, but Yakuza games are self contained and aren't spoiled from playing out of order.

Fuck off Joe

Oh, Rikiya, you were a real mans man.

Dead threads. See you in March.

Just about to start 0.

It'll be the first Yakuza game I've ever played- what should I expect?

You're about to have the most fun you've ever had in a game set in the 80's

no that's way too long

don't die pls

pretty good taste shitposter-kun

So why exactly was Majiima just cool with Shimano at the end of 0?

what else was he supposed to do?

One minute your friend has you at gunpoint because he'd rather live with killing you rather than letting you get captured and tortured, the next minute you're having a dance battle with Michael Jordan after having protected him from zombies


I love the sheer amount of content 5 has

I wish it was easier to find its OST on youtube, I'm trying to find the track that plays when you battle the Mountain God

He was pretty infamously exiled for insubordination and Shimano had him on a leash either way, playing by his rules was pretty much his only way to rejoin the Tojo, and his civilian life would've been a living hell too since Shimano/the Omi had eyes on him