Post bad games with good art design

Post bad games with good art design

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You're honestly pathetic.

Team Fortress 2

who are you quoting

a strawman


>Bethesda tier puzzles

It wasn't meant to be a puzzle, it was just a combination lock basically.

The game pushed Ken Levine into taking a break from game development.
Also Infinite is the worst Bioshock game with a lot of downright bad design decisions.


Stop sprouting this bullshit "MUH FALLACY" at every argument you receive. You don't even know what a fallacy is. FYI, it's an error in a logical proposition. For instance:
>Chickens are birds.
>Some birds can fly.
>Therefor, chickens can fly.

That's what a fallacy is. There is no fallacy in a casual conversation/discussion in an imageboard that is not trying to take any proper logic into the argumentation and which only objective is to have some fun.

>The game pushed Ken Levine into taking a break from game development.
Can you elaborate?
Did the workload drive him crazy, or was he not satisfied with the final product?

How is tgis bad art design?

If anything the first Bioshock had bad art design

You'll have to make a more constructive answer instead of just saying "MUH BAD DESIGN DECISIONS". The critics and the huge majority of the players praised it for all those "bad design decisions".


Heavenly Sword

read the post again you fucking numbskull

How is Ninja Theory still alive?
They have never made a good game.


It's amazing how their games sell just enough for them to not die.

it's more of a 'meh' game, but i still adore BF1s take on some of the settings. except Soissons, it's just silly how they turned a whole countryside campaign into a large village for the tanks to smash through

>you are given the combination in order to get to the place
>hurr wow this is a shit puzzle

Um, sweetie

Oh look, another heavily scripted action game where 90% of the game is walking around doing nothing.

It's a little thing called "art" sweetie. xx.


I'll never understand why people disliked that game so much.


Yeah I noticed how pretentious the plot of Enslaved and DmC were as well.

They didn't but they feel the need to hate on it because their idol MatthewMatosis make a whole video criticizing the game, its story and people who liked it. People here treat this guy's opinions as a fact and will try to defend them in every way possible.

uhmm..This is action. Sweetie.

Dude. You made up an imaginary guy to argue against.

vomiting in 3 different orifices right now

Guild Wars 2 has a pretty cool "painted" aesthetic. It just sucks that the combat is so unsatisfying and the character building is shallow compared to the original.

Yeah. nothing to do with weapon limit, simpler level design, bullet sponge enemies, etc.



I can't stand Matthewmatosis either. If you're going to drone on and on and over-intellectualize a game, then don't do it in the most monotone voice with editing that has the charisma of a Microsoft Word literary essay.

I don't mind autistic, +1 hr long video reviews on games, but if you're going to do it, do it like how hbomberguy does it. His Fallout 3 review was pretty long, but it didn't feel like it.

>nobody posted Bloodborne yet


I don't dislike the game as much as Sup Forums does, but you gotta admit it has some pretty sick art


Are you retarded? Breath of the Wild is the complete opposite of what the OP asked for. It's a great game, with an underwhelming art direction.

>Infinite comes out
>Season pass and preorder bonuses
>2 weapon limit
>Guns are a downgrade from 2, so are plasmids
>Linear corridors with open areas with clear spawn point for enemies
>Even worse enemy variety than previous games
>Only new adition is Elizabeth and her bullshit story
>This is nothing like the trailers
>Plot does a 180 after the first half
>Ends up being complete crap
>Season pass gets you 2 1 hour mini campaigns where they shit on the story of Bioshock 1 and pretend 2 aka best one didn't happen

I playtested Bioshock Infinite for 6 months.

6 months of playing through the campaign day after day after day. 6 months of staring down every little lapse in reasoning from the mindless puppets you spend the whole game dragging around. 6 months of "he DOESN'T row". 6 months of shoving rounds of ammo into whatever fat sponge is thrown at you in the next tiny arena you've sauntered into. 6 months of unraveling how this mess came into being.

Not only is Bioshock Infinite a bad game, it is a game that killed my belief in multiverse theory. Fate is a real thing. We just call it cause and effect.

>Souls game

I'm excited about Artifacts if only for more lore and art. I hope at least they make good on that.

He forced the development team to basically remake the game several times because he kept changing the story.

hbomberguy is an SJW college-tier liberal who has no real knowledge about what he's talking about and has some very poor arguments, Neogaf-level arguments. He's much more pathetic than MatthewMatosis.


Worst game I've ever played...nice graphics

Not sure why we started talking about Youtube reviewers, but hbomberguy is very bad at making arguments.

You have an Arianism over this game is MUCH more autistic

Not denying any of that, but I still like his Fallout 3 review.

it's really mechanically poor


2 was so bad that i never finished itt. 1 was good though.

You're literally on the internet. You can google the spelling of words if you don't know them. You'd rather appear uneducated to save 5 seconds of your time?

Infinite had bigger problems than it's shitty story bud.

Final Fantasy 13, it looked so damn good but it was so shit.


They really should've made this an early next-gen release. I very much enjoyed the final game but goddamn they showed off too much stuff that'd melt a 360 before launch. The linearity was probably a consequence of the setting and the hardware at odds with each other. We SAW open environments and all this physics engine stuff in the pre-release footage and if next-gen happened sooner you can bet your ass that Irrational would've pulled it off spectacularly. The change to make it more linear probably also contributed to the late rewrite of the plot, since suddenly they had to cut back so much.

>Bloodborne art direction
>Generic victorian edgy setting
you can get those anywhere but soulsfag have played nothing but souls games

Shit taste.

Development was a huge fucking mess, and Irrational went bankrupt despite the games "success"

that game on Very Hard (or whatever the hardest difficulty was called) was the definition of artificial difficulty
fuck that ghost boss fight

came here expecting this.
good job user



Its shit you faggot

Devil daggers is great
git good


>bad games
Pic not related

Here you go

>good art design




veee hates every game post 2005.


I actually got involved with the story, I actually cared about her. No other game was able to get me emotionally involved, ever.

And you didn't realize how badly writen she is?

Not my fault if you didn't get the story.
Wasn't even that difficult either.

I'm talking characterization you nigger.
She spent her whole life on a tower withou any human contact, she didn't even know who Comstock was. She should be extremely introverted and shy but she is a Disney princess, it makes no sense.


So what? Disney princesses are also Disney princesses, doesn't mean their movies are badly written

I miss when Sup Forums make funny meme

The one Disney princess even close to how Elizabeth was raised was Rapunzel, and even she is more believable than Liz.

>he doesn't row
what does that mean?


>more believable
Not that much, also wasn't the Frozen girl also left in a castle or something?


Isn't good art design all you need for a game to be "good" nowadays ?

The art design in BS3 is solid, but not good by any means. It's basically "muh floating city" and that's that. They could have done so much more.

It's the other way around, tumblr/CALARTZ shit is not good art design.

destiny has a fantastic aesthetic dummy

In the intro, Lutece_F questions why Booker is never the one to row. Lutece_M responds by saying he doesn't row. Lutece_F asks "He doesn't row?" in confusion. Lutece_M responds with "No, he DOESN'T row." meaning to imply that in the literally infinite realities, one of the "constants" is that Booker never rows.

To me, it just highlights the issue of why the whole "constants and vatiables" concept is nothing more than a cheap way to use multiple realities as a Deus Ex Machina. You don't need to explain anything if you hide behind a mysterious excuse.

Yes. But she had servants and her sister always pestering her.

You know, multiple people to actually talk to. Which would help develop speech.

I will concede certain heroes like Tyto and The Margrave are p. cool

>Model not even fully textured.
Wowie zowie

I'm open to someone explaining to me why Booker DeWitt is fated to always be Comstock when infinite universes with infinite possibilities exist. It's one of the only big hang-ups I have with the story.