ITT: Subtle video game clothing

ITT: Subtle video game clothing

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If Todd paid you an hourly fee to wear that in public would you?

Knowing Todd you'd probably be the one paying him for the privilege.

He wouldn't have to pay me

I'd wear it for free if I didn't have to pay for the shirt.

I'd probably just wear it anyway. It's pretty funny

I would, I need the extra cash


Sublety is my middle name.

>in public
Do any of you Sup Forums users even go out in public?

Hell i would pay him

Todd wearing a todd shirt edit when?

There is one. I had it but deleted it by accident I think. It was great.

Fuck off todd


Here is a quick and dirty just for you.


i don't understand this.

i mean, in classic final fantasy there's usually very little different from one level to the next, and not only that, you don't level up in combat, so telling the person you're fighting next that you're close to leveling up is pointless.

There are action rpgs where leveling up can return you to full health and MP, therefore making it easier to fight multiple enemies, but again, telling the first person you're fighting this fact isn't that threatening, and has nothing to do with classic final fantasy.

There are games where leveling up can suddenly give you access to major ability upgrades, but again, not final fantasy.

In fact, the genre that to my knowledge best fits the shirt is actually MOBAs.

shut up virgin, before i level up on you


i'd do it for free since i got his game for 'free" :^)

Have any anons here ever order any shirts from RedBubble? I really like some of the designs I've seen on there but I'm a little wary on the quality of the prints.

I didn't know I needed this in my life until now

We need to go deeper

>In fact, the genre that to my knowledge best fits the shirt is actually MOBAs.
wow that's a young poster


>not bein a faggot
Fuckin fag

When I have to.

Todd wearing a shirt of Todd wearing a shirt of Todd wearing a banana-hammock with a picture of The Todd from scrubs on it?

>Using the current year

the internet is a form of public. just because you don't have to show your gross fatness doesn't mean we can't tell how retarded you are.


would wear.


No user.

I'm too scared

I'll do it then


I suggest you set this as your desktop background, you won't regret it either ;)

Oh, neat. They made Todd 1:1 scale on the shirt.

I wanna see a dude wearing cute vidya socks


Delete this

>mfw i didnt got the special edition


le reddit


>be me
>6 years old
>i look in the mirror
>i am fallout 4
>i am the elder scrolls online
>i am Todd Howard

thinking about getting this


I'd do anything for money desu

I have. The prints are great, I still wear the Daft Punk shirt I bought from them like 6 years ago. Just be advised that their shirt sizes are really wonky. You'll want to order one size smaller than you actually are.

seems good dude, not obvious or forced

can second that the shirts are good quality, but sizes are fucked. Also, wait till they have one of their sales, you get like half off or some ridiculous shit like once a month.

Anything eh? Heh heh

I like it


Alright cool, thanks.

would wear. it looks like an ordinary cutesy shirt to the uninitiated and would be a conversation piece to people who get it, because they'd still have to stop and think about it for a second. successful subtle vidya clothing

This is actually not bad

What the fuck, this isn't the image I posted, I posted a cat giving a thumbs up. I don't even have this image on my computer. I also can't post my original image because it says a duplicate file exists.

I guess that image swap thing really does happen...

Literally best post ever made

Fuckin ell

I'm genuinely considering getting this.


would be better in not brown and with brewster either not there or using the same three colors as the rest of the shirt

saw this one in the last thread and picked it up on a Buy One Get One sale through the site user linked me. Thoughts on the combination?

it would look really good in dark green

>that goofy tattoo
Also I don't get it, someone wanna enlighten a brainlet?

Just got one of these bad boys. You think anyone will get the reference?

>buy my merchandise

Not vidya but a great shirt to wear.

Very few people get the reference these days, but those that do are usually as interested in it as I am.

Anything over $1/hr and yes


>thumbs not bleeding
I don't believe it.
Is there a Star Wolf version?

The image swap thing normally only applies to the thumbnail doesn't it? Usually you click on the image and it actually shows the original.

Also, how has this not been fixed yet? I'm always paranoid when posting images that Im going to get an image swap with some porn on another board and get banned


>Benis :-DD
id wear it

I'm not 100% sure how exactly it works, all I know is I've never seen that image before. This is the one I posted.

I don't get the second one in the second row.

>tfw I have work in 26 minutes

I'd wear the Automatic Killer shirt.


It seems > stole your image.

Go call him a faggot.

its from a trap doujin

Pomf isn't bad

No it isn't


>look like a fucking retard to anyone who recognizes it.
>looks like a fart joke to anyone who doesn't.
>not bad.

Done and done.

not that guy but it does look like its from this


does this count?

cos I already own it




This more specifically

now post the 3 webms


Damn,thats fucking impressive